Funniest snake oil theories

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Here is the latest:

NEW Product Release: ECT – Electronic Circuit Transducer | Synergistic Research

An exciting evolution of our ever expanding UEF Technology engineered to balance close proximity electromagnetic fields in electronic circuits. When placed inside your components ECT’s or Electronic Circuit Transducers transform ordinary electronics to the extraordinary, while elevating state-of-the-art components to unprecedented levels of refinement. ECT’s significantly improve the function of D to A chips, fuses, IC chips, vacuum tubes, capacitors, analog and digital cables and transformers.

Now is your chance to experience the magic of UEF applied directly to your components and cables and stay tuned, when we return from Munich we will add more information on what is fast becoming the most exciting development in High End Audio in over a generation.

L1003002 632Synergistic Research ECTs – Sold in 5-packs

ECT Demonstration Video

Internal placement suggestion images below:

L1003013 632Synergistic Research ECTs placed on IC chips – On Power Supplies – On Internal Fuse Holders

ECT Tubes sharpen x 1 632Synergistic Research ECTs On Internal Wires – Next to Tube Sockets

ECT close up circuit632Synergistic Research ECTs On Internal Fuse Holders

ECT Transformer 2 632Synergistic Research ECTs On Power Supplies

L1003055 cropped 632Synergistic Research ECT On USB Cable Connector

External Placement Suggestion Images below:

There might be situations where you don’t have access to the inside of your components, but don’t worry, below are some suggestions on how to apply the ECTs to the outside of your component’s chassis, with an equally impressive performance upgrade to your components.

ect 3Synergistic Research ECTs On the bottom of a component chassis – X diagram layout will work on any component

ect 2Synergistic Research ECTs On the back side of a component chassis

ect 1Synergistic Research ECTs On the front of a component chassis

Please contact your nearest Synergistic Research dealer or distributor today to arrange for a 30 day no risk money back guarantee in-home audition, of yet another amazing Synergistic Research product featuring UEF Technology. Enjoy!

Here is the latest:

NEW Product Release: ECT – Electronic Circuit Transducer | Synergistic Research

An exciting evolution of our ever expanding UEF Technology engineered to balance close proximity electromagnetic fields in electronic circuits. When placed inside your components ECT’s or Electronic Circuit Transducers transform ordinary electronics to the extraordinary, while elevating state-of-the-art components to unprecedented levels of refinement. ECT’s significantly improve the function of D to A chips, fuses, IC chips, vacuum tubes, capacitors, analog and digital cables and transformers.

Now is your chance to experience the magic of UEF applied directly to your components and cables and stay tuned, when we return from Munich we will add more information on what is fast becoming the most exciting development in High End Audio in over a generation.

L1003002 632Synergistic Research ECTs – Sold in 5-packs

ECT Demonstration Video

Internal placement suggestion images below:

L1003013 632Synergistic Research ECTs placed on IC chips – On Power Supplies – On Internal Fuse Holders

ECT Tubes sharpen x 1 632Synergistic Research ECTs On Internal Wires – Next to Tube Sockets

ECT close up circuit632Synergistic Research ECTs On Internal Fuse Holders

ECT Transformer 2 632Synergistic Research ECTs On Power Supplies

L1003055 cropped 632Synergistic Research ECT On USB Cable Connector

External Placement Suggestion Images below:

There might be situations where you don’t have access to the inside of your components, but don’t worry, below are some suggestions on how to apply the ECTs to the outside of your component’s chassis, with an equally impressive performance upgrade to your components.

ect 3Synergistic Research ECTs On the bottom of a component chassis – X diagram layout will work on any component

ect 2Synergistic Research ECTs On the back side of a component chassis

ect 1Synergistic Research ECTs On the front of a component chassis

Please contact your nearest Synergistic Research dealer or distributor today to arrange for a 30 day no risk money back guarantee in-home audition, of yet another amazing Synergistic Research product featuring UEF Technology. Enjoy!

Amazing. Several months ago, a client was so concerned about stray magnetic fields in his components, he pestered me into conceiving and making a product for him.
This consisted of a maple butcher block with an inlaid wire loop, this loop connected to an led.
The idea being that any magnetic field the loop intercepted would induce a current; possibly enough to light the led, and thus drain the magnetic field.
My client has never seen the diode light up, but he wants more of the " loopy" maple shelves made up.
I don't believe these wire loops have any audible effect (and was a little shamefaced to accept his money), he says it's a great comfort knowing he's addressed a possible problem.
My personal belief is just about all amps and DACs have vanishingly small distortion specs, compared with speakers and room distortions.
Those should be the first fix efforts these days.
Maybe I should found a company called Serendipitous Research, as it's lucky that people are willing to buy this sort of thing.
Even if the product does what they seem to be claiming, who's to say what they're applying it to/on wasn't designed to sound proper with its magnetic fields unaltered?
If you really had significant enough AC fields to light the LED then the rectifying effect of that will distort the fields and make them sound worse. This is a gizmo which is guaranteed to do either nothing or worse than nothing!

Much better to have a dead short on the loop; that really will reduce nearby fields. Then have a long-life battery and a small LED random flasher circuit to convince the customer that his money was well spent.
Atkinson either has not read Godel or doesn't understand him.

abderrahim wrote:
I can assure you that I can assure you that Gödel's incompleteness theorems are irrelevant in this case!are irrelevant in this case!​
"Though you haven't offered any support for your statement, I believe you are incorrect. All the skeptical comments made in this thread are made from looking at the network as an information system: that if the actual information is not altered, then there can be no difference in sound quality. You have to go outside of that myopic viewpoint, to examine a system where digital data and its transmission are actually represented by an analog electrical system.
In that Gödelian light, it is possible that there could be changes in the manner in which those digital data are used to reconstruct an original analog audio signal, even when the actual bits are handled without error. This is something that is irrelevant from the information viewpoint, in the transmission of digital data representing something other than audio.
John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile"

I guess a charlatan will grasp or make up anything to save his "dignity" Atkinson just needs to retire and let someone with ethics run Stereophile.
Or worse,

Actually read along in disagreement with the full understanding and knowledge, that he has to walk a tight line between his industry and your text book thoughts, mind you , he does throw in the regular test results for those able to read beyond Braille...:rolleyes:

Now if we could only get the down in the Bose basement guy from being so bitter...:p

Just saying ... :drink:
Bit by bits?

I believe someone already did, and he just produced more gobbledygook further misrepresenting Godel. It was quoted above (post 6130).

In all fairness to J Anderson, I read an interview with Bob Ludwig detailing some complaints from his clientele .
The complaints centred on the artists claiming the finished cd did not sound like the digital masters they had approved.
Mr Ludwig demonstrated the disc to be bit perfect clones of the masters, but had no explanation as to why his clients were hearing differences .
Wish I could find the interview.
It was most likely in Stereophile or the Absolute Sound.
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