I will go with whatever you have for me 6L6, as long as it meets minimum specs.
Do you think that this is an acceptable case.
Do you think that this is an acceptable case.
Not so long ago, I came upon a DAC manufacturer in the Seattle area that had outsourced their production to the Far East.
They were smart about it though. Some of their circuits were potted. The stuff that was delivered to the factory purposely sounded like Sh!t. When it got shipped state side, the first thing they'd do was to replace the potted circuit assembly with the real stuff... and that got sold.
Meanwhile, they discovered ( not to their amazement ) that there were counterfeit products on sale.... and they sounded like Sh!t... of course.
They were able to trace them to their OEM manufacturer.
Another time I heard a story from Wind River... they make the vxWorks RTOS. A yearly "developer seat" is usually $10K.
So, someone at the Field Office got a call for support from some manufacturer in the center of the Middle Kingdom. The FAE ( support engineer ) could not identify the contract so he called back the West Coast to find out who the customer was.
As it turns out, someone in the Far East had hacked it and that manufacturer had 10,000 ( not a typo ) firmware developers working on that copy of the RTOS. You're talking LOTS of money.. .stolen.
Sorry, but I have NO respect for IP theft. If you can not afford it, then you should not have it, Period.
They were smart about it though. Some of their circuits were potted. The stuff that was delivered to the factory purposely sounded like Sh!t. When it got shipped state side, the first thing they'd do was to replace the potted circuit assembly with the real stuff... and that got sold.
Meanwhile, they discovered ( not to their amazement ) that there were counterfeit products on sale.... and they sounded like Sh!t... of course.
They were able to trace them to their OEM manufacturer.
Another time I heard a story from Wind River... they make the vxWorks RTOS. A yearly "developer seat" is usually $10K.
So, someone at the Field Office got a call for support from some manufacturer in the center of the Middle Kingdom. The FAE ( support engineer ) could not identify the contract so he called back the West Coast to find out who the customer was.
As it turns out, someone in the Far East had hacked it and that manufacturer had 10,000 ( not a typo ) firmware developers working on that copy of the RTOS. You're talking LOTS of money.. .stolen.
Sorry, but I have NO respect for IP theft. If you can not afford it, then you should not have it, Period.
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@grataku: NO, it is NOT antithetical. The idea is to have the guy who designed them around and he supports the cloning.
That is the difference.
No one in these forums, that I'm aware, is stealing IP from NP.
BTW- As I've noted earlier... I work as an engineer. My output is IP. You think there is no value in my thinking? You know, I think quite highly of NP because he supports the DIY movement. But before I went this route, I chased for ten years... TEN YEARS, a pair of used Aleph 2s or a Nak PA7 MkI. ( yeah, the ones in the lawsuit )...
That is the difference.
No one in these forums, that I'm aware, is stealing IP from NP.
BTW- As I've noted earlier... I work as an engineer. My output is IP. You think there is no value in my thinking? You know, I think quite highly of NP because he supports the DIY movement. But before I went this route, I chased for ten years... TEN YEARS, a pair of used Aleph 2s or a Nak PA7 MkI. ( yeah, the ones in the lawsuit )...
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Too judgemental. I have always dreamed of being able to deliver true hi-end sound to the less well heeled.
This shouldn't be an exclusive club for the rich. If it wasn't for the Chinese knockoffs I already own, I would give up on an affordable system for my apartment entirely!
This shouldn't be an exclusive club for the rich. If it wasn't for the Chinese knockoffs I already own, I would give up on an affordable system for my apartment entirely!
Sorry then, I do not agree with you. You need to live within your limits.
I will NEVER support the theft of IP. I work as an engineer and I have taken lots of classes at work on IP.
For one thing, it is against the law.
There are other ways to have an affordable system. My systems are an example... I have spent more than 45 years building them. Most of my stuff took YEARS to find in the used market... going back to 1975. Sometimes I bought used, on sale, b-stock and I spent an incredible amount of time and effort to find the stuff. I mean, years and years to find the component.... buying before the Internet...
Why? Because I couldn't afford it new and I was too busy, with kids, to build it myself.
But I never, EVER, thought of buying a knockoff. ( The Rawson caught me unawares ).
I went into the DIY Pass because NP supports it. Otherwise I would still be waiting for a pair of A2s.
Do you understand the satisfaction of getting something that you have been chasing for years?
Oh, the "club for the rich"... don't give me the class warfare here. You can get a used PL XA25 for $3000... and that's one hell of a great amp at a great price. Go to hifishark.com and look at it. Folks also sell DIY amps there. I got my F4 that way.
I think I better stop posting on this thread. I've said all I want/need to say about the subject. Time to go back to the caboose.
I will NEVER support the theft of IP. I work as an engineer and I have taken lots of classes at work on IP.
For one thing, it is against the law.
There are other ways to have an affordable system. My systems are an example... I have spent more than 45 years building them. Most of my stuff took YEARS to find in the used market... going back to 1975. Sometimes I bought used, on sale, b-stock and I spent an incredible amount of time and effort to find the stuff. I mean, years and years to find the component.... buying before the Internet...
Why? Because I couldn't afford it new and I was too busy, with kids, to build it myself.
But I never, EVER, thought of buying a knockoff. ( The Rawson caught me unawares ).
I went into the DIY Pass because NP supports it. Otherwise I would still be waiting for a pair of A2s.
Do you understand the satisfaction of getting something that you have been chasing for years?
Oh, the "club for the rich"... don't give me the class warfare here. You can get a used PL XA25 for $3000... and that's one hell of a great amp at a great price. Go to hifishark.com and look at it. Folks also sell DIY amps there. I got my F4 that way.
I think I better stop posting on this thread. I've said all I want/need to say about the subject. Time to go back to the caboose.
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What laws am I breaking as a consumer purchasing potential knockoffs from a country that is allowed to knockoff whatever they want?
OK, this is my last post in this thread...
It is against the law in the United States of America to manufacture and trade products that break copyrights and patents.
You live in the USA.
You are making the purchase in the USA.
You are making the import into the USA.
I am surprised that NP is not coming down on these imports but it may not be worth his time. Which is sad as the US Customs should be stopping these imports.
It is against the law in the United States of America to manufacture and trade products that break copyrights and patents.
You live in the USA.
You are making the purchase in the USA.
You are making the import into the USA.
I am surprised that NP is not coming down on these imports but it may not be worth his time. Which is sad as the US Customs should be stopping these imports.
I haven't seen or heard a peep from customs yet concerning the knockoffs that I have purchased. Have any of you heard of such for goods made in China?
And by the way the original manufacturers name is the only real violation that I can see here as the circuits, wiring and layouts differ from the originals.
And so far, they sound pretty similar.
And so far, they sound pretty similar.
You’ve got a lot of people here offering you help and more, and they are suggesting that perhaps buying the counterfeit cases is uncool.
You might want to listen to them.
You might want to listen to them.
I haven't seen or heard a peep from customs yet concerning the knockoffs that I have purchased. Have any of you heard of such for goods made in China?
You'd likely be shocked at how many billions of dollars in illegal goods cross our borders...
If you go by a particular lyric, that I happen to like a lot, but disagree with wholeheartedly.... "It doesn't matter what's right. It's only wrong if you get caught. If consequences dictate my course of action..."
More importantly, you've chosen a fantastic path. I hope you enjoy building and listening to your amplifier.
Years ago I joined this forum asking a similar question about a PASS 30A (I believe) I had found on eBay. I had specifically sought out a Nelson Pass design because I knew of his work, wanted a Class A solid state amplifier, but couldn’t afford anything used so I thought I’d try the knock off.
The members on this form, specifically 6L6 at the time who answered a ridiculous number of pm’s from me about parts questions, encouraged me to try building an Aleph J.
Many members also helped and guided me in what to buy, and helped me source out the parts. Denis Hui in my hometown matched and sold me the output transistors, and I saved to buy all the other items I needed. For me, it was quite gratifying to go through the build and end with a functioning authorized copy of a Pass amplifier which is still in use to this day of the amps I’ve built.
I think the difference is that I wanted to build something, respected the design, and Nelson for what he’s shared with the community. The OP just wants an “amp of Nelson design” and is fine with the knockoff which he seems to vehemently defend as being worthy of his money regardless of the fact that it’s not officially licensed. 6L6 has even tried to offer or appeal to you to listen to advice from others which seems to go unheard. So… maybe just buy the knockoff, and stop asking for help to build something you feel you’re entitled to. Just my two cents.
A sincere thanks to all the members on this site that love DIY, and are keen to help those that are eager to learn and build.
The members on this form, specifically 6L6 at the time who answered a ridiculous number of pm’s from me about parts questions, encouraged me to try building an Aleph J.
Many members also helped and guided me in what to buy, and helped me source out the parts. Denis Hui in my hometown matched and sold me the output transistors, and I saved to buy all the other items I needed. For me, it was quite gratifying to go through the build and end with a functioning authorized copy of a Pass amplifier which is still in use to this day of the amps I’ve built.
I think the difference is that I wanted to build something, respected the design, and Nelson for what he’s shared with the community. The OP just wants an “amp of Nelson design” and is fine with the knockoff which he seems to vehemently defend as being worthy of his money regardless of the fact that it’s not officially licensed. 6L6 has even tried to offer or appeal to you to listen to advice from others which seems to go unheard. So… maybe just buy the knockoff, and stop asking for help to build something you feel you’re entitled to. Just my two cents.
A sincere thanks to all the members on this site that love DIY, and are keen to help those that are eager to learn and build.
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One note on 18 vs 20v donut… If you go for a 20v donut you’ll need 35v psu caps. Bumping up to 35v caps adds a price premium x 8 caps. I’m going to guess the donut costs the same. Food for thought.
Then I guess it’s because you aren’t clear, we can’t have all understood wrong...maybe you just like to argue...You guys seem to be getting your wires crossed here. I am not buying the amp clone. I am building one from the parts being offered to me.
I’m out.
Good luck with your build.
No way, it is smaller than Dissipante 3U.The Chassis, sinks, transformers are possibly fine...
The thing is a blatant ripoff with clear intent to deceive by unauthorized use of a registered brand. It is a a hazard, a disgrace, not even close to a clone.... the amp clone.
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