Funniest snake oil theories

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I do believe in free speech and open debate. However irritating I may find others views sometimes, I have to read/listen to them and digest the content, often causing brain nausea. But there are so many things in the world to get upset at, discussing audio can get you frustrated, but I don't let it get to me:)

Those one liner content less replies do irritate a bit though.

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Are these the 8" tang bands? I've only ever tried 2" Jordans for full rangers, but am wondering if the tangbands beam enough at upper mid/ treble frequencies to be good at reducing room reflections.

No they are W5-1611SAF, 5". The measurements we did yesterday showed that the reverberation intensity drops of above 4 or 5 kHz so that indicates to me that there's less hf energy being strewn around into the room. Which of course is to be expected.


That might only be very partly the reason. The absorbtion coefficient of all materials increases sharply with frequency; above 10 Khz, even a hard painted surface like plaster almost doesn't reflect anything at all at those frequencies.

Coefficient Chart

This one doesn't go above 4KHz, but I have this knowledge from a thing called a 'book' I have at home.
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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Yes we discussed that as well. I have a carpet in the listening area that should absorb a lot of the hf reverb as you mention.
Our conclusion yesterday was that I seed additional absorbing stuff between 600Hz and 4kHz.
He's going to send me a quote.

Another issue is that I have a main room resonance at around 38Hz, whci I need to tame with the EQ function in the DCX2496. About 8dB peak, which isn't so bad anyway.

So you know how listening to certain kinds of hifi systems leaves you unsatisfied? Like the basic reproduction is ok but there is something unsatisfying, even annoying, that ruins your enjoyment? Like some sort of almost-intangible noise or distortion hovering at the edge of your consciousness. Something that makes the otherwise-pleasant music unpleasant, even unlistenable? Well, that is the effect that Frank has on me on this forum. The constant annoying distortions, the rejection of fact-based analysis, the assumption that he is immune from normal psychoacoustic responses, the inapt automotive analogies, the assertions that he has done "something" unspecified that "put right" some equally-unspecified problems... All in all, he degraded the S/N ratio here and added non-harmonic distortion. I have finally followed your advice and added him to my ignore list (first and so far only). I cannot express how much this has improved my enjoyment of this forum. It's like a veil has been lifted. The background noise is quieter, I find myself more involved in the discussions, less tense wondering what Frank will say, more able to hear the micro-details of intelligent discussion. In fact, I was reading this forum tonight when my wife, who doesn't even like online forums, rushed in from the kitchen, crying "What did you change? You usually are cursing out loud when you read DIYAudio, but tonight you sound much happier!"

To be serious for a moment, I think it is important that fora like this are open and free, and it is equally important that no voices are silenced, that even those who are demonstrably wrong have their say. But, conversely, it is important that those who have real contributions to make not be drowned out by those who do not. Blocking anyone's voice is not something I take lightly, but I had to do it to enjoy this forum, and i do not regret it.

I got a good laugh reading this, thanks.:D:D:D
I do believe in free speech and open debate. However irritating I may find others views sometimes, I have to read/listen to them and digest the content, often causing brain nausea. But there are so many things in the world to get upset at, discussing audio can get you frustrated, but I don't let it get to me:)

Those one liner content less replies do irritate a bit though.


Is that my Guiness you're drinking ..... :)
To boldly hear what no one's heard before...

Hey that my cat! :D

....but my Transporter is silver.

Transporters, beaming...
Wonder if we'll ever be able to bypass the atmosphere interface and broadcast right to the auditory processor part of the brain?
Nostalgists would undoubtedly opine that their old airport expresses "sounded" better...
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Oil filled

Was shopping eBay for some reasonably priced, well made interconnects, and found these instead:


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Filled with nothing

And these, also instead.
So what's the theory behind these? A vacuum dielectric is good, but not as good as some kind of oil dielectric?
Is one for damping?
I think I'll just get more plugs and use twisted pairs or maybe some bulk all copper coax....
At least those are proven , not to mention cheaper by far.
Thoughts on the two commercial interconnects anyone?:headbash:


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Interconnects are much like jewelery.

There will not be a technical difference, although .... the three intertwined leads as in the oil filled cable, it most likely is inferior to coax. And the black cable must be BS because you can't have a floating ground in an unbalanced cable.
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It is a reasonable safe bet that almost any 'special' audio lead is no better than (and probably significantly inferior to) a standard commercial quality coax or twisted pair (as appropriate) made by a competent Western manufacturer (and others elsewhere).

You can't improve the screening of a coax by getting rid of the screening! You can't improve the cylindrical symmetry of a coax by making it non-coax.
After reading one too many of Tellig articles detailing how great component x sounded after a few drinks, I let my stereophile subscription expire.
Now getting Facebook postings from them for some reason.
They seem to've devolved into a standup routine.
Today's "news" relayed from someone called Jason Victor Serenus extols multi multi thousand $ systems, and then proclaims the key to it was the cabling.
Also several thousands of $.
Kind of makes me feel proud that no part of my system has been reviewed by a magazine employing a mook like this who should be shunned. This guy makes 6moons seem reasonable.
I guess the only way for an audio magazine to stay in business is to schill.
I only wish they'd raise the bar on whom they schill with, and for.
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