US Naval pilots "We see UFO everyday for at least a couple of years"

Interesting, though it isn't a fully measured & tested theory.
Some theories just remain theories and no more. This makes sense to me because
at the heart of our perceivable universe lies the giant paradox of its existence.
Also, I'm not sure that Quantum Superposition and General Relativity will ever be reconciled/settled.
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Interesting, though it isn't a fully measured & tested theory.
Also, I'm not sure that Quantum Superposition and General Relativity will ever be reconciled/settled.

So it's a question of mass and motion between them ?

Can we test quantum w/o interfering with them ?Well I know the basic theory tested the wave behavior of ligth through a physical filter, but I really wonder how deep the quantum theory can be thinked w/o being able to test it. At least it works at some scales near us (electronic for intance).

I found those corpus more complicated than alliens theories , which are just not very interresting ! An allien or not, so what ? And what painting do they use on their flagship ? Do they produce ligth in order to respect the flying code of our planet, etc ! Not very interresting stuffs !

I would like more to understand the nature of energy related to gravity. And why a liter of wine is more ligth than a liter of whisky... also a weird paradigm !
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I would like more to understand the nature of energy related to gravity. And why a liter of wine is more ligth than a liter of whisky...

I think specific gravity may have something to do with it.

But the BIG question is:


Spoiler alert! It all has to do with micro-gravity!

No matter how different the space sample might taste, the main thing is to enjoy your whisky sensibly. :drunk:
the 5 hz ?

Low frequency electromagnetic waves can propagate between the surface and the ionosphere of Earth causing a resonance that was first studied by Schumann in 1952. This Schumann resonance is related to lightning activity and climatology.

Some of a less scientific bent say the frequency of 7.83 Hz is Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm and endow it with healing properties.
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