Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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When I talk to you about Tube amps, I make tube amps for ME. By the way. I need to test this DX-AMP.

Some FRIENDS asked me what schematic is good to we build. I ask to them about the DX AMP and I'm thinking to help them to make the DX AMP.

Don't be confused. I will make one DX amp for me too. To use in a future subwoofer.

I like tubes, I like solid-state. I like MUSIC.

I won't build Aksa, none of the two billons of different schematic that you speak that is Aksa.

Best Regards,

Não sei o que você tem contra mim, espero descobrir.
One more have constructed the Dx Amplifier.

Those folks are from a group of friends joined into Orkut... all brazilian good friends are there building Dx Amplifier, and supplies and studying amplifier design, and producing comparison testing.

My Orkut had 300 people... i have made a cleaning related folks not well prepared or the ones not addicted to transistors.... this was made to reduce the group and allow me to teach them to create amplifiers and how to produce A to B testing.

Now a days, the group has 30 folks...of course the removed ones are not very happy.

Inside my Orkut the thing works alike school class..there are homework and once each time is the must be leveled in know be able to teach things too.

Here, into the pic, one more Dx Amplifier.




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No és verdade!.... this is not truth... i am not selling

We had a group buy, without profit, created and managed by Nordic (Nico Daneel)...but it is almost closed now a days.... Nico is busy with new home and other things to do.

Into the Group buy more than 120 boards were delivered to forum folks... price was the board manufacturing cost, parts cost and mail to destination.

HRII and Precision I was delivered last year.... and some boards remain beeing sent back the beginning of this years too.

You can try this adress and ask boards.... i do not know if Nico is reading our forum, seems he is travelling without his laptop computer.

You can find into Greg home page a lot of informations about those amplifiers, they are still beeing produced, by amateurs, Diyers in Brasil, but nothing made as business for a while.. into Greg Home page you have layout and all needed informations to build if you want...of course, Hermano, i will be very happy to see our Argentine neigthboors around this amplifier...for sure i will!

We had a site that is not working now a days..... maybe maintenance.... i said Nico not more needed..that he could delete if he want, because the "interest season" related the Dx Amplifiers are beeing reduced to zero... the ones interested already have folks searching for new more brand new it is old alike it's tophologie.

Was good that Greg Erskine decided to keep the home page there without delete, some folks already need those condensed informations we can have there...thank you once again Greg.


Ahahahha!.... not a surprise they are building

I have opened a hard and non Democratic forum into Orkut.... and i said:

- "All rigth, you love audio, you build things, you want to learn how to design (force to operate) simple amplifier.... no problems... you are "IN"...but you have 72 hours to build, or will be kicked out from here... this place (my Orkut) is for builders..if you want only to talk or discuss, search another place!"

So.... everybody has built, they want to learn, and they are, how to "force transistorized stages to operate together"

Autocratic place (build or die!)... but works!

i just completed the whole thread reading yep whole 229 threads.

looked at carlos's youtube videos damn the dx standard has some quality bass.

i think i start off with some thing really simple like the dx standard but only got 22 vac transformer = 31vdc which is 6 volts less than recommended voltage.

But i do have a large transformer also very heavy it is a antrim (08494), (28734) type AT34 7/93.

2x43 ac and other 2 pair of extra wires and primary wire pair.

43vac x 1.414 = 60vdc x 1.25 = 76 voltage caps i got 2 80 volt caps 6800uf. would this work with the dx turbo amp.
i dont know which to pick carlos you choose for me dhr or dx turbo

i am not really fussed as long as i have one of your designs to listen to.

three pairs ? (which one is third pair) i know the antrim has two pairs which are 43 but third pair ?
i dont know if the other two pairs are secondary i think they were ground wires from the transformer.
or did you ment three pairs of them transsisters and it will work fine with antrim transformer. but i can i use two of these boards for two channels.
Three pairs of output transistors when using 60 volts simetrical DC

Power will go to 400 watts into 3 ohms.... more transistors, more condensers will be needed.

If i can remember, Dx Turbo was using 2 output pairs and 50 plus 50 volts DC... and power was lower than this one you want to build using 60 plus 60 volts DC.... because of this big transformer.

The Dx Standard can work with 30 volts, or 31 volts without any problems.

The DHR turbo is another amplifier, and uses higher supply voltage, produces higher power and sounds better than the Dx have a very small thread about it here:

If you want to build a supply, using this higher voltage transformer you have, the one will give you around 60 volts plus 60 volts... a much better idea is to try the DHR turbo instead to make modifications into the Dx Standard to face 60 volts or to tweak the Dx Turbo to face 60 volts.

Because of the power you gonna have, consequence of 60 volts plus 60 volts supply, you gonna needed, the minimum of 3 output pairs of power transistors, or 6 units of 2SC5200 and 6 units of 2SA1943....each one of them using it's own emitter resistance and the base stop resistor obbeying the schematic.

Around 20.000uf each rail will be needed to operate into 4 ohms and more than 300 watts RMS of output power.... to operate using 8 ohms only you can reduce this value of capacitance to 10.000 plus 10.000uf or higher.

The High Resolution Turbo thread is a small one.... read it to have more informations about... it is the one produces the best sound compared to all other amplifiers i have made..... the idea was to produce power only, without bother too much with astounding quality of audio reproduction... was a surprise that has beated other amplifiers i have made..including Precision 1 and HRII too.


Amplifiers published was:

Dx Standard, the Dx Amplifier, 100 watts RMS powered using 35 plus 35 volts...into 4 ohms, sinusoidal continuous tone into the input..unclipped output power.

Dx HRII, 80 watts RMS when powered using 35 plus 35 volts ...into 4 ohms, sinudoidal continuous tone into the input, unclipped output power.

Dx Turbo, more than 200 watts RMS, when powered using 50 plus 50 volts, into 4 ohms, sinusoidal continuous tone into the input, unclipped output power.

Precision 1 ... minimum off 300 watts RMS, when powered using 64 plus 64 volts, into 4 ohms, sinusoidal continuous tone into the input, unclipped output power.

Dx High Resolution Turbo.... from 350 to 400 watts RMS... i do not remember have charts into the thread informing power and voltages.

All those amplifiers reaches maximum power when excited with 750 milivolts RMS of audio into the input.... and this is, of course, modified changing value of a resistance as all threads have informed deeply.

Others amplifiers were tried but not launched to be built... a lot of custom supplies were used, and for sure into the Dx Amplifier you have the option to use 60 volts or something around that.... amplifiers were adapted, customized, adjusted to special cases..unfortunattelly, do not know why, people that asks for custom supplies normally do not day i will discover the reason why those things gonna find several, and only a small part of them has built the customized amplifiers adapted to special voltages.

Maybe they trust the most into amplifiers other guys has made too... so they want to have the "same as other guy has"... that human feeling to "belong" to be part of a group that has the same characteristics.... this is a "call" we feel from our ancestors... the group around the fire.... all them sharing the same thing.... that's nice!


Dx Orkut group is now creating new amplifiers

This one made by André Squizzani, from Goiás (around Brasília)

they have learned how to force amplifiers to work... another kind of simplified design.... adjusted listening...using only Dc calculations and rules of thumb.

Now the Dx inspired series are born... sorry, he do not want to show his amplifier schematic, do not know if this is because he is shy or selfish.... who knows?




Last youtube short movie:

Dx Corporation, the only one audiovisual into the whole forum!


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