Based on Hugh Dean's AKSA 55

Hi Greg,
I mistakenly wired up my KSA100Klone similarly.
I omitted the output to driver link and it worked using feedback from the drivers only.
When I noticed the mistake and put in the missing link, the amp needed more Cdom to make it stable on slightly capacitive loads and sounded terrible as a result.
Yes, it was more tolerant of output reactance with the feedback taken from the drivers only. I did not listen to that, it was still in the testing stage. Maybe I should go back and remove that link, recompensate and listen.

Hello Andrew

It was the Mk1 ?

If you happen to retry it with a higher cdom, keep us in touch, I'm curious to know the sonic results.



Joined 2002
Paid Member
Hi Greg, just curious about a few things on the schematic (trying to learn) ...

  • R12; Why 2 in series instead of a single 470R?
  • What does PE stand for? Power Earth?
  • The input cap seems a tad small. Where does the low freq. roll off? It might be worth experimenting with different values while listening to speakers with extended LF response.
  • Which schematic package did you use to create the PDF you posted? (nice!)

Hi Todd,

R12/R12B is 2 resistors on the original conceptual schematic, plus it is also on the original AKSA 55. R12/B sets the maximum bias so I think having a place for 2 resistors allows for more options for fine tuning. Hugh may have had other sneaky plans of splitting the resistor and using the centre point for something else. He does that.

Andrew's explanation of PE sounds good to me. I connect it to star earth which in my amps is connected to safety earth.

C1 at 470nF is the "standard" value for the AKSA 55. The N+ use different values and it one area where I'll intend to have a play. Rabbitz uses 1uF in this position which is what I have in my box as an alternative.

Eagle. I learnt how to use it properly. Eagle now supports print to PDF natively which is the same quality as using a PDF printer add-on. It also required tuning of all the Eagle schematic symbols and using the correct font option for schematics. You raised the bar with your DX schematics, I had to do something.

Probably related to the input cap, the input resistance of the B-AKSA is 47K (why is that value used... industry standard?). I've seen a few amps recently with input impedance at 100K or 220K.

Am I right in saying if you have a higher input impedance then you can use a smaller input cap to achieve the same roll off and does it make it more friendly for a passive pre? I'm sure there are issues such as increased noise and I imagine the rest of the circuit would need adjusted values to suit the higher input impedance or can they be left as is.

I tried several values for the input cap and settled on 1uF. With smaller standmount speakers I couldn't pick a difference with the 470nF cap but could with a speaker that goes below 30Hz.


diyAudio Member
Joined 2005
Hi Todd,

R12/R12B is 2 resistors on the original conceptual schematic, plus it is also on the original AKSA 55. R12/B sets the maximum bias so I think having a place for 2 resistors allows for more options for fine tuning. Hugh may have had other sneaky plans of splitting the resistor and using the centre point for something else. He does that.

I suspect it was maybe the intention to tweak with a pot to find the best value, then bypass the pot and use the 2nd resistor to obtain that value, thus eliminating one potential physical point of failure/drift.

Eagle. I learnt how to use it properly. Eagle now supports print to PDF natively which is the same quality as using a PDF printer add-on. It also required tuning of all the Eagle schematic symbols and using the correct font option for schematics.
Ah yes, the default Eagle symbols are a mess. Good on yah!

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diyAudio Member
Joined 2005
Am I right in saying if you have a higher input impedance then you can use a smaller input cap to achieve the same roll off ...
Hi Rabbitz,

That jives with my understanding. The input cap and resistor form a high-pass filter, their values and load will determine the LF response limit.

If you're playing vinyl or use a risky vented alignment on your woofers, that filter is a good tool to have if tuned adequately. Otherwise I would [personally] go bigger on the cap (lower HP rolloff).

You live in Newcastle! Nice. A quick hop over to the Hunter for refreshments.

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Joined 2002
Paid Member
Greg have you used the Jlh regulater on the amps yet, if yes could you tell us the effect, I believe there is a groupbuy going on and maybe I can still get in on it, if this regulator is good.

Hi homemodder,

No I have not tried the JLH reg on the B-AKSA yet. I must put that onto my list so I do not forget. I will PM some details to you.

Joined 2002
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Hi Greg\Rabbitz,
How would you compare the sound of this Baby 55 to the destroyer X and the SKA amp running class A 100W?
I need to make a choice to initially use full-range then later for bass duties.

Hi cjcc67,

I haven't had a chance to do any comparisons at all. I been to busy with building the amps and creating documention.

I will be able to compare to a DX amp and a SKA 150 in the future as I have these amps in boxes somewhere.

I see the B-AKSA amp as a DIY experimenter amp. I am doing this for my own interest, getting more hands on experience, and if others are interested or get some benefit from it then all the better. :)

You live in Newcastle! Nice. A quick hop over to the Hunter for refreshments.


Hi Todd

Yes it's a nice spot but a bit cold at the moment..... brrrrr. I don't know how you guys in Canada put up with the cold as when it drops below 20°C here I go into hibernation.

They do a nice drop in the Hunter but liquid refreshments are off the agenda these days due to a heart attack a couple of years ago. I have to do soft drinks instead. :cheers:
Hi Greg\Rabbitz,
How would you compare the sound of this Baby 55 to the destroyer X and the SKA amp running class A 100W?
I need to make a choice to initially use full-range then later for bass duties.

I haven't built the B-AKSA yet as waiting for spring to warm things up. I'm still hiding in my cave.

I have built a lot of amps such as the AKSA 55, AKSA 55N, AKSA 55N+, AKSA 55N+ (mongrel), DX HRII, GB150, LF55, LM3875, LM4780, NX150, NXV200, P3A, P101 and some SC amps. There is a theme here as I'm sucked in by the presentation of Hugh's amps and my main amp for the last couple of years has been the mongrel AKSA 55N+. That's not going to change any time soon... or ever.

I'm expecting the B-AKSA to slot in between the P3A and AKSA 55.
Thanks Guys. The P3A could be interesting too. It's also on my shortlist. Greg your boards are nice do you make them yourself? I usually use valve amplification, but my new speakers have cleaned out my bank for a while. I was hoping to find an cost effective short term solution. I have some enclosures and binding posts so only require the transformers and amps!! (build dual mono). Despite all the great things I've read, the AKSA's are out of my budget.
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Joined 2002
Paid Member
Hi all,

I have built test amp#4 and amp#5 following the BOM, construction notes and setup procedure found here:


So I hope I have provided just enough documentation, and it is accurate enough, to allow a DIYer that has already built a couple of amps previous to throw one together in a few hours.

Tuning and mods to come. They do have a bit of turn off thump that needs attention.
