Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

I don't know but one of kimmo's suggestions is that the tweeter should have little to no on-axis baffle gain below the crossover.
Okay, but what stuck with my mind also was that he suggested a significantly wider patter for the tweeter above crossover, in order to have a smooth power response summation. When following his 1-1.2 lambda suggestion.

- BTW, this is rounded vs chamfered (H, V, D), the last thing I wanted to implement for this release.
Whoops, single chamfered is not nearly as good for higher frequencies. Is a double chamfer like 2 x 22.5 degree possible?

Excited! 🥳
How much of the size is given over to termination will have an effect on the smoothness vs polar control. You can see the negative effect of the loss of vertical directivity higher in frequency as the size and shape of the baffle become more significant.
With a fresh look at the elliptical waveguide, I also realized another reason: compared to a rectangular one, the area of the upper wall which is horizontal is lesser, due to its round transition. With a rectangular waveguide, the horizontal walls that are controlling the vertical response extend into the corners.
I have been playing with the ROSSE formula and compared with the CE260 as a template:


Athough the profile is very close the DI and the impedance look rather different, it is very difficult to match the impedance with a decent performance.
But matching the DI is rather easy but yields a rather different profile:


Is that within expectation?

Here are some small WG to show what can be done:


smaller still:

I am looking at small devices because it is much more difficult to get them right so they provide better understanding of the limiting factors.
In addition and with the ROSSE formula it is straight forward to increase the radius and have a decent starting point for larger ones.
There is no target for the DI but rather general smoothness.
So far it seems that about 0.85 for the m parameter (apex relative position), about 0.28 for the r parameter (apex radius factor) and about 40deg for the coverage angle constitute a good starting point. With fixed driver exit angle, diamerter this leaves only 3 parameters to vary.
Any comment?
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Those are certainly interesting results of the optimization approach, depending on the quantity chosen as a target. I don't know if it's within expectation - those are all simply somewhat different profiles. Both DI and impedance are highly averaged quantities so some differences in the overall results are always to be expected.

Thanks for the effort, it's a nice thing to look at.
I tried this:

Throat.Diameter = 25.4
Throat.Angle = 10
Coverage.Angle = 45
Length = 60
Term.s = 1
Term.n = 4
OS.k = 1
Term.q = 0.98

Mesh.LengthSegments = 24
Mesh.AngularSegments = 64
Mesh.ThroatResolution = 4
Mesh.MouthResolution = 8 ; mesh element size for the horn outline
Mesh.SubdomainSlices = ; intentionally empty value (no subdomains)

Mesh.Enclosure = {
  Spacing = 30,30,30,200 ; edge distances (left,top,right,bottom) [mm]
  Depth = 200 ; enclosure depth [mm]
  EdgeRadius = 20 ; radius of the edge treatment [mm]
  EdgeType = 1 ; 1=rounded, 2=chamfered
  FrontResolution = 8,8,16,16 ; front side mesh element size (q1,q2,q3,q4) [mm]
  BackResolution = 20,20,20,20 ; back side mesh element size (q1,q2,q3,q4) [mm]

Ath (4.8.2) does something, but gmsh says the geo file contains a syntax error. The file stops halfway line 4435:
Line(2896) = {1448,14

What am I doing wrong?
4.7.0 compiles my cfg ok. Sadly 4.8.2 errors out. I have not made any changes to the cfg. demo cfg's suffer the same.

Info : Running 'C:\ath4\gmsh.exe mesh.geo -' [Gmsh 4.6.0, 1 node, max. 1 thread]
Info : Started on Wed Mar 30 23:48:56 2022
Info : Reading 'mesh.geo'...
Error : Unknown control point 1 in GEO curve 1
Error : Unknown control point 65 in GEO curve 1
Error : 'mesh.geo', line 1539 : Could not add line

Fixed! I had an lua54.dll in the ath4 folder. Seems to compile cfg's again now.
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What additional lines are required to force an enclosure around an existing design? I've tried to enable Mesh.Enlcosure on the simple demos with no joy. Perhaps you could provide a demo12.cfg Thanks @mabat ! Such as this bare min cfg.

Throat.Profile = 1
Throat.Diameter = 25.4
Throat.Angle = 10
Coverage.Angle = 45
Length = 100
Morph.TargetShape = 1
Mesh.Enclosure = {
Depth = 200
ABEC.Polars:SPL = {
MapAngleRange = 0,180,37
Output.STL = 1
Output.ABECProject = 1
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What additional lines are required to force an enclosure around an existing design? I've tried to enable Mesh.Enlcosure on the simple demos with no joy. Perhaps you could provide a demo12.cfg Thanks @mabat ! Such as this bare min cfg.

In my case, it appeared after I had messed with ABEC.SimType. I had set it to 2, then to 1, then to 3 and 0, both of which do not exist, and then to 2 again. Don't know if there is a causal relation, also ran the ath command a couple of times. You will have in your ath command line print a line that indicates the enclosure was successfully meshed: -enclosure dimensions: 326 x 570 x 270 mm.

For half symmetry, you must add Mesh.Quadrants = 14, then you see the full enclosure. Otherwise, only quarter symmetry is inserted into ABEC. It then takes a while to calculate, so think first if you want to hit F5. sleepy

Thanks a thousand times @mabat!
Sleep now. Just managed to get this demo running.


Throat.Profile = 1
Throat.Diameter = 25.4
Throat.Angle = 10
Coverage.Angle = 45
Length = 100

Morph.TargetShape = 1

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Mesh Setting
; -------------------------------------------------------

Mesh.AngularSegments = 96
Mesh.LengthSegments = 60
Mesh.ThroatResolution = 5.0 ; [mm]
Mesh.InterfaceResolution = 7.0 ; [mm]
Mesh.InterfaceOffset = 5.0 ; [mm]
Mesh.ZMapPoints = 0.3,0.5,0.5,0.95
Mesh.SubdomainSlices =
Mesh.Quadrants = 14

Mesh.Enclosure = {
Spacing = 50,50,50,200
Depth = 200
EdgeRadius = 30
EdgeType = 1
FrontResolution = 8,8,16,16
BackResolution = 20,20,20,20

ABEC.SimType = 2
ABEC.Abscissa = 1 ; 1=log | 2=linear
ABEC.f1 = 200 ; [Hz]
ABEC.f2 = 16000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.MeshFrequency = 3000
ABEC.NumFrequencies = 19

ABEC.Polars:SPL = {
MapAngleRange = 0,180,37
Offset = 101

Output.STL = 1
Output.ABECProject = 1
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Spectrum calculation
Number of data-sets 115

Observation script observation.txt
Frequency range 1,000kHz...20,000kHz, Abscissa = lin, NumFrequencies = 30
Threads used 12

ERRORS ------------------------
Number format problem in data block of import stream.

My observations process is complaining. I think I do not have sufficient CPU threads.
How do I set microphone level in observations.txt? The spectra that I get from VCAS do not look as intended:

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