Aleph J-X Amp Project

The shape of things to come ;)


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> Daughter board almost ready.

A bit too wide for monoblock towers ?
Any chance of keeping the width to 100mm max?

> on the left 2SJ74 with a variable source resistor (do I have it right?)

NO !!

The 2SJ74 source is connected to one end of the trimmer, the other end of which goes to the positive rail. The wiper goes to the J74 gate. That way you can vary Vgs, hence current.

Alright, fixed that.

What'd you mean 100mm? It is 85 mm already and I added another set of holes for even tighter fit (the rest of the board can be trimmed). The mounting holes distance at the tighter fit is 69mm and can't be reduced any further. That makes for 300mil output boards spacing when placed side by side. At full length it would be 0.75"

I also moved C5 caps further away to make room for jfet heatsinks.


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