is there any any good Mp3-Player??

now downloading the ubuntu 14.10 iso file from googledrive...ongoing... seems slow... so keep it running this is the last thing for today / tonite ... still tired today because of yesterdays 2 am mint session....does a 32 bit system have greater chance to success than a 64 bit what I ve tried so far?
what should I go for if the goal is fast boot and playing mp3s. 32 or 64 bit? Ubuntu has the unity and no multimedia support from what I ve heard which I don t like, but I ll anyway going to try it maybe this weekend just to see if the fix is good. Today I ve heard from a colleague that actually the windows 8.1 is the main issue, not the eMMC itself, but what strange partitioning the win 8 does to poor eMMc drive. So honestly - why are the big computer guys like acer not selling windows-free computers with easy linux install capabilities for cheap. man, for beginners, they could even pre-install some popular system like ubuntu instead of windows 8 and at the same time save money since no license fees. just my .002 ... so goodnight to my special linux-adviser!!
does a 32 bit system have greater chance to success than a 64 bit what I ve tried so far?
what should I go for if the goal is fast boot and playing mp3s. 32 or 64 bit?

If your CPU supports 64 bits, it does not matter. I would pick 32bits for your netbook, sometimes only binary SW is available (e.g. flash plugin) and these may be available only in 32bit.

Ubuntu has the unity and no multimedia support from what I ve heard

Ubuntu is based on debian, mint is based on ubuntu. All the distributions support multimedia, it is about applications which are the same in any of these (so called upstream). You may need to enable the non-free repositories in ubuntu (compared to mint), but it is trivial.

but I ll anyway going to try it maybe this weekend just to see if the fix is good.

Exactly, once you have confirmed the fix works, you can remaster appropriately installation images of any distribution.

Today I ve heard from a colleague that actually the windows 8.1 is the main issue, not the eMMC itself, but what strange partitioning the win 8 does to poor eMMc drive

It may be the partitioning, but not windows fault. These special-purpose partitions on eMMC are relatively new and linux emmc driver is not prepared properly for them.

So honestly - why are the big computer guys like acer not selling windows-free computers with easy linux install capabilities for cheap. man, for beginners,

That is how the netbook era started - Asus eeePC700 was being sold with Xandros linux. Later on MS offered discounted winXP pricing for netbook manufacturers and the linux support gradually evaporated.

they could even pre-install some popular system like ubuntu instead of windows 8 and at the same time save money since no license fees.

How many triawares came with your netbook? The manufacturer was paid to pre-install them. Plus MS offers deep discounts (perhaps even free, who knows) to the manufacturers to have windows pre-installed. It is generally expected they make money by selling netbooks with windows pre-installed, compared to non-commercial linux. Plus it is generally expected they are being "rewarded" by MS for not revealing their HW programming details officially so that linux does not run 100% on their HW. E.g. power management is usually worse as switching all the hardware components to the various power-consumption states requires detailed low-level documentation of the HW (or lots of hours of reverse engineering and trial/error patience).
so the ubuntu download had no md5. anyway, I ran the unetbootin then booted, and the result was some endless "mouse issue". some lines of test about mouse found always reappearing, could not start X window, just stuck on text mode with mouse detection. mouse mouse mouse.... dozens of times the same lines of text. I ll post details later when I have time to investigate further. this cheap netbook mouse works properly otherwise.
ubuntu boot ends in the "busybox":

BusyBox v.1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1: built-in shell (ash)
Enter "help" for a list of built in commands.
(initramfs) [87.832024] usb 2-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 5
[89.363914] usb 2-1.2: new low-speed USB device number 9 using xhci_hcd
[89.515498] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=093a, idProduct=2510
[89.518487] usb 2-1.2_ New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[89.521202] usb 2-1.2: Product: USB OPTICAL MOUSE
Manufacturer: Pixart...
it will always repeat that lines and some more endlessly.

So what is that?
so that doesn t work. how about modifying an existing install? I am getting more and more hopeless on the computer...
What exact guy came up with that UEFI / secureboot / hidden partitions windooze 8 crap? I ve an old LG W1 Pro JDGBG core 2 duo notebook with legacy bios (just upped the RAM to 4GB), 3 distros are running on it along windows XP with no any boot issues.
Clearly the image is custom-made for that Asus and does not work on your Acer. That busybox is initramfs, it happens when the root partition is not found, recognized, ready, etc.

Linux kernel boots from an image loaded into memory first and then it chroots into the actual drive root partition. If there is a problem with the root partition, the kernel invokes busybox (a small tool offering most of useful utilities) and runs shell for you to investigate the situation. We can use that later on, but I hope it will not be needed.

Have you at least once succeeded in booting (from usb) the mint installer image?
I am trying to find out if the USB live or installed mint (both have the same kernel, i.e. the same drivers) supports your HW OK, apart of the eMMC problem. Therefore, I want to know whether the install wil work OK on your netbook if we just modify the installation image with the patched kernel.
so the usb installed mint has the issue that it cannot shutdown.
Then there is murphys law to the eMMC installed ISO live mint: I ve successfully ISOed the live mint onto the eMMC and it can even boot up.
But now ... lol... i m in trouble since mint from usb was the only way to modify / erase / partition the emmc and it now thinks it is an cdrom drive mounted unter /cdrom and cannot unmount cannot erase because the ISO lets it look like a cdrom to the system lol. thats murphy s law.
remember I just want to be able to play mp3s on my computer. and what journey i have already gone with linux that is incredible...
so my hope was that maybe opensuse has some different partitioning tool. like fparted magic behaves different to mint live.
status: opensuse live will show the unetbootin screen "default":
then "Automatic boot in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 seconds"
then "Automatic boot in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 seconds"
then "Automatic boot in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 seconds"

yep. thats about it according to opensuse.

lol looks like I am the guy that always gets the most weird issues.
my hope to fix this computer is diminishing by and by.
IMO you have been hitting the very same issue all the time - whenever the kernel wants to enumerate (read partitions) of your emms, it gets stuck.

We need to produce the kernel image with that patch and put it into the installation image. IMO it is all that needs to be done.