I hate youtube audio videos

Good reminder, also "Easy rider" with Peter Fonda (ohh, Jane, sighs) Jack Nicholson and Denis Hopper, from that movie I have the LP with the soundtrack, Steppenwolf, etc ... but I listen to it secretly with headphones , I don't want the neighbors to consider me "that dirty hippie" ;) :D
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Joined 2018
I want to get free energy like this guy has done, but I can't determine the north pole and the south pole of a ceramic magnet, can someone help me ?
It is not necessary to understand the Spanish language, just watch the video in parts, it will take a minute or two, it is extraordinary ! :D
ENERGIA INFINITA GRATIS - ⚡����⚡ El metodo censurado que no quieren que sepas - YouTube

Don't you love those silly, loaded with BS types of videos?
You gotta know they're full of crap.
Cheap entertainment when there's nothing worthwile on the TV.
If you know how brain works, you can release micro/nano receptors into the air throught plains.

Receptors - (transducing signals) will enter ur blood stream and eventually will end up in ur brain connecting you to 5g network and will start damaging ur health.

Youtube is a good platvorm to control ur emotional state and thus have an affect on ur brain function.

BRAIN - is everything.

But its just a Scifi(HIFI) :D
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Joined 2018
I can't seem to convey that I'm not seriously asking ...... that video is pure BS, but I can't deny that it's ingenious.
Probably a switch and battery hidden behind the dash make the miracle of inexhaustible power !

Those videos are mostly scams, lies, tall tales, like so many other forms of "online" BS.
There's no way to see and confirm validity in watching a 2 dimensional video across the internet.
Yet... society has been dumbed-down so much, to the point of actually believing in that junk.
I share what you say, but look at it as follows:
Someone watches that video without having minimal knowledge of electricity, as is the vast majority of people.
Then you read the comments and someone mentions that this would not serve to power the electrical appliances of a house because it does not have enough "energy". (it's fun and real, you can read them)
Then he will come out to discuss with whoever he can that it is possible to have free energy, but the problem is that you have to make very large magnets!
After all, I rode my bike at night as a kid and lit my way for free ! ;)


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That doesn’t run the headlight for free. Costs you a new tire. After 20 miles or so in the dark, the sidewall will be down to threads and with any luck you’ll catch it before you get a blowout and end up walking.

Yeah, I'd rather invest on some batteries and a decent LED light for night riding.
Easier to change some batteries than a worn-out tire.

My bike's got front/rear LED lighting, and still decent tires.
A 2.5 HP 4-stroke engine below the seat. :D
30MPH on level ground if I dare to open it up.
Mine used to shred tires, and I concluded that batteries were cheaper than tires.

Back before LEDs were any damn good I was still commuting to work with a 6 volt lantern on the front, and an entire perf board filled with “high brightness” T1-3/4 red LEDs with a 555 flasher on the back. They used to call me “Spot-lite” on the road. Nowadays one little SMD chip LED will blow either away.
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Joined 2018
My boyhood bike had a hub dynamo, so no tyre wear.

I still had to pedal to light the lights though. :confused:

P.S. I wonder if wiseold's 4-stroke runs on water? ;)

Sorry, nope.
Regular gasoline, about 75 to 140 miles a gallon depending on terrain and throttle.
It's a kit from Bikeberry in Cal. and really neat.

Originally, I was going to go electric, but seeing the very expensive Lithium Ion batteries blowing up, I said "screw that!"