Bybee Quantum Purifier Measurements and Double Blind Test

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Yes, SY, if your speculation was found to be correct, I would admit it. However, you offer no HARD PROOF, such as dissection to component parts or real materials analysis telling us what the device is specifically composed of, and if it significantly deviates from the description given by Jack Bybee, over more than a decade.
The moving target aspect is a new facit on this debacle, touche.

No, in true California eco-fashion, it's recycled. This was going on in my original measurements thread, nothing new here.

Don't know about the innards (not my spend, and since it didn't do anything that it was claimed to do, who cares?), but I did note that the leads were advertised as copper, but turned out to be steel. Well, if that's what was in that surplus lot, hey, you can spin a story to any sucker who notices.
You mean the stuff you refer to as "steel" when sneering at "midfi" components. It jumped off the table when a magnet was held nearby and stuck fast.

Hey, that can be your newest excuse- I destroyed the efficacy of the device by having them in a magnetic field! Feel free to use this with my compliments.
The resistors originally come from the factory that makes them with 'Copperweld' I am told, then for more discerning customers, Jack can cut off the leads and laserweld on either silver or gold leads for a slight improvement in sound quality, but they cost significantly more. I don't like laserweld personally, but Jack says that they do little harm in this location.
Then get the silver leads, sometime. I went and measured a whole set of devices that I have collected over the last 10 years or so. Some large ones are copper leaded, BUT have steel endcaps. The little guys like SY tested are COPPERWELD (look it up), you can see the copper cladding on the outside, and then an in-between size had mixed pure copper or Copperweld leads. ALL had steel endcaps, if they have endcaps.
Quibbling over copper and copperweld is not very useful.
My latest 'super' devices have copper, but steel endcaps. They are about the same size as the 'large' devices.
I bet all of those purified electrons get all bunched up at the welded joints. :rolleyes:

The addition of silver or copper leads to steel is pointless. Claiming that silver over copper or steel makes a difference in sound quality when all of the dissimilar bonds of copper, lead, steel, brass, etc... on out to the speaker, which probably has an aluminum voice coil is wishful thinking.

I really can't believe the nonsense that is being spewed.
The thing is that if Mr Bybee is dishonest about something as simple as the lead material why should anybody believe his other, more outlandish, claims?

At this point only hard and fast measurements and positive results of DBTs could possibly persuade me that there is anymore to them then fraud.
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