Bargain woofer, midbass, cone mid thread

If the NE kind of price is what you find a bargain, then the entire line of SB ceramics need to be included. When I think bargain pricing though, this is not the price range I am looking at.

You want speed, go with Tymphany.
You want build quality go with SB Acoustics.

Specs from the 19cm SB woofers from SB acoutics look spot on.
Probably the best 150 cm^2 driver out there.
If the build quality is good for me, unless it's a tweeter, I can live with the sound.
Only good tweeters are Tymphany XT25BG60 and Wavecor 30mm.
Wavecor takes measuring, specs and engineering super seriously, looks like, but you pay for it.
But with building audio equipment you lose brain capacity/energy (that might better spent) and time, not that much money.
And writing non-sense on forums 😎😀

Poly cone 15cm SB is great also, but it's a slow driver.
You can make drivers faster, but not sure they will be built as well, for the price you want.
Although the NE180W-08 probably has an mms of 20 grams, if I had to guess.
Also why do 4 ohm drivers have a higher mms than 8 ohm drivers?
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