The Weather

Right, I was thinking of Ashcroft. Brain fart.

When we hit over 40 here last summer for a couple days, I felt "hot" for the first time since I moved here. Still, at night it dropped to below 20. Freakin' perfect!

Lucky you up in canada. It already hit 35C , I'll now have the next 150 days
between 35-40C .... at night never below 30C (unholy humid , as well).

I've been out in the west , 45C and dry is heaven compared to 40C with
90% humidity (Knoxville , tenn. USA) :grumpy:

Lucky you up in canada. It already hit 35C , I'll now have the next 150 days
between 35-40C .... at night never below 30C (unholy humid , as well).
so much for spring,
yup, lucky, beautiful here, crocus starting to flower, daffs/tulips up and going, no sump pump yet, not like last spring. i think the frost/ground has thawed.
i live about 1 hr north of toronto, Lake simcoe area, the many trees keep it cool usually compared to asphalt city.
Saskatchewan is really nice in the summer, sun sets at 10:00 twilight till 11:00, nice long days, that is why the birdies like it too :)
Last few weeks were like summer almost, then 2 days ago it snowed!

Hail early this aft that lasted a full 10 minutes, not kidding. It made the grass white and the dog nervous. (metal patio roof). 10 minutes. I've not seen that before.

A full ten minutes, that would be rare here too. What about these places that get golf ball sized hailstones!
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Spent most of the day inside, at work. It's overcast here (at home), and feels like rain. Forecast is for showers tonight. The weekend looks good thou.:)


Yep, you live right next to me Jeff.
I was going to cut the grass but felt lazy.
Long weekend comin' up and with it life following its normal course.

Hey Frank, you saw hail too where you live. ...Small world; you guys are experiencing similar weather @ the same time than us here in Victoria and Vancouver neighborhood.
But from those pictures you had it more violently.


Question (for everyone): What is the most important thing in life after health?
Hint; it's not your stereo rig.