DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R


Sorry for my noob excitement, but it's alive! This thing although with help of hifiberry is making me drop the jaw 😀 I must say I have not heard any decent Dac-s in higher price range so this is all new to me 😀


Temporarily there are 5 Diyers interested to buy Rhopoint resistor 1.5k together.
The 1st shipment to hk is 28 GBP and then ship to your country will be as a letter form with tracking number (as it is very small and can be post as a letter not as a parcel)
Normally from HK to Europe if this case is normally less than 6GBP.

Can you PM me again to confirm how many resistors you desired, then I will make a P.O. to Rhopoint by coming Thursday with Thanks

Best Regards,
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Little GB for Rhopoint 1.4K IV resistors

I have checked the local post office and if u stay at Europe, the total price should be less than 20 GDP for total cost of 2 Rhopoint Resistors

If more people join, the 1st shipment then can be shared by more Diyers. I will close up the GB on this Friday.

If interested, please send a PM to me for my further PO to Rhopoint