Best Gainclone Design is?

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Yes Peter,

Your reply, "What was the question".

GC, "I take P901`s speech as a joke".

I find the chip amp to be quite intriguing, and I find the discussion on this forum to be educational, inspirational and entertaining.

My "speech" was a tad disjointed and was intended to be a bit of tongue in cheek humour.
The intent also was to suggest my sense of being a bit overwhelmed, being new to all of this.
(The myriad directions that the forum takes in explaining the performance, component selection, quality of output, etc).
(The gentleman making the "breakthrough" discovery of listening to his music by passing power through the heating pipes, marvelous !!!)
My nature is of a person who must "begin at the beginning", this goes to the section of my previous email as to the quality of the electrons I "produce" with my 6MW generator at the power plant.
Recently I have come across a piece of information that indicates that all electrons are something on the order of 13.4 billion years old. (Have I started at the beginning?).

How shall we "passivate" our electrons within the power supply?
We know how to reduce the AC ripple, the "ringing" of the diodes, etc., comment has been put forth that the reason we use a relatively small capacitance in the power supply is so that the power will remain "fresh".
(This last is only offered as a journey of thought, where to we begin/end).

If, the human body is analogue, chemical/electrical unit.
The "machinery" in between the original musical performance and the point of being delivered to the section of our mind that can realize the music, (electrons, amps, atmosphere/humidity, ears, inner and outer, nerves to brain to gratification center, Amygdala?, have I described the envelope of this process?),

how shall we reach minimalism with highest fidelity?

My reasoning,
Can we have a chart showing the full spectrum analysis of the original performance we require, then an analysis of the final product of our constructed system, compare the net degradation, put a number to this degradation and then decide whether this number crosses the line in the sand of acceptability.

Just trying to start at the beginning before starting my construction.

With the information I have available I do find Peters design, (the one with the vertically mounted toriod, chip mounted to the massive copper block, to be quite engaging.
The goal.
The choices remain to select speaker, playback mode, (CD probably), without the ongoing "chasing" of an audio enlightenment.
I do understand that people grow and change, tastes mature, components evolve, but can we construct a system that consistently performs with an accurate level of fidelity and keeps us from the aching to achieve the last percentage of perfection at the point of diminishing returns?
Andrew (P901),
I think I understand. It'll be a long and interesting journey for you than. And I'm sure you'll find the answer for yourself. I think the answers to your questions are as many as the people on this earth/2 (I guess it's possible that at least two people share the same opinion). I suggest concentrating on what YOU think/feel about it based on your experience when listening to music through different equipment.

" I do understand that people grow and change, tastes mature, components evolve, but can we construct a system that consistently performs with an accurate level of fidelity and keeps us from the aching to achieve the last percentage of perfection at the point of diminishing returns?
andrew "

I'd say NO because that goes contrary to our being as humans. It's a process that will always offer you new opportunities based on accumulated knowledge. The answer can be YES only for a specific individual at specific time for a specific length of time.

Re: Power?

P901 said:
I do understand that people grow and change, tastes mature, components evolve, but can we construct a system that consistently performs with an accurate level of fidelity and keeps us from the aching to achieve the last percentage of perfection at the point of diminishing returns?

It is not the (ultimate) system that would keep us from searching for perfection, but our human nature. If you can somehow influence that part of your (psychological) system and you can live happily with whatever you have presently, you would probably be not looking at the point of diminishing returns for that last bit of accuracy;)
Good evening Peter and Greg,

Thank you both for your response to my query.

In the context that I feel am not too terribly difficult to please but I also realize that I do require a certain level of performance from a piece of equipment that I would take the time to research and build, I think I will attempt to emulate Peter`s design as I have mentioned earlier.
(Particularly attracted to the method of physical relationship of the power supply section, diodes/caps/chip, etc. very tight looking). (Also like very much the large copper bar and have wondered in design dreams just for fun what the amps characteristics would be with a solid silver, gold or platinum bar).
If I could afford such a thing.

Without getting too deep into technicalities would you have a good speaker system that you would recommend I research that would work well with these amps?
I understand that there can be as many answers as there are speakers, and I have gone to the speaker section of the forum but again that is a bit overwhelming for a beginner.

I have been drawn to the Konus Essence type of enclosure with the full range Jordan JX92s driver but I have not been able to find the definitive blueprint for this speaker. I have also read that the plan shown on the Jordan sight falls a bit short of satisfaction.

I know this is the chipamp section but I would appreciate a couple of good suggestions for speakers that work well with these amps.

Thank you, andrew
I've been using many different speakers with those amps and frankly, I didn't come across the speaker that would be a really bad match for the GC. If possible look for something that is rather efficient (92dB or more), with a simple crossover (or full range) and has a performance that satisfies your ear.

In a spirit of chip amps (where simplicity is the main object) the speakers should also represent simplicity. I like to run my midbass drivers full range and use only a single cap on a tweeter.
We were using Reference 3A at the CES and it appears to be a perfect match for the amp.

I've heard some comments that Konus Esence boxes are not that good sounding. You will also noticed that at recent shows 47Labs are not using them anymore. There must be something to it. I also have a pair of Jordans and was planning on those flat boxes, but I'm not so sure about it anymore.
P901 said:
Good evening Peter and Greg,

Thank you both for your response to my query.

In the context that I feel am not too terribly difficult to please but I also realize that I do require a certain level of performance from a piece of equipment that I would take the time to research and build, I think I will attempt to emulate Peter`s design as I have mentioned earlier.
(Particularly attracted to the method of physical relationship of the power supply section, diodes/caps/chip, etc. very tight looking). (Also like very much the large copper bar and have wondered in design dreams just for fun what the amps characteristics would be with a solid silver, gold or platinum bar).
If I could afford such a thing.

Without getting too deep into technicalities would you have a good speaker system that you would recommend I research that would work well with these amps?
I understand that there can be as many answers as there are speakers, and I have gone to the speaker section of the forum but again that is a bit overwhelming for a beginner.

I have been drawn to the Konus Essence type of enclosure with the full range Jordan JX92s driver but I have not been able to find the definitive blueprint for this speaker. I have also read that the plan shown on the Jordan sight falls a bit short of satisfaction.

I know this is the chipamp section but I would appreciate a couple of good suggestions for speakers that work well with these amps.

Thank you, andrew


You're welcome.
Peter has a lot more experience in the field of the chipamp/components/materials/performance and so on than I. My ears are not as sensitive as Peter’s but the difference between the Yamaha and the GC I built was obvious and in favor of GC. A lot more musical, fast, dynamic, sounds like it's eager to reproduce anything you throw at it (complexity wise).
Mind you mine has no exotic electronic and chassie components.
If you need ear-bleeding power, that's a topic for another section of the forum.

As far as speakers, I have a 6Ohm/90dB 2way very decent Yamaha speakers (NS-200) and I love how they sound with the GC.
To me at this stage of my life I don't think I need more. Yes, better source.

Have fun in the Land of GC!
P901 said:

I know this is the chipamp section but I would appreciate a couple of good suggestions for speakers that work well with these amps.

Just yesterday one of the customers tried my monoblocks with big, 4 way Hales (87dB efficiency). He's using Krell preamp and the amps have no problem with driving those seemingly difficult speakers. His regular amps are Bryston 7B and GC keeps ground very well. And his wife likes the small amps much better;)
Didn't want to start a new thread just for asking this, but would this all be correct (think it is but don't wanna blow anything up right away since i'm quite a newbie at this) no zobel and no input caps but i guess that's obvious. My speakers are 8ohm 86db effeciency but those wil probably be replaced by speakers with a higher effeciency(and maybe lower impedance) in the not to distant future.
Not sure if i should go for 25-0-25 instead.
Another question, does the double bridge have any influence on the x1.41 from in front to after bridges, since the 1.41 figure is for single bridges.



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I finish my LM3875 Gainclone today and I have noise problem .
Now, the circuit is not at the ground, I will do soon but I 'll try to put a peace of wire between the ground of the circuit and the ground of the house and the noise stay.
I don't have noise at 1/4 of the volume, it apper just after that.

Do you know the problem ?&??
waben said:
Seems impossible to edit a previous post, i forgot to add the 'by Peter Daniel' in the schematic, since it's basically his GC but with the PSU section added...srry bout that.

Seems fine to me. As long as you don't mix PS wires, you shouldn't be getting any problems. I just measured today what voltage I'm getting with 2 x 22V AC, 400VA Plitron. It is 34V DC on rails. Also, with monoblocks, I'm not using any bypass after bridges, but when PS is separate you might try putting 4.7u BG N caps (right after bridges, in PS) as it may sound better this way.

PS: I started listening with normal plarity on speakers recently. With TVO it seems to be better this way. So check both plarities and decide for yourself.;)
I used the same diagram as above but with a single bridge rectifier and also I did not include the 220 vishay resistor. Forgive me but I do not understand the purpose of the resistor in series with the input signal. I can see that it would form a voltage divider. Is it a stability issue? I also have a noise problem but I did not use a true star grounding scheme. I grounded each channel to a point and then that point to the power supplies star ground. I know thats not optimal but my soldering iron couldn't heat the large node of wires grouped together! I also used a 1k feedback resistor to ground.

Variac said:
I thought that the voltage would be (22v) (1.4) = 30.8v
Is this another case of the Plitrons putting out more than rated into smaller loads?

Don't forget that they spec the voltage at full load, otherwise regulation factor applies. My mains are higher too (120V)

The series resistor is to prevent excessive offset at full volume.
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