Aleph P1.7 first pictures

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my first aleph plays music 😀



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You have already found the reason for the problem:
This happens when all te relays are switching at once - this generates a very short "level step".
One proven method to get rid of that requires the presence of a "mute relay" on the output and some additional circuitry (microcontroller to be preferred): just switch the mute relay on just before the volume control makes "the evil step". If you play a little with the delay times, you might get this solution working without audible effects.
Hello Holger,
thanks for your replay. How is your new LP?
I would like to do this without microcontroller.
I have already by parallel connection of a 1k resistor at the exit of the circuit a clear improvement reached. The gain is a little lower, but it works good.

I like this Aleph sound, i have today removed the input capacitor from the power amp , it sounds very good with much more detail and dry bass...

Now i need a housing.




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Great looking AP!

Btw - the "bottom" (3rd one) pdf is not working (at least in my case :bawling: )

How exactely did you do your PCB?? Are they milled?

Btw - your amplifier - how hot does it get - and do you find the copper plates with transistors mounted on it as a good solution or not??
Re: problem with relay volume control

acaudio said:
the relay volume control like aleph p1.0 (with adc0804) works. 🙂

between step 32 (relay 1-5 on, relay 6 off) and 33 (relay 6 on, 1-5 off) gives it pop noise. Only with signal.
anybody an idea? 😕


try with elco in paralel with some relay coil;
that will give ya small delay
mebbe it will work
Stabist said:
...How exactely did you do your PCB?? Are they milled?

Btw - your amplifier - how hot does it get - and do you find the copper plates with transistors mounted on it as a good solution or not?? [/B]

The pcbs are Bungard FR4 singlesided.

The photoplots are printed on transparece paper with laser printer. Exposed with UV light and developed with NaOH. Pcbs is normally atched at 50°C witch sodium-per-sulfate .Then drilled and afterwards still times full-laminar exposed and developed with NaOH.
For last soldermask painted (Contact).

The Fets runs hot, aprox. 70°C without heatsinking, 65° with. With copperplate these are optimal thermal coupled. A simple thermal coupling in pair isn´t available then this layout is nearly point-symmetric, so are all coupled, both channels an one copper plate. and this looks pretty. I like copper then this is nearly double thermal conductive as aluminium.

sorry for my bad english :xeye:

Re: Re: problem with relay volume control

HBarske said:
...If you play a little with the delay times, you might get this solution working without audible effects. [/B]

This works GOOD!
Danke Holger!

choky said:

...try with elco in paralel with some relay coil;
that will give ya small delay
mebbe it will work

The relay coil has 320OHM/2=160Ohm -> For delay aprox.0,1s you need a capacitor ~625µF and have almost short by off->on switsching.

I added a 1µ capacitor at basis, and this works pretty.
The resistor parallel to output is now removed.



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