Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Just check if some squashfs is mounted on /var/www:
pi@moode:~ $ df -T

Filesystem                      Type     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                       ext4      15242572  1716984  12876932  12% /
/dev/loop0                      squashfs     11008    11008         0 100% /var/www
How to apply the updater if your www is squashed?
For example type:

cd ~
sudo umount /var/www
sudo unsquashfs -d /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b12

sudo rm /var/local/moode.sqsh
sudo mksquashfs /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh

sudo rm -rf /var/www/*
sudo reboot

Thx. Looks like the image i got is not squashed.
Hello Tim and all,

I have a problem with Image Builder unfortunately.
The prepared SD-card boots up and gives an error message, then jumps to login prompt.
Logging in with ‘pi’ ‘moodeaudio’ does nothing, I assume STEP 2 should start automatically?

The error message is:
[FAILED] Failed to start /etc/rc-local Compatibility.
See ‘systemctl status rc-local.service’ for details.

The output for ‘systemctl status rc-local.service’ is (in short):
rc-local.service: Control Process exited, code=exited status=127
rc-local.service: Failed to start /etc/rc-local Compatibility.

What should I do now? Thanks for any help.
Players Option

I seem to be having trouble getting the "Players" menu option to work. I have 2 Beta 12 players running. moode and moode-touch.

If I open the "moode-touch" player on my brower, and then open the Players menu option and select "moode" nothing happens. If I select "moode-touch" on my PC and my Mac I get an error. " cannot be reached." On my RPi with touch screen it actually refreshes the page. The same thing happens if I open "moode" and try to switch to "moode-touch".

So none of the platforms will switch to "other" player, and only the RPi will redisplay "this" player.

Is there some configuration option that I am missing? All of these machines are Ethernet connected on the same network.
No avail:(. Moode is visible through my router's dhcp client and showing ip address and Mac address. I am using same ip address to access moode through browser (tried both Mozilla and and Chrome) but not able to connect. However, using same ip addres I can acces moode through putty but it shows only cmd prompt. Tried mood. local as well

You have to wait to the modbuilder process end (downloading stuff, compilation mpd, etc.)

For example, you can see the Raspbery Pi as "moode" in your router list of connected users but it's doing stuff in the first reboots (for example, installing the web server, etc.). You can access via SSH but I don't recommend it (if you try to run via SSH the in Stage 3B and it fails because apt-get lock, the script gets deleted and you have to start from scratch again).

Wait a while and then try it again :)


Great point. The services don't all come up at once during this process. Still, as Tim mentioned, once the initial stuff is done, one can ssh in and monitor the mosbuild.log file. When the pi reboots, one just has to ssh in again. Once the final reboot is done, then the web GUI should be up.


Sorry for misunderstanding your point.

Why do you have to complicate a good method? You will lose lots of users this way. Or will there be iso file from this later on?
Tim didn't choose this, the developer of mpd singled moode out as non-compliant with the terms of the GPL due to the distribution model and this was the only real way to satisfy him.

There is an effort underway to include moode with the dietpi distro I think, which would let you install moode in a more conventional fashion. I don't think that's ready for prime time yet though.

There's also the new automated build script which should make things simpler. I haven't used it yet but there's been a lot of success reported with it.

Yeap! I'm installing it right now and have the same issues but when I was checking the "ps aux" via SSH I saw that a lot of things were going on with the 'root' user (confirmed when I did a nano -w mosbuild.log).

BTW small tip for everyone who doesn't have a usb-microSD adapter and want to build their moodeaudio.img:

1 - Install Raspbian Stretch Lite on your MicroSD and boot on it with your Raspy
2 - Download the script for the image builder.
3 - Modify the "Main" section (at the end of the script file) to be like this:


# check if img already exist
if [ -f mosbuild/$RASPBIAN_IMG ] ; then
echo "** Base OS image was saved from previous build"
readYnInput "** Use saved image to write to USB drive (y/n)? "
if [ $YN = "y" ] ; then
exit 0

And you are done. The script will generate the img and you can scp to your main computer to flash it on your sd card.

Tim didn't choose this, the developer of mpd singled moode out as non-compliant with the terms of the GPL due to the distribution model and this was the only real way to satisfy him.

There is an effort underway to include moode with the dietpi distro I think, which would let you install moode in a more conventional fashion. I don't think that's ready for prime time yet though.

There's also the new automated build script which should make things simpler. I haven't used it yet but there's been a lot of success reported with it.


It boils down to getting GPL compliance up to scratch for anything thats distributed. If the thing thats distributed is an entire Linux OS which contains 1000's of Copyrighted works then the license compliance requirements are very time intensive.

The compliance request from the main dev of MPD was resolved satisfactorily but based on the amount of effort involved its not something I can do for every moOde release, thus the Image Builder :)

Eventually I may distribute pre-made moOde images again if I can fully automated the GPL admin tasks.

I seem to be having trouble getting the "Players" menu option to work. I have 2 Beta 12 players running. moode and moode-touch.

If I open the "moode-touch" player on my brower, and then open the Players menu option and select "moode" nothing happens. If I select "moode-touch" on my PC and my Mac I get an error. " cannot be reached." On my RPi with touch screen it actually refreshes the page. The same thing happens if I open "moode" and try to switch to "moode-touch".

So none of the platforms will switch to "other" player, and only the RPi will redisplay "this" player.

Is there some configuration option that I am missing? All of these machines are Ethernet connected on the same network.

Hi Bryce,

The Players >> feature uses the mDNS protocol for discovery. Its called Bonjour on Apple platforms and Avahi on Linux. Its not supported on Android OS.

There are some Avahi tools that can be used for troubleshooting. Send me an email if you want to do some investigation.

Having played with one of the other "appliance" distros, I thought I'd have a go with moOde.

The .zip contained files rather than a .img, so i thought I would try the "build" option, which appears to download a .zip, expand it to a .img and then write it to an attached USB flash drive, which the Pi does not boot from.

I presume that either I'm meant to write the contents of the USB Flash drive to a SD card, or configure the Pi to boot from USB, but neither is obvious. Much as I like to solve problems myself, as this thread has over 11k posts in it, I'm reduced to asking if there is a howto for idiots such as myself.


I think he is saying that he can't access moOde through IP/browser, but it does connect via ssh and it shows up in his router's list of attached devices.
Yes this is exactly my situation.

@gabmartini. Will try everything from scratch as you prescribed. My base os is raspbian lite (read somewhere in the forum to install that) is that the problem?

I am planning to come up with the detailed installation guide for Linux illiterates (like myself), only once I am through with the installation for myself, so that anyone who can operate mouse and keyboard should be able to use moode.

Thanks to everyone who are helping with their valuable inputs.
Hello Tim and all,

I have a problem with Image Builder unfortunately.
The prepared SD-card boots up and gives an error message, then jumps to login prompt.
Logging in with ‘pi’ ‘moodeaudio’ does nothing, I assume STEP 2 should start automatically?

The error message is:
[FAILED] Failed to start /etc/rc-local Compatibility.
See ‘systemctl status rc-local.service’ for details.

The output for ‘systemctl status rc-local.service’ is (in short):
rc-local.service: Control Process exited, code=exited status=127
rc-local.service: Failed to start /etc/rc-local Compatibility.

What should I do now? Thanks for any help.

I am also facing exact same problem now.

What I did so far:-
Step 1: downloaded raspbian lite from raspberry pi. and ensured its running on my rpi3.
Step2: connected rpi running raspbian through lan to my router and started.
Step3: connected to rpi using putty (ssh) and entered the command mentioned in support page.
Step4: it asked couple of questions with y/n. Answered every thing as per Tim's note. There was one additional question "connect to wifi instead of lan" I answered 'no' to it.
Step 5: in between those questions in step 4 it asked me to insert SD card through USB card reader which I did.
Step 6: it said image build was successful (something like that) and asked me I want to save base os for future images. I answered with 'yes'.
Step7: took out SD card on usb card reader and inserted into SD card slot of rpi( after removing the card which was there earlier).
Step 8: powered up rpi3 (connect to router through lan) and did not touch it for next 35 minutes.

Step 9: turned off and and on rpi and waited for 5 minutes ( my volumio takes 2 to 3 minutes load, hence this waiting)
Step 10: identified ip address of moode through my router's user interface (it was written 'moode' now- earlier it was raspberry pi)
Step 11: tried accessing mood gui through web browser using ip address identified in step 10 and Failed, tried using my android phone browser (Chrome) - failed, tried moode. local- failed.

Step 12: connected to monitor using Hdmi cable after disconnecting it from Lan. I could see raspbian booting and at the end with error message "
Failed to start /etc/rc-local Compatibility.
See ‘systemctl status rc-local.service’ for details.

Any help would be appreciated.

Step 13: connected using ssh and ran cat */Mos build.log(thought of experimenting) - this time connected to internet via lan. It gave error at the end (please see the attached image)


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