Acoustat Answer Man is here

A pair of 1+1s just became available locally at a very good price of $200, but there's a catch. One speaker makes intermittent crackling noises with no signal being applied. I've searched online for an answer, but found only issues like this when over driven. Is this a deal killer? They sound fine when playing music. Any advice would be appreciated.

Could be a defective panel , $200.00 is a real bargain you can find panels on the net for $75.00 to $125.00 good luck.
I had that problem, but a vacuuming and using a heat gun to re-tension the membrane eliminated the problem. So I say go for it, that's a helluva lot of speaker for $200.

Yes I would agree with hella. Sounds like a good deal to me.:)

Do be careful with the heat gun (on low), keep it moving from side to side as you are going down the panel. Don't let it sit in one spot for long or you may melt the Mylar, (maybe a hairdryer might be good)
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The Spectra 2200 is here.......


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A pair of 1+1s just became available locally at a very good price of $200, but there's a catch. One speaker makes intermittent crackling noises with no signal being applied. I've searched online for an answer, but found only issues like this when over driven. Is this a deal killer? They sound fine when playing music. Any advice would be appreciated.

A random crackling noise is usually caused by foreign material trapped in the diaphragm-stator gap. A good vacuuming is the first step, and if that doesn't work you may need to re-tension the Mylar with a heat gun (easy does it!) A last resort would be to wash the panels, but I would suggest the first two methods be repeated several times before resorting to washing.

For $200, you can hardly go wrong. Go for it!
The Heat gun Would Be The LAST thing i would do!
I have had the AcoustatX,M2,M3,M4s 1+1,2+2 1100, an have 8ea 9" panels here now1 That what 46 Acoustat panels, an have only done two panels with the heatgun an killed one panel,not by burning a hole in the mylar, but the bias coating is pulled by the heat, so now it well not charge. this coating is diff than what used by others it like a paint an it can be pulled an lose contact
I not saying this heatgun tweek dose not work,it dose but do all you can befor you put heat on these panels. like wash the panel, this is the frist thing i have always done an never lost a panel from washing.....have fun ......Long live Acoustat
A random crackling noise is usually caused by foreign material trapped in the diaphragm-stator gap. A good vacuuming is the first step, and if that doesn't work you may need to re-tension the Mylar with a heat gun (easy does it!) A last resort would be to wash the panels, but I would suggest the first two methods be repeated several times before resorting to washing.

For $200, you can hardly go wrong. Go for it!

Doubt this is but my 2+2 would occassionally rattle, noticed it was with volume up, stuff with a lot of bass, like drum beginning of Van Halens' "Everybody Wants Some". Noticed that the record had a bit of warp to it. Got a new preamp with a low 20hz filter, all is well, Don't know if the amp was clipping or the stats were bottoming out, but it is gone now,
Acoustat Spectra 22 with Jeff Rowland Model 8 (?)

I am considering to purchase a pair of JR Model 8 Mono Blocks to drive a pair of Spectra 22.
Does anybody have any experience with this or a similar combination?

The Jeff Rowland amps seem to be a good match for the Acoustat speakers?
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The Quickie 8417 is a great tube amp, but the 8417 tubes used in that amp were overdriven, and may be problematic as far as reliability - the 8417 tube is VERY EXPENSIVE....if it was converted to 6550 or KT88, it should be ok reliability-wise, and the tube should be relatively cheaper.

I would say yes. The 2+2 has four panels and fairly efficient. If you were thinking of that amp on a Model 1, I would have said no.

I am building a pair of 8417 monoblocks myself from scratch - with KT88 tubes.

If it does not work out, I may be interested in the amps!
I am considering to purchase a pair of JR Model 8 Mono Blocks to drive a pair of Spectra 22.
Does anybody have any experience with this or a similar combination?

The Jeff Rowland amps seem to be a good match for the Acoustat speakers?

You lucky devil ANY Jeff Rowland would do a very good job on Acoustats the model 8 is a stereo amp are you using two of them bridged mono if so for me this is OVERKILL and you are losing on QUALITY to get more QUANTITY just try one amp and let us know what you think don't forget that this amp was designed for STEREO amplification good luck and enjoy.
The Quickie 8417 is a great tube amp, but the 8417 tubes used in that amp were overdriven, and may be problematic as far as reliability - the 8417 tube is VERY EXPENSIVE....if it was converted to 6550 or KT88, it should be ok reliability-wise, and the tube should be relatively cheaper.

I would say yes. The 2+2 has four panels and fairly efficient. If you were thinking of that amp on a Model 1, I would have said no.

I am building a pair of 8417 monoblocks myself from scratch - with KT88 tubes.

If it does not work out, I may be interested in the amps!

Hi there John is right no problem with the 2+2s BUT with the 1+1s FORGET it 82db efficiency with Acoustat the more panels you have the easier they are to drive and the 1+1s are the worst of the bunch BUT man they sound incredible . :):):)


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