Infineon MA12070 Class D

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Joined 2002
There is no "fuse" when things go wrong. Anything offered at the input will be amplified full volume.

Yes I understand but opamps are not necessarily evil. I think you mean OPA1656?! BTW you can edit your own post just after you have posted it to correct spelling errors, mistakes etc.

My MA12070 device will have solely transformers/caps and I am curious if it will work out.
I would actually prefer the TPA3251 to any of these low-ish power chips (3116, 3118, 3126, 3156 etc), even the TPA3250 (the TPA3250 is a really good one, but it's not quite so versatile and very slightly worse noise figures).

TPA3251 - Good noise figures, works from 12-36vdc (38v max!), can be asked to give about 50 watts very clean power in 8 ohm.

The TPA3255 is the top dog in the right conditions, but I think the TPA3251 is a better "all rounder" all things considered.
Would like to see a 2 x TAS3251 implementation in one board, 4 channels BTL, DSP filters and EQ, and one of those "HD bluetooth" receivers.
Not better, only less clutter.
in my opinion. All single power amplifiers. They are just toys.
No manufacturer will use these things. Unless it's on the car.
For example, Jeff rowland Or arc :p
China does not ship to Singapore? You might look at some IRS29092 amps - they actually sound really nice and have gobs of power. Not sure why they are not more popular. Available for like $20 on Aliexpress/eBay for 200W amp. They do require dual rail supplies.
In my cognitive range. All single power supply amplifiers. They are just toys.
Want a high-performance amplifier. Dual power supply must be used.
For example, Jeff Rowland 250 class D
ARC DS225 , DSI200
In my impression. Iraudamp4 and iraudamp5a are the highest performance amplifiers in the world at present.(CLASS D)
of course. It does not include ma120 mentioned on your website. Because I don't know this model. But it should be strong.
Founder of XSA-Labs
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For being “toys” the TPA32XX amps are kicking some real commercial amps’ butts. Look at performance of Topping PA-5. Almost up there with Benchmark AHB2 which is nearly 10x the price. Other TPA32XX amps are also out there with rave reviews and another one was directly compared with AHB2 and others like NAD, etc. and all lost.

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Founder of XSA-Labs
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I have not been following PA-5 but just saw it’s performance measure very well. These may be isolated instances but agree that customer service should be better. There are other more substantial alternatives to the that are more reliable in the long run and have rave reviews and with customer service and warranty repair based in the US. The MA120 might be a closer contender but I feel the max power levels may be a limiting factor.
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Joined 2002
The question is if course if the recent chip is as good as the old one. If not then MA12070 has a chance of TDA status :)

So single power supply amplifiers are toys?! Does this include JLH and Pass designs? Probably a misconception what “high performance” exactly is.
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The question is if course if the recent chip is as good as the old one. If not then MA12070 has a chance of TDA status :)

So single power supply amplifiers are toys?! Does this include JLH and Pass designs? Probably a misconception what “high performance” exactly is.
In fact, you said what I thought. JLH pass.
But I dare not say so. I'm afraid someone will hit me.
I don't have ma5532. Is it the same as ne5532.
Well... the NE5532 is for pre amps and can not output any current worth mentioning, the MA5332 can churn out 2x100W.
Seems to me like you are (very) intentionally misunderstanding, probably very funny but the joke does not really translate.

But I dare not say so. I'm afraid someone will hit me.
Find it somewhat peculiar that you are fine with making obvious and perhaps boundless insinuations but do not wish to stand by any "conclusions" derived from what you say.
Again, if this is humour - does not translate.

You are entitled to have your opinion, and you can speak it freely (within the forum rules), but merely having an opinion does not mean people will automatically agree to it.
I would be interested in what you think are the important aspects/differences between what you differentiate as "toys" and "proper" amplifiers, but if it comes with a sales pitch (starting to seem like it...) I have no interest in that.
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