Assistance with Mordaunt Short Pageant Series 2

Just in case all goes pear-shaped!
Hi Galu.
I purchased 4 miniature switches as advised, from Jaycar today.
AUD$15 and virtually the same size as the originals.
Here are some snaps & a paper diagram of the wiring.


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I replaced the switches and caps in one of the speakers.

I took my time to ensure everything went well.
I also cleaned the insulated part of the circuit board to ensure there was no short circuiting, especially near solder joints.
All connections to the switches were as their replacements, including jumpers.

After removal the replaced caps tested as follows:
10 mfd tested 11.1mfd
5 mfd tested as 5.9mfd
5 mfd tested as 6.1mfd

Played two different reference CD's with my partner listening (stereo, then left balance, then right balance).
She consistently chose the unmodified speaker.
She said it sounded richer and more bass.
The modified speaker sounded shrill in comparison.

The only thing I can think of is that the Jaycar caps are inferior????


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The Jaycars are perfectly up to the job and certainly not inferior in quality to those old budget ELCAPs

The ELCAPs have increased in capacitance due to ageing. The Jaycars are actually superior in being closer to the target capacitance values.

The Jaycars will have changed the sound balance of the modified speaker and I would expect to hear some improvement in clarity and detail.

My advice is to renovate the other crossover and allow several days for you and your partner to get used to the new sound balance - break your ears in, so to speak.

If satisfaction does not ensue, you can always reinstate the ELCAPs.

EDIT: Have you experimented with the switch positions to discover which best suits your listening conditions?


The two independent toggle switches offer four choices of frequency response:
  • Mid-frequency: level or -2dB, 1000-3,500 Hz.
  • High frequency: level or -2dB, 3,500-25,000 Hz.
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Switching to the lower setting seemed to tone it down (more like reduce volume slightly).

The speaker with original caps produce stronger bass and a general warmer sound.

I'm wondering if trying out different caps (poly or other) might improve sound reproduction.?
Very insightful Allen.
I just removed both tweeters and performed a battery test.
Both dead as a door nail.
I think one of the caps services the woofer which explains sound difference.
It's something I never considered, and something to test for when assessing future speakers.
Partly because I'm ageing (hearing mustn't be as good as it used to), and my inexperience I assumed all was working.

I'll need to track down suitable tweeter replacements???
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Some specs of the original Isophon KK10/8 are given below:

Resonant frequency = 1,100 Hz
Impedance (@ 5 kHz) = 8 ohm
DCR = 7 ohm
Sensitivity = 90 dB/W/m

A modern 104 mm diameter circular faceplate tweeter could replace the uncommon (95 mm?) square faceplate tweeter provided there is enough baffle space to fit it.

The Visaton SC 10 N specifications match up pretty well with those of the KK10/8 and this possible replacement only costs £25 here in the UK:
Very thorough Galu.
Your knowledge is extensive and a huge asset,

I inspected Wimslow's ordering system.
It appears they only do UK delivery only.
Once I've evaluated a good source and approval from the owner I could then contact Wimslow to ask if they export.

The original tweeters are mounted on a square plate with three screws.
Is it possible to replace tweeters which can attach to the existing plate?
If not, what plate would you recommend?

Existing square face plate is 95mm diam, with 114mm diagonal diam, screw hole to screw hole, or 80mm diam across, screw hole to screw hole.
Visaton's are 104mm diam.
If placed without a face plate 130mm diagonals of existing plate means 26mm exposed beyond the Visaton circumference.
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Existing square face plate is 95mm diam, with 114mm diagonal diam, screw hole to screw hole, or 80mm diam across, screw hole to screw hole.
Visaton's are 104mm diam.
If placed without a face plate 130mm diagonals of existing plate means 26mm exposed beyond the Visaton circumference.

I've just seen this. What is the diameter of the tweeter cut out? It's the cut out hole that the 104 mm diameter faceplate has to cover.

EDIT: The square recess can be made flush with the baffle surface using filler and the Visaton surface mounted.

I presume the owner uses the speakers with the grills on?
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