The Black Hole......

Is it quiet in here... seems like the whole rotating system has come to a screeching halt just as I was thinking of escaping the plan-demic and having a cold Corona with Richard all the borders went shut, oh well..

How is the situation over there Richard?


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Count on Howie for the obscure, I liked it BTW.

BTW, the band name means "Hammers of the Underworld!!":eek::eek: If anyone ever gets the chance to see them do it! They do not have a guitarist, but their cellist has a rack of effects pedals that would make a guitarist jealous, and the sound coming from that cello is huge! It makes a guitar seem so scrawny by comparison...lotsa fun, tho I don't know if they are touring anymore.

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Joined 2012
Is it quiet in here... seems like the whole rotating system has come to a screeching halt just as I was thinking of escaping the plan-demic and having a cold Corona with Richard all the borders went shut, oh well..

How is the situation over there Richard?

Its great over on this side of the planet. Never too hot and never cold. Great warm waters and white sandy beaches. Now, you would have the whole beach to your self. My girl in Sydney is also bored being locked inside so she sent me this message.

View attachment video-1584764597.mp4

Cute young woman always cheers me up.

Only catch is this virus thing going around. Nasty stuff. Hasnt been too bad here though. But, come on over and hang out with me when it is safe. I am on Sukhumvit road. :)


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Disabled Account
Joined 2012
Smart and beautiful and fun.....trifecta!

Edit.....don’t take that in a creepy way, it was meant as a compliment!

Not taken.... you ought to just talk to her... amazing mind... assimulates info at a fantastic rate. Loves math... thinks its fun. Plus an Alpha personality so i have her also taking extra university business courses/management courses while taking her EE courses. Yet, so modest, humble and real and ultra girlie, also. Geeez. She still complains of being bored. I'll have to load her up with more to do. Because she comes from extreme poverty, been thru civil war, massive earth quakes, abuses, she has no big ego problems. She is the most Normal person you could ever meet. I cant wait to see what she does with her life given the opportunities we all take for granted.

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Disabled Account
Joined 2012
She ought to get on here.....this place will drain any extra energy one might have!

Probably not cutting edge enough to keep her interest though......kindly a elephants’ graveyard. ;)

She is too normal and well adjusted so I dont think she would put up with some of the overly inflated ego's demonstrated here recently. She just wasnt raised in a culture that rude.
