Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

@Tim and @koda59 great work on the latest update, Vive la France! :D
Quick question about updating, if I do an apt-get update & upgrade should I do it on the unsquashed fs?
I actually did it with still squashed and it is playing the radio fine at moment, just seemed to take longer than usual to 'come back up'.
Merci beaucoup mes comrades!
I used that and it worked out fine. Maybe you are not waiting long enough for the build to complete?
Perhaps it would be a good idea if Tim gave some indication on his Support Page of how long the build takes.
Once you insert the new sdcard in your Rpi3, around 30mn (could vary with server load during kernel update).

You can look at log file /home/pi/mosbuild.log with this command : tail -f /home/pi/mosbuild.log
Beta 12 on Pi official display in swivel case.


Some thoughts on using MoodeAUDIO Beta 12 with Pi Official Display. Pictures attached.

I put the SDcard I created using Moode beta 12 into my normal streaming player, which is a LMS server, squeezelite, Jivelite based system. I did the necessary reconfigure and it works OK! The Dac in this system, is a Hifiberry pro Plus, with internal USB storage.

My system uses a Pi official display in a swivel mounted display I built. The Pi display has a cr*p viewing angle and the swivel allows me to view it at 90 degs without stooping or getting down on my knees.

The case is a Hammond one, just the right size! I have a FLIR and an Pi ATX power switch. I have a genuine Squeezebox IR remote, and can control the Squeezelite/Jivelite system with either touch, IR remote or over the web!

My first impression of Moode Audio using the touch screen is that it is not as good as using Jivelite, it is a lot slower, and the web pages do not "fit" the screen as well as the Jivelite system.

I have not yet added the config file for the ATX power control system and for the FLIR IR remote device.

If I can achieve the same user ability with Moode audio I will go for it, however at my advanced years I cannot get much improvement in the SQ using Moode audio over Squeezelite

The usability is very important to me. If I am listening to music and the phone rings or my better half wants to talk, I can pick up the remote and pause play quickly and easily, a lot quicker than any other way!





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I used that and it worked out fine. Maybe you are not waiting long enough for the build to complete?
Perhaps it would be a good idea if Tim gave some indication on his Support Page of how long the build takes.

You are spot on Jonners. Waited for log time while monitoring the process through ssh- cat . /Mos build.log. . Finally got it up and running :) thank you very much for your valuable inputs.
Friends - sorry but I don't understand it at all... :(((
I can connect with Putty,
I tried what is stay in the support, but not goes... (not enough space...etc.)
I have a 16GB SD card in RasPi, and a 32GB SD card in USB adapter...
And what should i do with the ZIP file?

Could someone please write down step-by-step the whole methode?
Or make a video, or something...
Start from here: We have a clear SD card, and a Raspberry ... :)

Thanks a lot!
Friends - sorry but I don't understand it at all... :(((
I can connect with Putty,
I tried what is stay in the support, but not goes... (not enough space...etc.)
I have a 16GB SD card in RasPi, and a 32GB SD card in USB adapter...
And what should i do with the ZIP file?

Could someone please write down step-by-step the whole methode?
Or make a video, or something...
Start from here: We have a clear SD card, and a Raspberry ... :)

Thanks a lot!

Could you copy/paste here your output during process, please ?

Some thoughts on using MoodeAUDIO Beta 12 with Pi Official Display. Pictures attached.

I put the SDcard I created using Moode beta 12 into my normal streaming player, which is a LMS server, squeezelite, Jivelite based system. I did the necessary reconfigure and it works OK! The Dac in this system, is a Hifiberry pro Plus, with internal USB storage.

My system uses a Pi official display in a swivel mounted display I built. The Pi display has a cr*p viewing angle and the swivel allows me to view it at 90 degs without stooping or getting down on my knees.

The case is a Hammond one, just the right size! I have a FLIR and an Pi ATX power switch. I have a genuine Squeezebox IR remote, and can control the Squeezelite/Jivelite system with either touch, IR remote or over the web!

My first impression of Moode Audio using the touch screen is that it is not as good as using Jivelite, it is a lot slower, and the web pages do not "fit" the screen as well as the Jivelite system.

I have not yet added the config file for the ATX power control system and for the FLIR IR remote device.

If I can achieve the same user ability with Moode audio I will go for it, however at my advanced years I cannot get much improvement in the SQ using Moode audio over Squeezelite

The usability is very important to me. If I am listening to music and the phone rings or my better half wants to talk, I can pick up the remote and pause play quickly and easily, a lot quicker than any other way!




Hi Patrick,

There are a few Chrome Browser configs that enable the UI to fit on the 16:10 A/R screen. I was not able to find a way to automatically make the configs in the Recipe or Builder. See step 4 below from the Build Recipe.


// COMPONENT 8 - Local UI display 

1. Install xserver. Perform this step separately from the rest.

sudo apt-get -y install xinit xorg lsb-release xserver-xorg-legacy chromium-browser libgtk-3-0

2. Permissions, clean up and service config

sudo sed -i "s/allowed_users=console/allowed_users=anybody/" /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
sudo apt-get clean
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl disable localui

4. Configure Chrome Browser

NOTE: These steps are performed AFTER actually starting local display via System config, rebooting and then accessing moOde on the local display.

a. Connect a keyboard.
b. Press Ctrl-t to open a separate instance of Chrome Browser.
c. For Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Display open Chrome settings and set the zoom to 75%.
d. Optionally, enter url chome://extensions and install the xontab virtual keyboard extension.
e. Enter url chrome://flags and scroll down to Overlay Scrollbars and enable the setting.