Clarity on Seas Thor Kit

Well as the originator of this thread, you will all be pleased to know that I have finally had some time to do what I wanted to do 2 years ago.

More details comming


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    copy of copy of 3 cheez.jpg
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Here in South Africa, we have 16mm and 22mm as standards. The board you see is 22mm.

Cetainly about time! Can you imagine how I have been feeling every time i saw those poor drivers sitting their in their packing boxes.

Thought I would have a go at veneering them - Light cherry / natural cherry. Thought alot about that one and think the colour of the cherry will go well with the copper of the seas drivers.

Anyhow - A long day working on these monsters, so I am off to bed. Should be finished the construction tommorow, then time for a listen before finishing with veneer.

It has been encouraging to see all the others building their versions.

I am sure I don't have to say it, but thanks to all those that participated in this thread, even the protaganists :D ( I include myself amoungst that lot). Scott & Dave are real givers when it comes to this hobby. They spend alot of time researching and assisting others for projects they are not even interested in building themselves. Thanks guys
I'm done!








Inside the feet are jmangie73's updated XO:s :


And last but not least: What would Thor be without his hammer?
This is a reproduction of an ancient Viking artifact in bronze...:)


I'll get back to you with some listening impressions...;)
Scottmoose: WE DO! Thank you!

Hey, I like the snowflake background and Santa' hat.
About the speakers, they are going to take a while to break-in. Mine took around 200 hours to smooth out the barking tweets.
Perhaps it was psycho-acoustical in nature as the bass filled in about the same time. Hmmmmm. In either case exersize those woofers, make them move!
Most of all enjoy the fruits of your hard labor of love.
Congratulations, I KNOW you will Love'em.
My problem is now I have to upgrade the rest of my system to fully appreciate the Thors. LOL...what a shame.

Very nice job. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
