The food thread

These raspberries just in from Galey's. Big as your thumb they are.



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should I have included lawyers on that list?

By 2080, half the globe's population will be of that scent & flavour, single remaining solution left will be armaget'm.

Abundant supply of raspberries at this side has shown really low price levels lately.

(English very difficult, I thought it was written as Himalayin)
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The roastbeef looks

Maybe you don't mind telling your roast routine ?

It was a happy evening for sure :D

First i take meat out of the fridge at least 4 h before getting room temp.
The fast method is roasting the meat from alle four sides apx 4-5 min per side.
Then put in the preheated oven at 105 deg C. Time depends on size, so i use a thermometer showing me 52- 53 deg C, take out, cover with alufoil and wait 15-20 Min. Done. Works fine, but time critical. For the piece showed it took apx 40 min.

When enough time, roasting same method , but oven only at 80 deg C, then wait maybe 1,5 or 2h until it thermometer shows 54-55, take out, alufoil and wait maybe 10 min, thats always the best match for my taste.

If you like it bleu, gow 2-3 deg lower, if you like medium go 2-3 deg higher.

Salt is always added immediate before roasting.
Peanuts Oil is best for roasting IMHO.

best Blackberry crop on record imho
I wish to remove the 'imho'. I went where no man has gone before to confirm my suspicions. Not only is it the best crop ever, I no longer need to give blood to reduce my iron levels. Polysporin is my friend tonight.
The first of the berries is starting tp sweeten up nice. A week from now I will have purple teeth.
Oh Dear, I'm having a fungky episode.

This weekend : boeuf* bourguignon(ne), bisque aux champignons (with yuppie fungus and fungus oil added), côte de boeuf* à la bordelaise with a sauce duxelles, vol au vent aux champignons, etcetera

Am I experiencing an end-life crisis, Doctor ?

(* for some reason, Les Anglais have some difficulty with writing this word. Par Example : Rick Stein's long weekends, part 1)


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With my luck, the TV news coming monday will report that mushrooms are toxin and 5.5lb is the lethal dose.

The luck part is that I will no longer be able to watch TV.

(nowadays, burgundy for bourguignon is a bit over the top. instead, I use an ull de llebre, comfort of having a catalan in the family)
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Le Voila, just leaves the roux blond(e) and lots of parsley.

(The bay leaves I use are handpicked-up in Spain, twice as large and twice the difference. Similar story to herbes provencales, the genuine article can only be bought personally in the Provence, everything sold abroad is junk and most of it is not even France grown/manufacture)


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