LuFo Amp - 39w SE Class A from 28v Rail

Just thinking out loud.But is a 6C45 able to do this (by it self),it has a mu of 52 and can drive some current.
Edit: And use a CCS.

Yes, 6C45 could do.
You don't need the full mu; so no need for current source loading, even with resistive anode load you'd have a bit too much gain.
With a 3:1 interstage transformer you'd be perfectly there with enough gain and ample drive current for the mosfet.
One of multiple options...
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Sorry, MOT = Microwave Oven Transformer.

In the U.S.A., these surplus transformers can be used to as a high current choke load on Class A amps. I have used them on MoFo, Glass Harmony, and now LuFo. They were not made for audio, obvioulsy, but seem to handle a pretty high DC current (as high as 6A) and make good music for cheaps. On eBay, search for "Microwave Oven transfromer MD-803AMR" that is the model I use. There are others that may work too. The 230VAC ones in EU and Asia have a high DCR and will not work.

For example: Midea Microwave HV Transformer MD-803AMR-1 used | eBay

You can also find dead microwave ovens on the curb on trash day and pull your own.

It is the big 8lb block of iron and copper on the lower left:

Interesting video - first time I have seen someone cut the weld off a MOT to rewind it:
How To Make Custom Power Transformers - YouTube
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I checked out a couple of the how-to videos on the MOTs, thanks for the links. If you were to remove the secdondary windings, would you add what amounts to an additional primary that would channge/augment its specs, or simply to avoid safety issues with the high voltage in the secondary?

