Aleph-X: High-Power Version

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Joined 2002
Coulomb said:
Roddyama I have 24 of Dales output boards and still have 10 of the FEB as well, yes I have built 2 Aelphs with them so far. So with Chad's boards I would parallel Dales boards off of the outputs?

Chad's boards are designed to have 4 sets of 1 output device mounted to the board. If you follow the traces and/or the schematic, you'll see that you only need to jumper the traces for the output devices to the coorisponding traces on Dales boards. Then you can use as many devices as you have heatsinks (and AC power) for. Remember, the AX is just the bridged outputs of 2 Aleph channels with a single differiential input, plus the X feedback.
Coulomb, that's what I had in mind, sorry for not replying to you earlier. I didn't see your post.
As far as doing it in practice I started off with wanting to do a XA200 replica but I gave up after examining the heat sink requirements and what I have to work with.
I have the r-theta heatsinks and at the most I want to use 2 Hs/channel so I have narrowed it down to 200W diss /chn and three paralleled devices.
Cool, I actually was thinking in terms of 140 to 160 TOP per channel. should be easily achievable with 2kVA transformers and 24 FET's. I have some very nice heatsinks in mind that are designed as a male and female peice to make a box assembly. You mount a fan on one end and yo have mega heat dissapation, not to mention a very expensive foot warmer.

Here is a photo, I have sinced machined the tabs off and mounted a pair of PZ4's to this one. I have 5 more assemblies left. I was thinking 4 assemblies might be enough for a pair of Aelph X's.



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grataku said:
you are going to need a 2KVA humidifier to go along with the amp.;)
I am envisioning sore throats, veneer peeling off the MDF and woofer suspension cracking. That was among the reasons why I set my max dissipation so low.

:) :) :) :)

Grataku, IYHO what do you think is a realistic output for a High Power Aelph-X?
Rail Voltage and bias figures would be appreciated?


The big deal?
1000W constant power being put out by the amp. That's the big deal. If you leave in the lower 48 that's likely going to be an issue. Power is expensive, hard to get rid of in the summer. If you can spend 20k on an XA 200 you probably don't give a s8 about your electric bill, you probably lit you BBQ with $20 bills.
I don't know anybody that owns a 1.2.
I don't want to discourage anybody from going the high power way, god forbid! ;)
My goal is to create a dual mono with 2HS/channel and since I have 4 ohms speakers I would like to keep the bias on the highish end so although I'd like to go higher I am going to have to keep the voltage to a 20-0-20 max and 5 amps bias.
I figure 60 watts/4ohms should be plenty for me.
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I'd like to try the 200W Aleph-X.

And, just for the record. I'm a middle-class professional with a wife and two kids and lots of bills like everyone else. If I work extra hours I can self-indulge in a hobby. An extra ten hours this week will buy me a 1500VA plitron. A few more hours over christmas and I can buy a heatsink. etc. etc. etc.

All the other BS aside, doing an 200W Aleph-X would really task my current skills and knowledge. To get away from the not so exciting but satisfying routine of kids soccer, hockey, etc. I would like something that really challenges me.

As far as Kilowatts go. I live in in the Great White North so the extra heat right now would keep my basement warm :devilr:. And, I probably only have a few hours a week to listen to music so I'm hoping my electrical bill wouldn't go up too much!

Joined 2002
dantwomey said:
An extra ten hours this week will buy me a 1500VA plitron. A few more hours over christmas and I can buy a heatsink. etc. etc. etc.

Hi Dan,

You might think about a few more hours into January and February because for a 200w Aleph X your going to need 2 of those 1500VA Plitrons (one for each channel). Even that would be marginal if you wanted to make the Aleph1.2 mark of 300w into 4ohms.

Here's Williams post which includes his spreadsheet for calculating power dissipation in the Aleph X
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I believe I have enough spare parts to complete the power supply and heatsinks for a single 'test' channel. If I could talk a couple people local to me like Peter and Coulomb into some sort of joint effort I think we would have some interesting pics by March.

How's that for a little optimistic stab at the outer limits?

Well the 1500VA Plitron is $191 CAD, I have two at 60 VAC for my Aelphs. I guess I will need two more at 22 VAC secondaries and 8 Amps of bias to get 160 watts into 8 ohms. The thing is my speakers are 6 ohm loads, which will give me 225 watts TOP.

I think I will just leave them outside this winter, that should keep the snow back 20 or 30 feet from the house! :)

roddyama said:
Oh yeah,:up: Now I remember those cases from the first time you linked to them a while back. They should do the job quite well.

Yeah they were going to be for an Aelph 1.2 but the Aelph-X seems more worthy. I have had some troubles with a place to host my pics so my links keep changing, Most annoying.

The cases are not finished, I have to do something with the corners. There will be a Hardwood trim on the bottom on the front and sides with the I/O on the lower back.

Right now I have Dales boards set up to give me two FETs per heatsink - 16 in total. With the spreadsheet I grabbed from this forum it looks like I want 8 Amps at 27 VDC rails.


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