The Weather

That is not Pamela David, it's my niece, Britnee Blanco. I was trying to get her to do some modeling after I shot her 15th birthday photo-album, the "Quinceanera", or the "coming of age" festival for young women, the traditional transformation into womanhood.


She's very pretty Rick. ...Feels less cold.

* +9° Celsius here right now.
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it's cold today too.

Someone complains of cold weather in winter, and they reside in Canada, I have to take the comment with a grain of salt:D........hope you have plenty of salt and cat litter, slipping on ice and busting your as$ is no fun......:wchair:

I guess at -23 ice is pretty much like concrete though. Just keep the fire stoked.:)

Down here in Tenn, it has been at or below zero the last few days..........Brrrrrr.
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We hit -2F (-19C) night before last. Yesterday high was 20F (-7C). Last night was 6F (-14C). Several local schools are out due to busted water pipes. Several acquaintances of mine had their heat pumps quit working. Many had frozen water pipes. I'm glad I replaced my heat pump a year ago. The 23 year old unit I replaced would have never kept up with the weather we have experienced the past week.

It was a balmy 20F (-7C) this morning.

I live in Tennessee as well. Maybe I'll move back to South Carolina when I retire.
Someone complains of cold weather in winter, and they reside in Canada, I have to take the comment with a grain of salt
Ahem. Over here on the left coast the letters actually stand for British California
Down here in Tenn, it has been at or below zero the last few days..........Brrrrrr.
Not here friend. It's 7ºC and cloudy at 6:30 in the morn. :)

West of the mountains really isn't like that country on the other side, you know, Canada? ;)

We are usually about 5º cooler than San Fran, give or take.
Good Excuse For A Beer...

+44C is the forecast for today....

And this is where it's at already....

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My niece in Perth confirmed the forecast.
It is 44C (111.2F) there today (was by now I suppose), my nephews in Germany are quite jealous even though this winter so far has been unseasonably and unreasonably warm. Even here in the UK it is almost 10C above normal with heavy rains and widespread flooding.

Mind you if it comes to hight temperatures one of the worst forecasts I've ever seen was for Hong Kong. That day a few years ago was highest 39C, lowest 36C with 96% humidity.
I'm glad I wasn't there at that time!