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There are lot of study where the vegan diet is terrible for the kids.
Mainstream organizations like the American Academy of Paediatricians appear completely relaxed about children following a well-planned vegan diet.

But any child's diet requires planning, as there is scope within any high-level set of 'food rules' for poor nutrition (the proportion of obese children in the US is striking).
Well, I hope no one eats me!

There was a reply about sugar. Had a huge impact on my life when I gave it up. Now being vegetarian is easy. Giving up sugar was a nightmare for me! Still glad I did it.
Maybe it was me. I was a sugar freak. It was the last addictive food I finally could give up and once I did I lost another 10 pounds and BP went down another 5 points.

But so far, I haven'd been able to make it through the day without some egg whites. I really tried to go full vegan but I was dragging through the day. After about 2 years of vegan I ate an egg white and felt way more alert and energetic immediately. Have to take a B complex if you only eat egg whites though.

I do eat one whole egg every other day or take a Krill oil capsule. This is because I also need some animal sourced Omega 3 or my vision will loose some color perception after a week.

I only know all these things because I did tests eating one thing at a time after being vegan clean for extended periods of time.
Rant on/

@ All involved with this thread so far: AAMOI the Dalai Lama needed to change his fully vegetarian diet. At a young age he contracted Hepatitis and was forced to supplement his diet with meat protein to prevent a re-occurence and ultimately death.

The problem with most of the food provided to the human race is that there is way too many pesticides, chemicals to make it last longer on the shelf, etc. I have stopped eating bread and started exercising by cycling and swimming. (My knees and back are stuffed so running and high impact is not for me.) As a world we have far too much stress and as a result we resort to comfort food. I know, because I still do, way too often.

We try to fool ourselves with this type of sugar or that type of sugar. The truth is we get enough sugar from fruit - and too much from fruit juice. We actually don't need more than what nature gives us. Honey (used by so many) is for the bees. Specifically for the pupa. Not for us to consume. The only place we should use honey is to maybe dress a wound - it is a natural antiseptic. Bees (and other insects) are incredibly important to the human race as whole - they are needed to fertilise the plants etc.

Natural full cream mother's milk is for babies, not adults. Milk provides them with the natural defence to many diseases and provides them with fundamental food necessary to grow. I just really enjoy a good cheese, and other dairy stuff .

What we should do is to have a fully balanced naturally sourced meal (meat, grain, pulses, legumes, vegetables, fruit, raw/dried nuts etc.) Try cutting out the processed/refined foods, but most especially the starches & sugars - these two are the single biggest cause of diebetes and heart disease - oh! and margarine is just pure poison - especially the polyunstaturated type. Needless to say stress, junk food and over indulgence kills us very quickly.

I am not a vegetarian, but I understand and do not denegrate those who prefer to follow that way of life. My late wife was a vegetarian for the oldest reason (thou shall not kill) but she respected my decision to eat meat - we were soul mates. I say "Live and Let Live." Respect other people and their choices. I am also very much against the factory farms and such like practices. But these exist because: -

There are too many humans on this planet!! Nature can sort her self out, as long as us humans control what we do to her. Minimise the damage we do, re-instate nature once we have finished mining an area of what we actually need. Educate the youngsters and ensure they are properly disciplined and respect everybody around them. In this way they might bring the human race/civilisation back into harmony with each other and nature. All the laws protecting each other from each other etc is a load of bunkem. Plain common sense and "do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you" - maybe then we will survive global warming, pollution, drought et al. And have less wars - but then I am an idealist.

All these new "green friendly" vehicles, SMPS, PV cells etc. require intensive mining to obtain the necessary materials to make them (most especially crude oil and its by-products.) To recycle these "green products" is extremely difficult and involves energy hungry processes. I am of the very personal opinion that as a race we are just fooling ourselves.

We will be long gone, but the world will survive - it may take a long time to get back to the beginning but the world will survive. Maybe some humans will remain, but that is debatable. /Rant off

I might just change my signature henceforth. "Gaya Rules and the human race sucks"

PS. Sugar is put into most foods to preserve it - no wonder we are addicted to it. Lastly - Breakfast like a king, lunch like a baron and supp like a pauper - is actually the way to do it. It is one of the reasons the Mediterranean folk are so healthy. There are a few others.
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To perpetuate the species.
Absolutely SJ! Reproduction is what it is all about. I've managed to reproduce (with some help from my wife!), and now Mother Nature is done with me.

This crazy world will be here when I'm gone, barring another giant asteroid impact. However, such a catastrophic event may at least give a less destructive species than ours a chance to enjoy the future fruits of the Earth!

Notice my reference to 'fruits' in order to stay on thread! ;)
Ok. Speciesism is on topic, so that bit was rhetorical, it's one of the main philosophies of veganism. To me, it seems to imply that the human species is special, I just wonder what people think of this. To be clear vegans are against speciesism, just in case there was any doubt
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