DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

@dWhitney Did you use exactly the type for logic parts? It must be HCT type. If is something different (like AHCT or ACT or HC or LS) it will not work 😢

I highly recommend for using CPLD converter here. You can do it easily: https://electrodac.blogspot.com/p/i2s-to-tda1541a-converter-tutorial.html
That way you bypass all the logic (you can cut out the logic ICs (with pliers, pin after pin) and glue the CPLD converter on top of that and use a few wires to connect it. It will 100% work bit-perfect 😉
Ah, yes, in Pola, beautiful italian city 😀 for sure Croatians keep it much much better than italians, so happy that it is now HR...

So, this is my last iteration, ready to go?

board is 66x44mm
If I had known it was like that, we would never have returned Trieste to Italy 🤣 🤣 .

Let's try it, but before that, pull out the HV from under R12 and connect it immediately to R1.


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@diyiggy Do you need only a few additional BCK cycles? If so, you can add the cycles here:
Line 152: if (cntOB >= 2) AND (cntOB < 18) AND (inLRCK = '1') then
if you change 18 to 20, you will get +2 BCK ... I am not sure what happens if you change it to 34, but you can try 😀

Thanks miro, unluckilly I have no scope to check that and am not confortable to model from hard to VHL it after !

It is to try to implement it in order to try Thorsten Loesch reclocking after. A guy here Raptorligthning did it in the TDA1541A big thread (if I remember we talked about that here already), but the FGPA is the other brand we talked and 2.5 x 2.5 mm square size... Hence your bigger size FGPA is only what I can solder with flux but not littlier (I checked there is no through hole FGPA anymore, ahahah).

so if you say it stops the stops clock, I believe you ! 😀
If I had known it was like that, we would never have returned Trieste to Italy 🤣 🤣 .

Let's try it, but before that, pull out the HV from under R12 and connect it immediately to R1.
ok, let's go!
so, this is untested, for those who want to try... welcome !
It will last very very long before i try this...


Can you all point me in a direction to focus on. Thanks!
This Violet one burst is LE. But this LE is instructing DAC to convert datas alrady stored in register (by the BCK). So this LE is for the data prior to LE event, does not visibile on the picture...
The datas and BCK visibile on the picture are for next LE event, that coming in time, and that LE is not visibile on the picture...
And take a look at the LE for TDAs in Time Simoultaneous mode
They are different from AD/PCM dacs one is with fallen edge and other is from rising edge of LE
Also for TDAs in TS mode, MSB has to be inverted form Value in I2S. Check MSBs for L and R channel too vs MSBs in I2S bus...
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CPLD for TDA1541, Simoultaneous mode by @miro.
Image 1, yellow= LE, cyan= CLK
Image 2, yellow= LE, cyan= DATA_R or DATA_L
Image 3 & 4 with shift register for TDA1541 by @miro


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I think I found a solution, the data channel was shifted too far to the right by one clock. Now the signal is not perfect, but it works much better and there is no DC-offset at the output. Maybe it would be better with faster shift registers.


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I am thinking about using Miro PSU 2 with different regulators to provide +/-18v and +/-8v (The MC7xxx regulators are easy enough to source). Would there be some other component values (I'm guessing maybe resistors near the regulators) that need to change for this to work? Thanks in advance for any help.