AKSA amps

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AKSA said:
Carlos, Lineup,

The SKA is a good amplifier. I give credit where it is due. Like all designs, including mine, there are issues to address but the market is big enough for everyone and there is no reason to criticise it. Many have been sold and people are happy.

I did try the SKA, which is quite a nice amp, to see if it was an AKSA beater and for me, it was not. The AKSA remains in the main system and the SKA boards are in storage with all the others that took on the AKSA and lost.... I had to find out for myself. To me it proves that the latest and hottest technology is not necessarily better. I'm tending to lean more towards mature designs that have evolved over a long period to give an extremely musical presentation.

I don't know how long the AKSA 55 kits will be available and I need to order another just in case. Hugh.... email coming in the next 24 hours.
Hi lineup

I've never heard a Lifeforce but the AKSA 55N+ does it very well for me with my partnering equipment and tastes. I can't see it ever being replaced.

You are lucky to have Scan-Speaks every where as in Australia we are limited in what is available in brands as well as the models. My business only sells Scan-Speak drivers now which makes my life easier with minimal sales.... less worry and less time.

Vance Dickason's book is very good and takes a bit of time to understand. My speaker design guide is only very basic but it's the only one I've ever seen that shows all the steps taken to design and build a budget speaker. It's not based on computer modelling, even though some is used, as it's more of a learning tool and springboard to search for more information once you grasp the basic principles.

You are right about the speaker being the sound maker and it's the end of the line for the sound. Speakers are my passion and I have a good understanding of them, but I need and rely on Hugh and others to design amps to give me the heart and soul of the system.


Hahahahaha.... we going to fight over the AKSA 55 kits. :cuss: I can picture two 55 year olds doing battle.... wouldn't last long as we would tire too quickly..... huff, puff.

Just need to get some as back up amps in case I blow mine up and I want to try some things. I think I need the DIY building as well, as will be good therapy for the fingers and boost my confidence .... use it or lose it.
Haven't tried AKSA or SKA but I have the original Prof. Cherry(my teacher and lecturer, and have good memories of him) 50 watter unfortunately not working because of the output transistors were blown..Easily fixed if I can lay my hand on some o/p transistors.

Anyone made any comparison of it with SKA or AKSA?

It would be interesting.
hummmm...comparison.... SKA and AKSA...hehe

Maybe a massacre...well..do not know if this word exists in English.



Dear Rabbitz

As you know, for sure, i am kidding... also you are kidding as we need to have a beer together...this is what we need to have!

I already have 6 assembled Aksas.... 2 Lifeforces and 4 Nirvanas...and others more to assemble

You see that we like spare, reserve things the same way.

No problem.... kidding...Hugh know that i do not need those very old boards soon.... i asked him the first board model he made as Aksa.


I find speakers have the largest influence on the final sound, followed by the pre amp but every component in the system has to match so it works as one unit.

I think of the source as the brain and the nerve centre; the amp the heart, soul, muscle; the speaker the mouth and vocal chord.... each is as important. The hard part is to get them to work together so they co-exist in harmony and compliment each other. I ended up with a Sony CDPX55ES / AKSA 55N+ / Scan Speak OB - Vifa vented hybrid.

Out of all my system, the AKSA has been the main stay or constant and is the only amp that complimented every speaker creation I threw at it.

Of all the components, the hardest for me was finding a great active pre amp. I have 2 now (1 happens to be an Aspen product) but it was a long search. For some reason there are not too many DIY great pre amps when compared to the DIY power amps available. It's amazing what a great pre can do and I had previously under estimated it's value in a system.
rabbitz said:

For some reason there are not too many DIY great pre amps
when compared to the DIY power amps available.
It's amazing what a great pre can do and
I had previously under estimated it's value in a system.

.. maybe not only LoudSpeakers are neglated, by Power People
.. it may be a good thing
to try out some different: preamps

:cool: the great advantage, of experimenting with pre amplifiers / headphone amps
is that that are relative low budget to build.

I see people around
that have built at least like 5-10
smaller versions of preamp's projects from www.diyaudio.com
... and they looks like still have a few money left, for food ;)

heatsink - transformer - psu caps - big chassis = MONEY

Regards lineup :)
Pre amplifiers were a need when you had to amplify magnetic cartridges and others

Signal sources, now a days have the same output level you have in a pré amplifier.

Not so needed in our days...you can plug a CD output directly into the power amplifier, avoiding stages in the signal patch.

Less stages means less distortions....more pure sound....if this logic has value in modern days..... yes...they are complicating everything...i know.

To our modern standards, will be strange to use 1 Volt output to a CD, to reduce it to enter a pré amplifier and to feed 1 Volt into the power unit.... not a very good idea.

Yeah...we have the tone controls, and here you can explain the need of the pré amplifier...also using vinyl records.....in my country we cannot find vinyl anymore...maybe in USA you can find.

I had to accept,and to feel good using CD players...now they are good...if i believe this or not...have no other option here.

But, there are many folks that do not want to: listen, talk or even watch a tone control...they feel that very amateur...hehe

I use them...and the old "Baxandall"


Re: Yes klaas.... they may be two long audio files describing the Dx amplifier design

destroyer X said:
Send them back to me Klaas.... i think after i have sent to you and more two folks i have deleted.





You seem to be an old friend...but i cannot remember your real name..so... send me a mail with your adress.

I am old Gaetan....i am 56.... already having some problems related "short time" memory.

Files already arriving my mail box, please, mail me your adress Gaetan:




Hello Carlos

I did think of something, I may try to do a Power point animation with your audio files "how to design an amplifier beeing a dummy".

I would put it on Youtube.com

Is it a good ideas ?

If so, I ask your permission to do so.


Re: Well...you may love him Mr. Line down ...but it seems to me to be a kick in

destroyer X said:
Ball.. Mr Greg Ball..... i think he was not kind.... i want him happy and rich.... very distant from me, if possible, he could move to Júpiter.

I think the "celebrating man"... the one is subject of this thread, even beeing a Saint inside his heart, will not be happy with his presence in the texts here....in a thread that is mentioning Aksa.

Of course i could misunderstood you dear Lineup, as i am bad with the English language...but some smoke is exausting from by ears.

...of course Lineup cannot be included into bad folk or coward for sure
....but you see that forces us to open messages that could be sent directly.

I am sorry, but in my country...
if we have a group of friends and someone is hurt....

the entire group will react into the defense or counter attack...
i think.... this is real friendship...community feeling..brotherhood.

regards, Carlos

I got your message, Carlos. Because I can READ as well as WRITE english:
:cool: .... Topic. This one is about AKSA Aspen Amplifiers

Hope everybody can excuse me.
Maybe I have a few freinds left ... ( a few I havent annoyed & upset, enough :D ... yet )
Such people that can see that I am not an evil man,
even if you hardly can call me 'mainstream & average' in my thinkings & expressions.

... To The Core I am, like most, a friendly person.
... If you say I Do Not Care for others .... you may have got it all wrong

I am sorry I mentioned a man from sunny down under in this wrong thread, Carlos.
There are other topics for those Other Amplifiers ... and other forums, too, for this.

:) Regards lineup
- The Word, The Pen, is more PowerFul than CannonBalls and Military Guns

quote: 'you will crush him - smash him completely'

We can not always Turn The Other Cheek .. and take all beatings.
We sometimes have to put FOOT Down and say: STOP This Foolishness!
In a Clear and Determined VOICE!

Lineup do not wish to do this, if not Found Necessary to do so.

BeCause lineup is Against: War & All forms of Physical & Haressmental Bullying Violencias ...
.. here in www.diyaudio.com as well as in other places

And lineup is For: one DX-Amp / AKSA to each and Everybody
- to keep this world a happy place ;)
Hey, Guys,

Go easy!! This is a storm in a teacup!!

Back to AKSA......

I am still selling and supporting this amp after more than six years, I am astonished that something I spent hundreds of hours tinkering over, fussing with operating points, component choices, and even more time on the layout, has been so successful!

But we move on, and while I still sell the AKSA, I'm moving more and more towards my new, fully built modules and power amplifiers, and the latest one will soon be reviewed in Tone Publications. I've just received a bunch of pcbs from Thailand and have moved to double sided boards, using some SMD components which I learned how to mount yesterday.

I've been watching the academic discussions on negative feedback, bjt v. mosfets, and error correction in despair at the lack of focus, obvious bile being thrown around, and the inevitable parading of egos, and while this has been going on I have developed three more circuits, complete with pcbs, and debugged a couple of others, finished a two way TL speaker and made lots of sales, and I just wonder who pays these guys!!

Ah, life's rich tapestry........


AKSA said:
Back to AKSA......

I am still selling and supporting this amp after more than six years, I am astonished that something I spent hundreds of hours tinkering over, fussing with operating points, component choices, and even more time on the layout, has been so successful!

But we move on, and while I still sell the AKSA, I'm moving more and more towards my new, fully built modules and power amplifiers, and the latest one will soon be reviewed in Tone Publications. I've just received a bunch of pcbs from Thailand and have moved to double sided boards, using some SMD components which I learned how to mount yesterday.

I've been watching the academic discussions on negative feedback, bjt v. mosfets, and error correction in despair at the lack of focus, obvious bile being thrown around, and the inevitable parading of egos,

...... and while this has been going on I have developed three more circuits, complete with pcbs,

and debugged a couple of others, finished a two way TL speaker and made lots of sales, and I just wonder who pays these guys!!

Ah, life's rich tapestry........
Cheers, Hugh

When I entered into the Very Lion Home in 'academic discussions topics'
of course, I started off with being as polite as I could:
Abstact tennis playing
and exchanging interesting thoughts back and forth
is all nice.

But following true honest opinion, ;)
was not taken too well, and ended up in 'Texas':
But what the use, besides the social club feeling and that .....
Only doing
with the Audio Authorities and all this
... is not enough for me.


Glad to see someone actually doing some real and useful work , AKSA.

My own personality is more to the theoretical side (however not abstract in the blue sky of higher maths).
I want to try to put together and explore different topology to amplifier circuits ,
try them out in my MultiSim and occational publish a suggested schematic.

In time, I may start building again.
But for now, I have neither the money or time for it.
Because of many other interests .... like chess playing, for example.

Audio Regards :) lineup


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you talk/type a huge load yet leave evidence of clarity and 56 years of data storage on more than a few occasions. More constructive and entertaining than the few for whom this side show appears to be a daily requirement for displaying their veritable grandness, either of lacking the feel of enough importance or no longer being it at all.

Look ma, i got 1ppm total distortion from the circuit i simulated.
I'm not going to show you the circuit and most definitely not going to build it, but i'll proudly tell you the name of the software. I'm so sorry, i did not hear what you said but there's no need for you to repeat it, i never listen anyway. :clown:
Well put, Jacco.......

One day - who knows - you might even respond directly to one of my questions......

Daily requirement, yes indeed, perhaps I am in that category too. I'm not yet in the penthouse, but the elevator is moving!!

You are a stand offish bugger, you really are!

But you are right about Lineup, he has considerable wisdom and is quick to spot someone blowing smoke up his !@#$


diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
But following true honest opinion,

Well lineup, you have been a member here for many years. First as gromanswe, then as halojoy, then as lineup. By now of course you know that when you post religious or political content the post goes to Texas. Since your posts are ssooooo long, there was a loooot of religious content. It could have gone to the trash instead of course.

We occasionally allow some short off topic posts- let the members have some fun. But when your posts are almost an entire page long- you can't be allowed to post off topic very much as you are then selfishly dominating the thread. I recently moved a very long thread of yours about speakers from an amp circuit discussion - it was off topic and you know that.

This is the "true honest opinion" that you are talking about?

About those threads where "academic discussion" reigns:

Well, its best to avoid them if they annoy you. We are glad that Hugh is so productive, good for you . As a member states in his sig line: They are so vicious because there is so little at stake. (other than egos)

We are cracking down on the bile factor. Its hard because the bile is a culmulative effect often, and its hard to decide if a particular post has "excessive bile". Some "Well known" members are full of bile- everything they state is the "truth"

The egos? well the best thing is to state your case with dignity and not argue it to the extreme. For the well known, a persona incorporating a bit of "Noblesse Oblige" works wells. You are telling them what you know - if they ignore you then it their loss ;)

Then there is the member that loves to prove that he is just as smart as the "big names" by using endless, nitpicking semantic arguments.

Ahj, yes , life's rich tapestry indeed!
AKSA said:
Well put, Jacco ...
{ my remark: Jacco Vermeulen honors this flag:
But you are right about Lineup, he has considerable wisdom and ....
Cheers, Hugh
{ my remark:
Hugh AspenAmplifiers Dean, very well indeed, pays his glory to:
/flags/Australia.gif }

Dear Mr Dean
Amplifier designer & constructor, among many other things
... even a Father, I would guess. Something that hasnt happend to me, Lineup :xeye:

Let me sincerely Thank You,
by using these words I got myself from a member of this board.
They deserve to be .... quoted:
Thanks for the encouraging words Lineup.

I think
... many of us needs some positive feedback every now & then, to keep on going
... while others, would need some NFB, to keep them from boosting into Open Loop Gain values
*** Musical poetry reference, from a reggae song by too eary dead Mr. Bob Marley.
Actually :cool: One of Lineup's absolute favourite Marley songs:

Why boasteth thy Self,
O evil men;
Playing smart and not being clever, oh no!

To achieve vanity,
if a-so a-so.
But the goodness of ALLAH, Indureth for Ever.


regarding eventual wisdom
that I have managed to Hammer Into inside of my Own Head,
As I often say & the way I like to put it:
... it takes one to know one

If you think of it - this is True.
When a candidate puts his exam papers job
in front of Professor in Analog Electronics, M. Leach
it wouldnt be much good, if Professor Leach didnt know about electronics.
Evenso in the specific field of his student's work.
how would he know to pass a Valid Judgement
of his candidate student

This is why some can See
and can also recognize some things better, than others can.
Not with their eyes, but through the Open Window of The Heart.
See, because they've got, what it takes ;)
Like .............. wisdom


Thirdly, from one thing to another
AKSA, have you Updated your website recently
... with some new stuff for us?????

I think your site is a good one. It suits you, Mr Dean.
I will keep myself informed about AKSA.
I think I know some things well enough to advice and/or direct new members
to good information of Aspen Amplifiers, AKSA Lifeforce, for example.

Sincere & Most friendly as I can
Regards & Some Flowers for you
lineup :) Lineup Audio Labs

-- wise humans say a genious of any kind is
00.99 % inspiration, encouragement :cool:
99.01 % transpiration, struggling & hard work :bawling:
100.0 % Genious
... so please, my friend, dont you tell me that i am one
Flowers to AUS, Australia :)
- youve earned them well,
with all your hours of - audio works and some positive thinking, too


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