Smoking. Do you smoke? Why and what do you smoke? Why not?

My mother used to smoke Camel non-filters. After the age of 86
the doctors stoped telling her that she would live 10 years longer
if she quit smoking cigerettes.
She died September 12 2017 at 100years 10 Months and 4 days. From
an undiagnosed intestinal blockage.

Edit: She started smoking in WWII.
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My mother used to smoke Camel non-filters. After the age of 86
the doctors stoped telling her that she would live 10 years longer
if she quit smoking cigerettes.
She died September 12 2017 at 100years 10 Months and 4 days. From
an undiagnosed intestinal blockage.

Edit: She started smoking in WWII.
My father started smoking at 13 and died at 90 never having any smoking related issues.
People forget how nice drugs/nicotin/alcohol feels. How much we should victimize the addict is negatively proportional to the damage the drug does to everyone else:

A person who can’t handle two beers before slapping his girlfriend, may need a court ordered prescription of antabus.

A cocaine addict who is fully functioning at work and at home, should still be forced to quit, because the drug traffic for cocaine is so damaging for both the country it is produced in, and the recipient country, with gang violence, and worst of all - bad rap music.

A smoker pollutes the air and causes lung cancer to family members who doesn’t even smoke themselves. Sry, but smokers are the worst. They will sacrifice their own childrens health and possibly lives, for their nicotine addiction. An addiction I known personally is just 2-3 weeks of agony, and then being awkward at parties.

Drug trade is $100 billion yearly in the states. I say, go after the drug users, with forced Betty Ford treatments, financed by drug trade when the government takes over 100% of the drug trade from those mutilating Colombians. Then criminals only have human trafficking to rely on, but Germany has the answer for that one too - government brothels.
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She could have ended your life when you were 12. Thats how a life of crime gets started.
At least tobacco isn’t as pricey as some of the harder stuff - stealing hundreds or thousands of dollars a week to feed a habit isn’t too good for your life expectancy.
I thought she was about to a few times chasing me around the house with her wooden spoon! :eek:
Quit smoking after 25 years of smoking and I loved it but one day I woke up with the idea of seeing my children become parents and maybe even grandparents so I stopped with the help of the electronic cigarette.
I do my liquids myself, it's been a few years now and really don't want to go back.
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Lots of good posts on this thread - what a shame discussing drugs/all drugs isn't a part of 5th or 6th year syllabus. It still really pisses me off when TV news readers still use that lying phrase - alcohol and drugs. Intellectuals still maintain that charlie/cocaine isn't really harmful.

The thing about nicotine is it doesn't hollow you out like smack. Yes it kills and plenty, in the UK we had a singer/entertainer who used to make his living in working mens' clubs - ,Roy Castle, a really nice guy but he died of lung cancer, he died of secondary inhilation.

There's far too much verbal intellectual b/s used about smack addiction. I was introduced by a Turkish friend who was doing a PHd at a UK Uni in 75 to the man heading the experimental psychology course at that uni. I was introduced to him and he started on about the amazing work he was doing with rats. You need to understand that I was a hard line shop steward construction worker who had read lots of Jung/Wilhelm Reich/R.d.Lang/Art Janov and I didn't stand for b.s " I'm not interested in rats, I know they have superior social structures to the monkeys that fell out of the baobob trees in the Rif valley X number of years ago I want to work with bipeds. I also know that you have had more than one breakdown. One breakdown is good, it clears the head of accumulated crap but more than one means your still f/up". he started crying and ran away. I turned to my friend and said "it's obvious to me that I have nothing to gain by coming here, he agreed.

I liked and agreed with what the guy who has used Oxycotin said . I got lucky some years ago and got a test for colon cancer through the post.It turned out positive. Luckily I was in France not the UK and I was in hospital (a good one) and had the op. within one week. I had a big piece 66Cm cut out and lots of biops done at the same time on all my other organs in the region - I was clear. Unfortunately there was a small nick and some fecal matter escaped = infection = severe (and I do mean severe) pain in in places I would not have expected, my tackle and anus - don't laugh, it really wasn't funny. In the middle of the night, the night registrar mandated a morphine injection, it worked, I went to sleep.

The next night in my single bedroom I turned off the light at 22.30. Almost immediately the most incredible music experience of my life began. I experienced concerts I had been to decades before. LPs King Crimson/Pink Floyd/Stones/Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life as I heard it on a journey to Hoek von Holland from the Rot in 76. It went on for hours until exhausted I crashed out at 5.30AM. It made me realise why so may go on taking stuff like Oxycotin/morphine/smack - that is why it is so dangerous. The whole point about getting addicted is that it is not an intellectual exercise, it's totally organic, it's not a head trip, it's a whole trip and then IT'S GOT YOU.
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"he died of secondary inhilation."

That would never have happened in the north, like in Norway and Sweden, because we don't allow people to be such incredible ******** to cause secondary lung cancer in non smoking guests and personell in bars and restaurants. In our minds, this is a third world order problem. Let us hope that other countries will mature beyond this horrible habit.

Edit: After reading your whole post, even though I have not experienced anything else than beer and nicotine (and a joint or two), this is what my previous post was about. Addiction feels gooood. That is why it is so addictive. Something that feels good and is damaging, needs adults to put it to an end.
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Secondary inhalation can also occur inside houses, spouse and children inhale the smoker's exhaled smoke, particularly in dwellings that have HVAC, the air is circulating repeatedly.
Known to be dangerous, which is putting it mildly.

The thing is that the effects show up after a long time, and events in between also have to be considered.

For example, a lady comes in with cervical AND lung cancer, being a smoker's daughter who had sex with a man carrying the cervical cancer virus. Men are not affected by that virus, it is a known fact.
Who is to blame, in any case it is a bad prognosis.
Addiction is a real thing. It is not a moral failure. Nobody makes a conscious decision to become addicted to a substance. And once a person is addicted, their powers of reason concerning the addiction is grossly overshadowed by the addiction itself.

When I quit cigarettes, there was no reasoning involved, and no willpower either. My motivation was 100% fear. I had woken up on the floor of my office, fuzzy headed with a sharp pain in my chest and gasping for breath. I had just had a pulmonary embolism. The fear of dying overshadowed any cravings; I could have easily died that evening. In fact I didn't experience any craving until almost a year later, when a stranger offered me a cigarette during an enormously stressful ordeal. I did not fold.

Rats and monkeys are good candidates to study addiction because their brain structures are very similar to ours. Addiction happens to them the exact same way it happens to us. And cognitively, monkeys aren't very different from us. They lack very little intellect compared to us.
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I quit last year for like 4 months, then a family member passed and I couldn't resist. Now I'm back to square one. I think the mental aspect of feeling like I failed is the worst part. Oh well guess I'll try to quit again.

I think they should just ban them but I understand why that probably won't work.