Official M2 schematic

Hi all

First power up of left channel.
No blown thingies, so that is good :)

But alas... 9mV from between R3/4 and GND so I presume I should fiddle with R3 and R4 values (both pretty exactly 10R now). Q3/Q4 are pretty close match as far as I know.
Any suggestion on value(s) to try?

And DC offset on outputs: With P1 at factory value (not measured) somewhere between -700mV and -800mV. P1 fully clockwise lowers this to about -280mV. So I am about to increase R7 to 56k. Or should I jump higher? Have 68k and 73k2 on hand. Both R6 and R7 are 47k at the moment.



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One other quick question. Looked for it on the thread but did not find it (that could be me :) )

I was planning to put two mono volume pots at the back of the chassis for master volume adjust and volume matching (acoustically - nasty rooms). I had a NAD 916 a long time ago which had this and I found this very handy at the time. Any pot recommendations (at least which impedance to use)?


DC at Edcor: Parallelling 133R with R4 lowers R3/4 junction to GND from 0.009V to 0.007V. Parallelling another 133R (so 10R + 133R + 133R) lowers further to 0.006V

The DC offset at output jumped (with P1 full clockwise) from -300mV to +2000mV when increasing R7 from 47k to 56k. Fully turning P1 to counterclockwise lowers to 424mV
