Daphile - Audiophile Music Server & Player OS

I am a total beginner with terminal so is there any you could give me something to copy to input into terminal, I will change to ip address of server.
Sorry but I am learning, but slowly.

So first:
squeezelite -l
to see the devices, then
squeezelite -o 'default' -s ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-SERVER -n laptop -z
where ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-SERVER is the address of the server/daphile machine.
[Once it is running, the web page should show "laptop" as one of the two choices in the pull-down menu in the upper right corner - select that, and select something to play.]
Got nearly as far as that. Is the web page, Daphile in browser. Upper right corner has no pull down menu.

Is the web page you opened the address of the server with :9000 at the end? What do you have in the upper right corner?
OK, that's the problem. First kill the old squeezelite with:
killall squeezelite
, then restart but replace ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-SERVER with the actual address.
julf that is brilliant total control from laptop and playing from laptop. You are brilliant, thank you very much for your patience.
I am learning too, I love Daphile even more now.
All the best thyristor44