A Troels G. shortlist - advice/opinions please!

I asked troels about my problems placing the discovery 3wc and he eagerly recommended to have a look on the 861. He said they compete directly with his reference system. I don't know if that helps you, but they look interesting. As you say, no feedback just yet, so I'm still waiting for some comments. I'm sure they will come soon.
Hallo Jesper! ;)

I am honored that you speak so positively about Germans. But to be honest, I have to say that there are enough things in Germany that are not particularly well developed. Not least in the speaker diy. That was one of the reasons why we founded our diy group (DAU).
Many sellers nowadays pay more attention to designing loudspeakers that are as simple as possible and then sell well. We always try to get as much as possible out of the concept. That is why the Mona Kea has, for example, the wide bevels on the front of the case. Not everyone likes this, but from an acoustic point of view it makes a lot of sense.

The DTQWT was a lot of fun at high volume and is absolutely not a bad speaker. In fact, I think it's one of Troels' best designs. For me, however, it was simply too expensive, because I liked the sound of significantly cheaper speakers just as much.

In Alex's listening room there is about 80cm of space between the wall and the back of the speakers. The picture above with the Audimax Core comes from this room. However, it doesn't have to be that much distance. Especially as a CB, it can also be placed relatively close to the back wall. But you always have to test a little here because every room is different.

90 watts should be more than enough for you. You only need more if you want to hear really loud often.

If you like, you can send me your translation and I'll look it over again. I would then ask Alex before it is published here.
lykkedk, Did you have look at the measurements? If so, what did you make of them? Do you have any experience of the Monacor drivers used?

Hey hey lupo :)

No i didn't take a close look, but i'am sure that it's okay fwiw!
Also i have no experience with Monacor, besides that they are used and sold everywhere in DK and Germany ofcause...

Btw: I did a quick shoppingcard and price for 2 set's of drivers (L+R) are ~1000Eur.

Thanks dabenza very good of you to pass that on. and you did very well to get that appraisal out of Troels! I was very aware of his enthusiasm for the measurements he did. For once he wasn't having to tell us that measurements don't tell the whole story... I'll keep my eye open for feedback.
Hey hey lupo :)

No i didn't take a close look, but i'am sure that it's okay fwiw!
Also i have no experience with Monacor, besides that they are used and sold everywhere in DK and Germany ofcause...

Btw: I did a quick shoppingcard and price for 2 set's of drivers (L+R) are ~1000Eur.


Hey hey Jesper - yes I did a check too and the total cost of drivers and xovers comes to less than Rese's build estimate, which looks like a good estimate for the total build, depending on materials etc. It stays v. interesting.
Hallo Jesper! ;)

I am honored that you speak so positively about Germans. But to be honest, I have to say that there are enough things in Germany that are not particularly well developed. Not least in the speaker diy. That was one of the reasons why we founded our diy group (DAU).
Many sellers nowadays pay more attention to designing loudspeakers that are as simple as possible and then sell well. We always try to get as much as possible out of the concept. That is why the Mona Kea has, for example, the wide bevels on the front of the case. Not everyone likes this, but from an acoustic point of view it makes a lot of sense.

The DTQWT was a lot of fun at high volume and is absolutely not a bad speaker. In fact, I think it's one of Troels' best designs. For me, however, it was simply too expensive, because I liked the sound of significantly cheaper speakers just as much.


Rese :)...

I'am glad to hear other's think that the DTQWT's are a bit high priced, and also to hear that this small forum you created, actually creates speaker's by sound and not by look :yes:

My wife (I'am lucky here guy's) is actually trained and by prof. actually LP / music sale's lady or whatever this was named back in the 80' :D... She like's popmusic, and also loud music so speaker's here at home, don't need to be beautiful, as long as they play good.

I asked troels about my problems placing the discovery 3wc and he eagerly recommended to have a look on the 861. He said they compete directly with his reference system. I don't know if that helps you, but they look interesting. As you say, no feedback just yet, so I'm still waiting for some comments. I'm sure they will come soon.

BTW dabenza, can I ask what the problems were? Did Troel's suggest how the 861s might address them?
Hallo Jesper! ;)

In Alex's listening room there is about 80cm of space between the wall and the back of the speakers. The picture above with the Audimax Core comes from this room. However, it doesn't have to be that much distance. Especially as a CB, it can also be placed relatively close to the back wall. But you always have to test a little here because every room is different.

90 watts should be more than enough for you. You only need more if you want to hear really loud often.

If you like, you can send me your translation and I'll look it over again. I would then ask Alex before it is published here.

Thanks for that. Yes, it had occurred to me that I should ask permission, thanks for confirming that. I'll see if I can get technical enough to PM you with it ...bear with me.
BTW dabenza, can I ask what the problems were? Did Troel's suggest how the 861s might address them?

The 3wc do sound good, but my living room is far from perfect and I’m forced to place speakers 20cm away from wall. Besides, they are quite unforgiving with poor recordings. Troels affirms that is a characteristic result of the otherwise magnificent 4 inch driver. The 861 addresses this very differently apparently. The plus is also the higher sensitivity for my f6. I asked for 3d image, and he insisted they kept up with his reference system. So better wait for feedback, but he dared to highly recommend them against the 3wc. I currently use a mark ken slpair 11ms till next move. The thing is these 11ms do sound pretty good and placement is not an issue
- envious of your amps dabenza - yes Troels says much the same about the Ekta mid range 3d image and his reference system, but some of the advice on this thread seems to have come with a caveat about the Ekta and more so the 761 Discoveries - as in, only provided it's decently away from the wall behind the speakers. I think giralfino asserted on this thread that e.g, the 761, as a 2.5, is not optimum for a bit close to walls (in my case, a greater distance than yours). So now I'm curious as to whether TG has commented explicitly on the 861 Discoveries and closeness to walls
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Indeed I explicitly exposed my problem with room, but he didn’t explicitly say that the 861 is possible to place it not so optimally. But having read my email explaining my situation, he recommended them. I cannot be certain though, but giving the price compared to others and sensitivity, i have that feeling that they could be the right ones. But that is certainly the problem with high expectations. With audio I always have too big expectations and disappointment comes usually proportional to money invested. So keep it low.
Does it have to be a design by TG?
I'm not a huge fan of his speakers. Especially since they are extremely expensive, not least because of the Voodoo crossover parts.
The measurements are usually not really convincing. Cheaper speakers are often better at this.
One of the best speakers I've ever heard are the Mona Kea by donhighend. They cost about 1200 € per pair and I'm pretty sure that no box from TG is really better.

Mona Kea – 4 Wege Referenzlautsprecher – Donhighend Audio

Thank you Oliver, for bringing my Mona Kea into topic...
It always amazes me how people pester Troels for a worded description of a sound of a certain speaker design, and how hearing someone's opinion gives them some sense of validation or whatever. Troels told you the truth right on his "Choices" page, and also singled out a line:" Please do not ask what to build!".

The discourse about the 3D imaging, stage, depth, timbre etc. can have some merit between speaker designers at Harman, and maybe even between some people who received training when paid to sit in on Harman's jury listening sessions. Or if you and I spent A LOT of hours listening together and then comparing notes on replaying the material until we concur that we are listening to and talking about the same thing.

There is probably a dozen of reputable designers of conventional speakers out there who contributed something in the public domain at some point in time, but they have no clue as to what your brain is looking for in any particular recording, in what kind of music and recording quality, in what kind of room etc.

I see speakers with a port on the front and then discussing the distance from the wall behind. What are now those, open baffles in an acoustically transparent box? Lack of directivity and early side reflections may be some point of discussion, too much reverb in a room with hard surfaces, no diffusers and a wall behind the listener, a problematic bass in a square room etc. Well I should probably wrap it up here/
Just to say, that I certainly haven't asked Troels to tell me how any of his speakers sound. I wouldn't dare because I'm fully aware of his position on this and chiefly, I agree. I did ask him to comment on the possible, or maybe even probable comparative behaviour of the designs chosen re room placement. I don't think that's out of order and neither did he.