DAC 2496 (AK4393) DAC KIT With CS8416+AK4393+5532

"Hey, I'm a Believer"

I did the A/B between toroid and R-core with very pleasing results. It wasn't just my imagination. The difference clearly appears in both more clean air between the instruments and the trite phrase "removes a veil between the listener and the music"

I used the occasion as an excuse to download a small bundled 96/24 version of Shostakovitch Symphony No 9 from DH Tracks. It's got everything from sparkly bells to big brass and a giant bass drum. The toroid produced a sort of "ghost ringing" - and the beginning and ending of notes wasn't as accurate as the R-core. To my ears, the timbre of everything is simply closer to reality. The low notes retain their power and heft but are better focused using the R-core.

I'm convinced.:worship:


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Bob, thanks for sharing the results of your A/B test ! I should have asked about R-core vs toroids earlier on. I noticed Dario chose one way and a few builders chose the other, but I didn't think much about it. (And of course, I bought the toroid -- it looks more "audiophile" !! One of the joys of being a beginner, I guess ! )

Jean-Paul, you mentioned decreasing transformer noise using "ferrite cores and such." I'd love to hear more specifics, as related to a DAC build such as this. (I'm assuming a ferrite core can't make a toroid sound like an R-core, but I like to include refinements such a this when I can).

Also, just to say, it took me a bit to discern that "PE" was referring to "protected earth." Add that to the vocabulary lesson of the day, along with the venerable curmudgeon.

- Paul B.
Correct kit uses AK4396 DAC chip

So I am deciding to treat myself to a DAC build, with Dario's BOM. I've found a file: MINI2496 BOM.pdf, I guess that should be it - and can I use it for the: USB DAC CM102S+CS8416+CS4398+5532 board 24bit/96K sc, by zoe_tsang on eBay?

Hmmm.... no. Search for the DAC kit using the AK4396. It will state "AK4396 + CS8416," but the AK4396 is the DAC chip at the heart of this build (relatively recent design, by Asahi Kasei).

It is similar in appearance to the kit you mention, but the BOM won't work and the results won't be the same. (An AK4393 chip is also an option, but the AK4396 seems to be the better choice. Review early discussion on this thread if you want to view this discussion).

By several accounts on this forum, both zoe_tsang and along1986090 on ebay have proven to be reputable sellers of this kit. Ask them to be sure to solder on the SMD chips (if that's your preference). I thought mine board would come that way, but it didn't.

The PCB board should say "2496 mini ES" to be the latest board revision (see pics on previous posts). The R-core transformer offered with the kit should be 30VA, and is typically marked “AC4.265.5387.”

A few builders have chosen a different route, and have separate (usually smaller) transformers for the digital and analogue circuits of the board. I'm switching from a toroid to the R-core, which I purchased from along1986090 this week. (I guess I could use both transformers, but this seems like overkill to me).

Power supply circuits have been discussed a fair bit in this thread, and several builders have used the "Silas shunt" option to clean up the power. Dario has a "simplified shunt" circuit posted on the google docs page, and that's what i'm using for my build.

I trust this is helpful.

This is the R-core I purchased.

115V/230V 30W high quality Audio R-Core Transformer 15V+15V 9V+9V | eBay

Also - remember the board with surface mount chips can be ordered for around $12 plus ~ $6 shipping. I messed up my first attempt and was lucky enough to have not damaged the other parts. It's a good option for those who plan on using Dario's package. If it is not listed on eBay, just send the vendor an email.
Right, I think I'm ready to join the happy crowd of DAC'ers.

I have found an eBay seller who will supply the PCB with the following components:

3pcs 2200uF/35V Nichicon MUSE FG capacitors,
9pcs 10uF/50V Nichicon MUSE FG capacitors,
2pcs 220uF/50V Nichicon MUSE KZ capacitors,
1pcs 1uF/50V Nichicon MUSE FG capacitors,

Will this be OK?

I'm also struggling to find the latest version of the BOM.

Thanks you.
Thanks Dario,

I built the stock board a few months ago and I'm 99% done the second modded DAC (built according to your BOM). I know I can simply borrow the 2 inductors off of my stock board for the new modded one, but I'd like to be able to compare the two, back-to-back.

So for those of you who built from scratch, what did you use for L1. L2?
