Pictures of your diy Pass amplifier

ACA finally ready, what a nice sounding piece of amp!


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How is the alu top cover bolted to the chassis?
What heatsinks are they? More pictures of the inside available?

It wasn't when i took the photos, there is four m3 bolts holdin roof now. There's still kinda work going on with this one, I'm going to modify power supply by adding 4 more caps, just for the looks. And then there's cooling, is there need for holes on the roof in a long run. It seems to run cool enough, but i want to make some more measurements. Heatsinks are from broken Nad 216. I have bad habit of modifying these more and more even when ready.. :/ have rebuilt my Aleph monos three times now..
More pictures of the inside available?

Here´s one picture from insides. Still waiting for those 4 missing capacitors and new CMC RCA-connectors. It´s not nearly as clean as I would like it to be, so may do some modifications when I add those missing capacitors :(. Just listened this couple of hours, I really like it.


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I think it's lovely, Juntuin.

Are those extra cans over the caps, or did you just spray-paint them? If extra cans, is there any issue with heat buildup?

Thank you :eek:

I stripped the shrink around caps, then carefully sanded them with a little water, and glued those black plastic hats over them. Quite fast and easy modification, but they do get scratches very easily when assembling amp together.
i dug the original Zen amp out of storage and set it up. I never ran it much because i
was getting a measurement of 1 volt across R1 instead of 0.66 I did add Return of Zen
power supply upgrade to quiet things down a bit. The big 2mH inductor and added caps
helped that a lot. Anyway i hooked it up to the X2.5 so a proper Pre amp could run it
for once and to the Bottlehead Straight 8s, designed for low powered tube amps.
I must say Tori Amos sounded her gorgeous self (little earthquakes) on them.
hmmmm now to put it in a proper box? :) 16 year old projects :)


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Here is my Pass Aleph 5, preamp p1.7 all diy of course, and a modified Marantz CD Player playing flac file. JBL L90 crossover is heavily modified so it sound a class better than the original one. My room is acoustically treated by plish curtains for better sound, i plan to put Skyline Diffusers soon. Since then i have upgraded to 24bit/192khz DAC connected to pc via optical cable, also the whole system is XLR. Also have a Pioneer S-W1EX Subwoofer, but i only use it when i need more bass, like in Rock for that bass guitar. The sub gives a very tight bass and also goes very low. Also i have moved to a bigger room. The sound with the DAC is allot better, especially the bass. Sorry for no pictures, but here is a video. Sorry for bad sound, it was recorded with Samsung S3, so there is no bass in the video, but it gives decent vocals. Enjoy
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My F6

Here are some photos of my recently finished F6, although the photos don't say much about it.




Here you can see the two CL60 I used (I live with 220Vac) as recommended by AndrewT on another thread.


Here is my star ground, connecting the mains ground, the output from the PSU and the ground that came with my toroidal transformer. All to the chassis with a permanent mechanical connection.



My crappy metal work


The back of the amp. I wanted to put the speakers outputs vertical, as I find it better to use.


And my 400VA toroidal from Toroidy.

All in all, superb amp. This is my first electronic construction. I have absolutely no experience on electronics and I was able to do it thanks to this great community.

I want to say thank you to 6L6 for the amazing visual guides and the constant feed back that we receive from him. I want to say thank you to the rest of this forum for the amazing advice that I received. This is truly an amazing place to find people with passion for this and the same passion for helping other dumb ***** like me.

My sincere congratulations to the administrators of the forum, for keeping it so well alive and kicking.

And last, but not least, thank you Nelson for making me understand the meaning of the "first watt". I have never imagine I will keep turning the volume down and saying to myself: "God, everything is there, sounding wonderfully... keep it low".