Behringer DCX2496 digital X-over

thylantyr said:
Could I use one preamp at the input of DCX? Would that work?
If you are driving consumer grade power amps {RCA} input,
you can make a special XLR to RCA cable that will reduce hiss
due to the interfacing issue related to XLR and RCA.
could you explain that?

+22dbu is about 9.75Vac from the DCX.
Hiss is not the problem.
Broken amp or broken speakers or broken ears is more likely to be the problem.
If you are going to go down the mods route, then I will concede that the output devices aren't the greatest in the world. Out of the 50 that I've fitted, I've had noisy chips on one of them.
Ok,I´m going to copletely remove the output part anyway,so..
As stated above I hav heard people discussing this on other forums to(Swedish)and they to came to the conclution that another unit would be MUCH more expensive than this so "we" have got little options.
I don´t mind if it is no more a Behringer if you mod,it realy fells better to know it is my own brand (making)..;) :)
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yoke said:
Hi all

I'm building some active loudspeakers and would like to use BEHRINGER DCX2496 as an active crossover.

I haven’t chance to read all post in this tread, I'm short with time, but I see that people are using some kind volume control at the output.

So that means that I would have to build 6chanel balanced preamplifiers and connect them at the output of DCX.

That would be expensive

Could I use one preamp at the input of DCX? Would that work?

What would be advantage or disadvantage of those two approaches?

I have cd player with balanced outputs and also with AES/EBU output, so I can use analog balanced XLR or digital AES/EBU connection.

Is there some well documented project on the net for 6 channel volume control which I can connect at DCX ( it would be great if I could by already made PCB for it :) )

I apologize if this was answered before, but I just get DCX which I have to buy or return in a two days, so....I will try to read all the tread but...

Hi Yoke,

I am just finishing up on a project that may be what you need. Look here for the 6-channel volume control project. It's much more than just a volume control but it think you'll like it.

Jan Didden
Joined 2004
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Input levels

For setting you input levels, it's nice to know what the maximum signal level of your source is.

Attached you will find a 90 second 1KHz sine wave at 0dB. This sine wave is at the digital maximum.

If you play this you can set the analog input levels of your DCX. Set your DCX inputs just below clipping. Now you know that no signal will ever clip and you are getting full modulation.

Turn off your amp!
This signal is very loud. You could break your amp or your speakers or your ears. You don't need to hear this signal, just see it on the DCX level meters.

Watch your level meters during musical playback to be sure you got it right.

The file is a 44.2Khz mono wav. It's been Zipped to upload. You can unzip it and burn it to CD.


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Hi all
Thanks for suggestions ;-) so I can go booth way...preamp at the input and output.

I mean to use this thing (DCX) for driving 2x3 amps for active 2.5way loudspeakers which was based on Edgar’s EVE II but it turns out as a completely new project.

So I’m stuck with project that is very time and money consuming, but I hope it will worth the effort I put in.

The drives and the amps

Aleph mini - ScanSpeak 2904/7000
Aleph 30 - ScanSpeak 18W8545
AlephX - ScanSpeak 21W8555-01

preamp would be AlephP1.7

now, if any one of you ever build something from Pass knows how much it cost and how much heat it think how much it's for six little monsters :)

any way it's fun ;-) ... unfortinaly it takes time to make something like this, especially if you don’t have place where you can work everyday on project like this.

I was hoping, that DCX would help me, to get this thing sing as I would like to ;-)

Here are some pictures ( I have place some of them on the forum before ...but ;-) )


  • harmomium2.jpg
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Hi Jan

I have a question concerning your volume control unit.
Quoted from your site: The CS3318 is a single ended unit. The DCX2496 however puts out 6 balanced signals from three balanced stereo DACs. I convert each balanced signal to single ended before going into the CS3318.
As I understand it you convert to balanced signals again after the volume control and into the XLR outputs - wouldn't it be better to to skip this conversion if the plan is to connect the DCX to a poweramp with single-ended inputs?
AX tech editor
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Boye said:
Hi Jan

I have a question concerning your volume control unit.
Quoted from your site: The CS3318 is a single ended unit. The DCX2496 however puts out 6 balanced signals from three balanced stereo DACs. I convert each balanced signal to single ended before going into the CS3318.
As I understand it you convert to balanced signals again after the volume control and into the XLR outputs - wouldn't it be better to to skip this conversion if the plan is to connect the DCX to a poweramp with single-ended inputs?

Ahh! Glad that *somebody* spotted that! But the conversion after the level control to the balanced outputs is entirely passive. So it doesn't cost a lot and it doesn't degrade the audio. And it lets you use the unit with both balanced and single-ended power amp inputs; I got a lot of emails from people insisting on balanced outputs for better noise and interference rejection.

Normally there is a level difference when you use either bal or unbal, but with this thing being a level control, that's a non-issue, of course.

By the way, we expect to have all the parts, PCB's etc for the kits by mid September; this weekend we try to finish the calculations of the costs and set the price, probably Sunday evening on my website.

Jan Didden
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Finally Ward and I got most of the parts and PCB's for the DCX2496 Active Level Control kit together. Ward will be able to start shipping kits as of 15 September or so.

I have put up the info on how to order the kit on my website.

Thanks again for your interest and prodding me on.

Happy Building, and, the most important part, Happy Listening!

Jan Didden
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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AndrewT said:
Hi Jannemann,
your web site is shaping up nicely. That's my first visit, but I'll be back.
I like the SOA section - more to come.

Have you posted a review of the DCX output control kit here or elsewhere? Any chance of a link for us lazy lot?

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the kind words. I really need some time to extend that SOA part...

As for a review, I'm not sure I get what you mean. This is a hobby project so there is no commercial review, if that is what you mean.

But if you mean the project description, that's here.

Jan Didden
Time to upgrade from my old 15W soldering iron - I just ordered Jan's kit!

Now, I've looked at the XLR --> RCA connection design and when I compare it to the suggestions from Van den Hul they seem to be a little different from Jan's.

I have great respect for Van den Hul. However I believe Jan too knows what he is doing. I mean, after all he developed the kit, and his output cable design might well be best suited for this application.

Any comments, Jan? By the way - I hope you enjoyed your holiday.