DSP Xover project (part 2)

Import REW files into NUC

I finally succeeded in importing REW measure files into NUC.
It is very easy with ARTA, since ARTA *.csv files are directly usable by NUC.
But with REW...
The problem was to convert a *.txt file to REW usable *.csv
I was unsuccessful with Excel, so I used OpenOffice Calc, and it works perfectly now.
You'll find herewith a small tutorial. Sorry, it's in French, maybe someone could translate it into english ?



  • Importation de fichiers de mesures REW dans NUC.zip
    668.5 KB · Views: 79
Hi Pat,

When the application starts, it reads a xml file Settings.xml located at C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Najda .
This file contains only the list of the previous setup files that you have opened, in order to populate the Recent menu item under File.

Still following? :)

Here's the content of this file on my computer:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RecentFiles MaxEntries="9">
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\Mono96.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\LR24 96 kHz_Pascal.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\Rafal_S19-test.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\Default Setup 1.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\SteveHP.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\PassThrough96V12.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\PassThrough96.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\fir48_v0.nsf"/>
        <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Nico\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\Free Routing 96 kHz.nsf"/>
I tried to corrupt this file in order to get the same error that you mentioned. I first suspected this could be caused by language settings because I remember someone with a Russian system reported something similar. So I've added french signs in the file names - but this didn't cause an error.
Actually, the only way I could replicate your error was by removing xml tags.

If you can post your Settings.xml file here, that would be pretty helpful (although I admit this file is not easy to locate).


Here is my "settings.xml" file:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
     <RecentFiles MaxEntries="9">
         <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Yséa\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\pat2+3db Grave.nsf"/>
         <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Yséa\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\pat2.nsf"/>
I do not see anything different .....
kind regards
I finally succeeded in importing REW measure files into NUC.
It is very easy with ARTA, since ARTA *.csv files are directly usable by NUC.
But with REW...
The problem was to convert a *.txt file to REW usable *.csv
I was unsuccessful with Excel, so I used OpenOffice Calc, and it works perfectly now.
You'll find herewith a small tutorial. Sorry, it's in French, maybe someone could translate it into english ?


I do not understand French. But why would you import SPL measurements into NUC? Usually we import EQ settings into NUC.
It's interesting to simulate the effects of filtering, EQs, delay, on the connection between adjacent channels, since NUC can simulate their "electric sum".
For just EQ adjustments, REW is of course self-sufficient.


PS : forget my tutorial, it doesn't work properly. It can help importing Measure files into NUC, but NUC collapses when you click "see unprocessed"...
I hope Nick can help, he's looking at the point.
Here is my "settings.xml" file:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
     <RecentFiles MaxEntries="9">
         <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Yséa\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\pat2+3db Grave.nsf"/>
         <RecentFile Path="C:\Users\Yséa\Documents\Najda Files\Setups\pat2.nsf"/>
I do not see anything different .....
kind regards

Hi Pat, I can't see anything unusual either here. Let's keep this on the backburner for now and I'll let you know when I've found something.

My Najda rotary encoder does not change the sound level or switch to "mute".
All is well knit, and the wiring is on the pins 12 & 14 of port 0.

Will it have a setting in NUC order to make operational?

Regards Pat

The encoder should go to Expansion Port 1 - not Expansion Port 0. Pins 12 and 14 are both on the same row near the edge of the PCB.

Hope this helps.

I've received pictures of a pair of very nice builds from a French user (Pascal, not sure if he's a member here):

View attachment 443193
View attachment 443194

Hello Nick

Yes Pascal is a recent member alias PVRX above. He is a contributor to the group buy we have organized in France within the Melaudia forum, with 11 participants. He took an active part in the design of the enclosure.

Needless to say listening results compared to DCX or BSS have been unanimously ranked #1 by far on high efficiency High end audio Systems

We are impatiently waiting for the mixed FIR /IIR mode (;-)

Last edited:
I am looking at swapping the OP amps in the Nadja. As i know a number of you have already "played" with OP amps, i don't want to reinvent the wheel.
1) Does anyone know which of the 6 Op amps on the board are for what.? This will save me going and unplugging them individually to find out what they do.
2) Do i need to change all of them, i am assuming not, i ask as i only use a number of the channels and would only change the ones i am using.
3) Any recommendation on OP amps - i have OPA627's on my list any others i should look at?
4) Does anyone know how the OP amps are configured and would the circuit support them being biased into class A ( I have read on one of the head phone forums noticable improvements from doing this - even with the OP627)
Import from REW, following...


In a former post, I reported some problems cocerning measurements import from REW.
Those problems originated in the files size: almost 60000 lines in the *.txt exported files, that showed constant interval of about 0.3 Hz between two measurements !
Inbetween REW fixed the problem : the interval is now log constant with 1/48th octave. The exported file size is now less than 500 lines, and causes of course no more problem to NUC.
You'll find the correct tutorial

Hi Nick,
I would really like to have use of channels 9 and 10 other than just SPDIF passthough? There was talk of doing this on the expansion port ages ago.
Is it still in the pipeline?
I don't really need full DSP and X/O action at this point but a line out volume controlled feed would solve a problem / let me experiment and get an even better high frequency solution. Of course full 5 way would be the best;)

Best regards,
You'll find the correct tutorial

Many thanks Pascal for sorting this out.

There was talk of doing this on the expansion port ages ago.
Is it still in the pipeline?
I don't really need full DSP and X/O action at this point but a line out volume controlled feed would solve a problem / let me experiment and get an even better high frequency solution. Of course full 5 way would be the best;)

Hi Steve,

The expansion board is actually out, I had posted about it here.
I had only a small batch manufactured and unfortunately they're all gone now. I'll have more produced by the end of the year.
The expansion plugs onto expansion port 0 (IDC flat cable supplied) and adds 2 analogue output channels (ch. 9&10 in NUC) with volume as well as one balanced input with adjustable gain (and provision for controlling the volume on 2 external analogue channels).
Those who want the expansion, please send me an email and I'll reserve a unit for you. I'm saying because I'm not likely to make a large batch.

Does anyone know which of the 6 Op amps on the board are for what.? This will save me going and unplugging them individually to find out what they do.

Among the 6 opamps, I think the 2 used on the inputs are fairly easy to locate on the PCB.
The use of the 4 remaining opamps is as follows:
- The one near the PCB edge is for ch. 3&4
- The next one for ch. 1&2
- The next one for ch. 7&8
- The last one for ch. 5&6

We are impatiently waiting for the mixed FIR /IIR mode (;-)

I'm currently busy with another DSP project but there will be a new and big software upgrade with many new features (Mix FIR/IIR, external clock support, more I2S outs and decimation as well as a general overhaul). Thanks for your patience :)
I'm currently busy with another DSP project but there will be a new and big software upgrade with many new features (Mix FIR/IIR, external clock support, more I2S outs and decimation as well as a general overhaul). Thanks for your patience :)

Hi Nicolas,
We are ALL anxiously waiting, since last year,:eek: for that big upgrade (in my case mix FIR/IIR, decimation and external clock support) so this is really good news. Concerning more I2S outs, does it means that you will have a new revision of Najda hardware ?

Could you talk a little more about the "another DSP project" do you mean a future DIY one ?

The encoder should go to Expansion Port 1 - not Expansion Port 0. Pins 12 and 14 are both on the same row near the edge of the PCB.

Hope this helps.


Hello Nick,

This is a text error I am plugged into port1 and pins 12 & 14 are both on the same row near the edge of the PCB , I have to double check ... and no volume control and no mute ...

kind regards

For external clock support, what would be the HW setup Nick ?
There's a external clock input on Expansion Port 1. By enabling this feature you'd bypass the onboard clock generation.

Can't wait for the next release! I'm desperate for more i2s out and would jump on the extremal clock and iir / fir mixing.

Sorry, I know you've been waiting for the extra I2S outs. That will eventually be added, no worries.

Concerning more I2S outs, does it means that you will have a new revision of Najda hardware ?
No, the idea would be to route output I2S signals to the unused I2S pins on Expansion Port 1.

Could you talk a little more about the "another DSP project" do you mean a future DIY one ?
No, sorry that's not DIY. That's a OEM project.

Sent you an email Nick.

Mix of FIR/IIR is very interesting too!

Cheers, I reserve an analogue expansion for you on the next batch.

This is a text error I am plugged into port1 and pins 12 & 14 are both on the same row near the edge of the PCB , I have to double check ... and no volume control and no mute ...

Hi Pat,

Have you enabled the rotary encoder in the standalone menu? (Option 'Volume Control', select 'Wheel').

Hopefully that should fix it.


I'm trying to get i2s playback using an RPi or a BBB. When I enable the Exp1 input, by grounding pin 13 to pin 10, I can select Exp1 in the NUC user interface.

But, as soon as I select Exp1, the left and right inputs skyrockets, even though there is nothing connected on the i2s pins (1, 23 and 25).

Is my Najda i2s toast? If not, what am I missing here?



PS. Nick, the Control Board looks great. Thanks!
Hi Bo,

The Najda expects a master I2S source, i.e. a device not only sending data but also generating the clocks (bit clock and frame sync).
If you don't connect anything, then there's no clock and thus a random number will be stuck in the registers, repeated on each sampling period. That's a DC signal, certainly not what you want but it shouldn't be too bad as there are anyway DC coupling capacitors on the analogue path.
In brief: don't select the EXP1 source as long as you don't have a proper source connected on the expansion port.

Hope this helps, otherwise let us know.

