Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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i have a black out here, a transformer, down the street Have exploded....

lol, maybe all your neighbors have built Dx turbos !

Updated schematic correcting the 2 error and including coil details :)

Board dimensions are 99mm x 78mm, free eagle cad standard.


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Very good...and thank you dear Ecat.

You are great,.....nice cooperation.

I am lucky...i have you, Greg, Nico and Klaas..those are always helping me with layout and schematics.

Well.... Greg Erskine reserves a statue into Dx Corporation entrance Hall.

Graham, Alex Kethel, Hugh Dean.... well..those are always suggesting things, correcting errors, helping me into electronics.

Ahahaha...and Microp...Arnis Brolishs..this one make me happy with his enthusiasm.


This other one dear Ostry

Everything checked dear Ostry... only those details.

I have to check, once again, if there are failures into the is simulating fine.

And also working perfectly the is sounding great.

Guaranteed... many times superior...vastly....superior related the Dx...and i think that Dx standard sounds fine...this one is great!




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With this new HR II, you can invite your friends to bring equipments to compare with

your High Resolution II

They will loose....can call me Shirley if happened different than that.....they will loose!

You can even make kiddings..telling them in a very proud and terrible way:

_ "Bring your junk man.... hold your trash here to compare with my beautifull amplifier"

Ahahahhaa.... the worst, even beeing so bad, even not deserving because very snobish...even this will win!

This is a Corporation Triple Guarantee..... Will sound better, will smash completelly, other amplifier will sound disgustint.






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Pozdrawian for you too.....Ostry, it seems something is strange related your

zener diodes into the rail regulator.

I am using this one...seems 30 volts or 32 volts...i do not know exaclty because i have measured it hot..and the voltage was wrong that moment.

But the voltage there, for those zener, can be something 3, 4 or 5 volts lower than your supply rail voltage.




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Pozdrawian already told you, i suppose

That C25 is a treble boost i use because my speaker has losses in treble...also my home acoustics.

So...this one you can remove, or, you can try if you like it.

It boost high frequencies...not really needed when you have a perfect ballanced speaker and room acoustics.

Even without this capacitor.... HRII will eat thousands....and into the breakfast...and for sure.... triple guarantee.

Bring the others to compare and start the session laughing LOL.

I have not perfect acoustics in my home....i think will be low the quantity of people that has that in their home...very expensive to prepare a room acoustically, double walls, double ceiling, space of air...rubber cushions, concrete construction, dimensions, carpets, reflection absorbers type sonex and all stuff..very expensive.


I've used these diodes just to have proper footprint for the PCB, I know that those I put onto schematic wouldn't be good ;)

Darkfenriz: jedynie skopiowa³em schemat, który zamie¶ci³ Carlos, nie symulowa³em tego uk³adu, poza tym przy moim aktualnym stanie wiedzy nie jestem w stanie zauwa¿yæ takich rzeczy "na oko" ;)



The last full circuit contained line regulators.
I had heard about these, but not how they have been implemented.

These will limit maximum output by several volts, and thus would be worse than having large rail capacitors connected after the rail capacitors.

I had another comment here relating to the 15nF capacitor on the NFB line but things change so fast here I have deleted it.

I prefer a flat power amplifier response, and either use low level line input frequency response shaping, or correct the LS to match the listening room.

Cheers .......... Graham.
Thank you Ecat...the real treble boost is C17..... not C25 as i have said.

The correction, dear Graham, is more expensive than a small capacitor into the circuit.

I need better tweeter driver, and also to change the audition room...the listening room need new furniture...well...sometimes the cheaper solution is used.

A better tweeter, sometimes produces, or reproduces, more noise too... because of that i jumped to the capacitor that produced the solution very fast, and very cheap too, as the capacitor (152) was rolling into my junk box praying god to be used.

The series line regulator has not feedback, because of that, is not 100 percent stable, but can hold voltage into the current resulted of the multiplication of Ib by the transistor gain.... the current is near 2 miliamps there, only that... base resistance has a drop of 5 volts, or less than that.... transistor gain is around 100.... till 200 miliamps of consumption we can relax...voltage will be keept stable..will be the zener voltage reduced by the base to emitter junction.

The 220uf electrolitic condenser that is placed into the series regulator base, will appear into the output as 220 multiplied by the transistor work alike a 22000uF unit..... but i have placed another one into the rail, into the output of the regulator, was a 220uf..this is to avoid people's fear that i have forgot something there..... John Lindsey Hood have used that VBE capacitance multiplier...if not JLH, maybe Rodd Elliot have used.

The most terrible thing...that surprised me.... and already made me thing that sounded better...much better.... was clear to perceive into the bass, more tigth, more controled, more precise...very clear that.... a hell surprise i had there...... and i am still thinking about...i will change this many times, as i use to do, to repeat those pleasant moments when we make discoveries, when we learn things we did not knew before....i will repeat this..for sure...and will do that today, and many times, as i feel we fool ourselves,...we are biased, we have spectations about..and sometime we convince ourselves that some modifications result this or that way.

We are the worst enemie from ourselves when researching...our own self, pride, spectations..this is a hell to be fair, to be precise into hard that many folks jumped into measurements, to avoid those things.... as is hard to trust in our conclusions.

Have i conclude that, because:

- I had that idea?
- I had worked as an animal, of course some result was obtained....
- I had that nice idea..and using many parts..people like..may be good....

So, i think that there are psychologic problems around...perception problems and also political problems connected to some conclusion i had.... also i think other folks are not so different too.

This line regulator, even "eating" many volts that would be transformed in voltage swing that would appear into the output load, is attractive to many folks.... and this will make some guys decide to try the unit...and this is my "goal".... to share, to know other guys are being happy together me, listening that nice sonics...not good to be alone beeing the one had nice sonics.....not good..we are social beings...humans are that way...we had tribes, we share things, we complete one each other, we have sitted around the fire during mileniuns,...talking, sharing things and be alone is worst than hell!

The loss of power...we all know that means nothing.... or half of nothing....100 watts and 70 watts is hard to perceive the difference into human ears.... we have to multiply power by 4..or reduce by a factor of 4 to perceive some huge those losses are nothing.

Also..the amplifier was starting to distort into 80 watts.... more than that was not a perfect you can go 70 watts very clear...and this is the top power (depend your gain adjustment....if clever overdrive = no distortion) with a very clear only usefull watts are going to speaker.

Was an enormous "goal" that series line regulator.




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AndrewT said:
can you tell me where to find the sc5200 & sa1943 parts ?

Rapid or Dalbani.

Thank you Andrew, I use Rapid but I've never heard of Dalbani. However, I fear my question was unclear. It's not the physical parts I'm looking for, rather the component images for use within eagle cad. I'm using mjl's as place markers and having the correct depiction on the schematic would be nice.
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