CamillaDSP - Cross-platform IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc.

I've mostly got my head around the pycamilladsp nomenclature changes and can't wait to test out some of the new parameters like the config Title and Description fields.
I worked quite a bit on the documentation for the new version of pycamilladsp, but I didn't think of posting the link to it :)
It's published here:

There is just one thing I am unclear on. With the removal of active_config.yml what is the correct way to run camilladsp if you want to specify a configuration via the GUI? It seems like using "-s" to reference statefile.yml is the way to go but want to confirm.
Yes the new way is to use the statefile, -s. The old way with symlinks was clunky and didn't work on windows. With a statefile you can start camilladsp with just the statefile, andthen it will use the config file given in the statefile. If you give a config on the command line, that will override what you have in the statefile, so not recommended when you use the gui.
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I worked quite a bit on the documentation for the new version of pycamilladsp, but I didn't think of posting the link to it :)
It's published here:

Yes the new way is to use the statefile, -s. The old way with symlinks was clunky and didn't work on windows. With a statefile you can start camilladsp with just the statefile, andthen it will use the config file given in the statefile. If you give a config on the command line, that will override what you have in the statefile, so not recommended when you use the gui.

Thanks for the info. The statefile seems to work well. Only issue I am seeing is that I typically specify a gain of -40 in my service to ensure that CamillaDSP always starts at a low level. From the documentation below my understanding is that this -40 gain should be applied on CamillaDSP restarts, however this is not happening, and the gain reverts to the last volume position.


I've been testing out how V2.0 handles invalid configurations while using statefile.yml and have run in to some issues.

I find that when I attempt to load an invalid configuration (say for a DAC that is not connected), I get nothing in the log. Sometimes I can get CamillaDSP to run again by setting a valid configuration as active but not always. When I am unable to get CamillaDSP to run after applying an invalid configuration the only way to solve the issue is to delete statefile.yml. It seems like CamillaDSP is getting stuck with the bad configuration in statefile.yml and will not overwrite it, even when a valid configuration is set as active.

The initial volume and mute issue is fixed.

I'm trying to reproduce the statefile problems, but haven't managed so far. Can you give the exact steps you use to trigger it? What do you get in the camilladsp logs when it happens? There should be messages on debug level both when it read and writes the statefile.
The initial volume and mute issue is fixed.

I'm trying to reproduce the statefile problems, but haven't managed so far. Can you give the exact steps you use to trigger it? What do you get in the camilladsp logs when it happens? There should be messages on debug level both when it read and writes the statefile.

The log is erased when I load the invalid configuration, it is completely blank. Looking at this some more CamillaDSP goes offline when this happens and then cannot come back online. I have noticed that using "-w" in my service seems to make the issue go away because CamillaDSP will stay online, even if the config in statefile.yml is invalid.

As I don't get a log in the GUI when this happens I ran CamillaDSP from the command line. I started with a valid configuration and then switched to an invalid configuration which causes CamillaDSP to crash. Once it crashes I cannot restart it as shown in the log.

I also tried the same but using "-w" and that worked fine.

I think the learning here for me is I need to use "-w" when using the GUI/statefile. Is this expected behavior?



  • invalidlog.txt
    31.6 KB · Views: 40
  • invalidlog-w.txt
    100.1 KB · Views: 38
I have developed an automatic sample rate switcher for CamillaDSP.
Unlike gaudio_ctl, this tool is dedicated to updating the CamillaDSP configuration. It also automatically reloads a valid configuration after the playback device has been unavailabe for a while (e.g. when you switch the input of your DAC from USB to S/P-DIF and then back to USB).
Details and software are available on github.
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