CamillaDSP - Cross-platform IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc

Upon examination, the gain is changing relative to 44.1 on all the higher res files, maybe in a linear fashion.
This is exactly what happens yes. It's easiest to consider the low frequency gain of a fir filter, it's just the sum of all the coefficients. Resampling it to a higher sample rate basically inserts more samples between the existing ones, and this increases the sum by the new rate divided by the old rate.
Has anyone got this to work if you have a space in your user name?
Can't get the batch files to run for the GUI and thinking I need to make a new, space-free user
I get the error:

Ok, looks like everything is running
Trying to make a preamp and duplicate the settings I have now in my DSP amp
How do you make a DEQ?
DEQ = Dynamic EQ = PEQ with a compressor
So it will work as a PEQ up to a threshold then start to compress
I have a 70Hz NULL in the left speaker due to a bay window, so I fill this in with the right speaker
I don't have infinite power or excursion, so I set the compression so I don't overdrive anything

Just my 2 cents but I’ve never found the need for a USB isolator when using a RPi4 with well designed commercial USB DACs and interfaces. However, I also only use balance connections. This is based on listening as well as measurements at the amplifier terminals with the RPi4 in the chain showing no additional noise.

If you are using balanced connections with the MOTU UL I wouldn’t worry about an isolator unless you have a noise issue.

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There isn't an exact equivalent in CamillaDSP, but you should be able to build something reasonable with the existing things. One way could be to put in a mixer that creates a copy of the left channel. Then bandpass filter it at 70 Hz with a suitable q, and add a mixer that adds this signal to the right channel. And you can add a compressor before this second mixer, that makes sure the additional 70Hz signal doesn't get too strong.
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... There isn't an exact equivalent in CamillaDSP ...

... there isn't exactly an equivalent for CamillaDSP ...

As a New Years Eve statement, let me say that I (we?) had a very happy old year. CamillaDSP-wise.

So, thank you, Henrik.

Thank you for all your work you have done in 2024 for all of us CamillaDSP users, work in terms of ongoing refinements of CamillaDSP itself, and work in terms of user support.
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