Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi Tim,

Thanks for release beta11.

However, it seems that the Squash process causes the cover art issue again on my moOde 4b11.
I could solve this problem with re-Unsquash.

Is there anyone who has the same issue on cover art display?



Yes, I see the problem. I'll need to make Beta 12 bugfix release :-0


I upgraded to beta 11 from beta 9 but I still have the message : 'cover art not found'

As you can see, Tim got it ;)
Just wait for the beta12 :cool:
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi Tim,
I have installed moode 4.0 beta 11 without problems and it works. After that I copied my music files on the SD card, and I see them in the moode library. The problem i'm having is that i can't select to add all songs from the sd card on the playback list. I can only add 1 song at a time. I lost the option to select all songs at once.
Joined 2016
Paid Member
In the SDCARD directory i made a new map FLAC and then I got the options I was looking for. My bad :eek:


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But, from the mobile Tidal app, you can click on the options and choose Share on any track/album/playlist and choose Share, then select Bubble, and it will automatically start streaming. But I wonder if those tracks are already hidden from the mobile Tidal app.

I was really hoping not to have to run a UPnP server at all - kind of like the function of the Tidal2 (unofficial) app for Kodi. The official Kodi Tidal app does not work anymore and I am wondering if this was due to licencing rights, which is why someone created the Tidal2 Add-on. Although I thought that may be too much to ask for a Tidal GUI - possibly something for MoOde 5.0 if we keep feeding Tim.

I know that Tim is super-busy, but before a Tidal GUI my vote would be for a nice UI for the library view (by Artist, by Album) with cover images. That's the only thing I ever liked more in Volumio 2 compared to Moode...
Having said that, I continue running Moode.
Just updated to 4 Beta10 and then Beta 11 today.
Thanks Tim!
I know that Tim is super-busy, but before a Tidal GUI my vote would be for a nice UI for the library view (by Artist, by Album) with cover images. That's the only thing I ever liked more in Volumio 2 compared to Moode...
Having said that, I continue running Moode.
Just updated to 4 Beta10 and then Beta 11 today.
Thanks Tim!


Have to agree about not diverting limited resource when there are still improvements possible which benefit all moOde users, not just subscribers to one commercial streaming service or another. Now if the services would pay Tim for the pass-through traffic like click-through revenue works on webpages ;)

Players feature

I've been playing with the new ability to discover and connect to other moOde players. I was skeptical early on but I find it really is useful, especially when I'm using my phone or small-screen tablet.

Note that in r40b11 the Players entry shows up in the pull-down menu only when you're on the Browse, Library, or Playback panel. I was confused the first time I looked at the menu while on a configuration screen and couldn't find Players.

Tim, was this intended behavior or will "Players" be accessible everywhere, so to speak, in r40?

It’s a lot easier to use disk utility.

Just copy the disk to a ‘CD/DVD master’ image, rename the image from .cdr to .iso or .img.

Disk utility was easier in terms of fewer steps. I was able to copy to my documents folder, no prob. Put a new SD card formatted with SD card formatter and then fired up Etcher. When I selected the image file message pops up "It looks like this is not a bootable image". I noticed in finder .img file I created shows up as an NDIF Disk Image. So clearly I missed the place to select the type of file. I will give another shot. Thanks for the tip
Hi, Tim.

Hi Kent,

The discovery and switching feature is definitely useful and it provides a framework for integrated multi-room sync audio :)

Aha, got more cards up your sleeve, have you?

Try editing /var/local/www/header.php and copy the "Players" <li> to the "else" block. It should work. If its useful to have it on the configs context menu then no problem to add.


Yes, it does work.

At the same time, now that my initial reaction of "wait, what? it was there a minute ago, right between Customize and Audio info, but now it's not" has passed, I don't have any strong conviction that it should be changed. As you say, they are context-driven menus. I had just made a config change to one player and wanted to switch to another player to make the same change. It's no biggy to have to click one extra time to get there once one understands the necessary change in context.


PS - I have stumbled into a legitimate use for my (trial) Tidal subscription. Our high school drama club has decided to perform "Anything Goes" this spring and Tidal has the 1962 off-broadway cast recording, same version we're going to use. I'm a minor god to my grandkids just now!
Maybe obvious to Tim and many but...

Of the extra features all I need at the moment is AirPlay. What I didn't realise for AirPlay to work one has to install ALL of the COMPONENTS. Just doing 4 and Clean Up does not give me AirPlay.

Excellent work Tim. Take it easy, no burn outs here please. Thanks to the rest who feed constructive parts to the whole.
I started getting monetary breaks in the music whilst streaming from my server. Not This happens randomly and only for a moment. Nothing has changed in my system and I have never had such issues. This happens regardless of whether I have airplay or upnp running. This is on a RPi3 with Allo Piano 2.1 and Kali reclocker. Connecting via Wifi which I have always done. Even running MoOde on a Pi zero with a generic dac I have never had this issue. I have no idea where to start troubleshooting. Any assistance would be appreciated.

It has started happening since r10 not that I am saying it is related to the updates.
