John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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diyAudio Member RIP
Joined 2005
Well its a double-edged sword isn't it. You may isolate the preamp output better but lose any damping against RFI/hum etc on the line, leaving it to have a field day on the power amp input.
And even in the total absence of RFI etc you'd still have the other disadvantages as in the page from Doug Self I showed before.

BTW Using a Blowtorch at performance venues??

Meaning I think using such an output in other line-driving applications, for example with microphone preamps and guitar pickup preamps, etc. I'm not going to search for it but I think there were some field problems with the Dead that were mentioned.

At the power amp input there should be some RFI/EMI normal-mode bandlimiting anyway. And of course good shielding and even balanced interconnects would help.

However, I'm not saying one size fits all here.
Now, for something that is 'compromised' but versatile, and cost effective:


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You don't like Caesar salads? I personally like my fish dead before I eat them!

With the ever decreasing market for anything made for vinyl, and as qusp pointed out even for some anything analog in implementation what direction is a manufacturer such as Parasound going today? Do all of these types of audio companies just fight for a shrinking market share or is there a newer direction that can and is being taken that can bring back high quality sound to the masses whether is is computer based or digital disk related? Where is the industry to go from here, what is the new frontier? Are we all just waiting for multichannel sound sources and sound systems that work with our wide screen flat screens or is there still room for simple two channel music playback going forward? Magazines are disappearing, audio dealers are disappearing, and product manufacturers are going the way of the Dodo bird. Where is the future of the music industry that some of us still want to work with and develop products for?
Dead, rotten fish. Wouldn't touch them.

I love them, except the horrid boney over-salted dry ones on el-cheapo mass produced pizza slut pizza. I even love fish sauce, as long as its used well, as long as I dont think about how long theyve been fermenting in vats. on the other hand here in Down Under we have a type that are stocked by our local deli that are just simply cured fresh Western Australian Anchovies, prepared in a similar way to rollmops, but a shorter cure, not dried, not packed with salt. When served with organic Heirloom Tomatos, Garlic and fresh basil, they make an excellent simple pasta sauce, or Bruschetta topping
SE -

I'll have to go back and read the Aunt Corey article. Corey lived in Austin and was a buddy of a buddy. My buddy, who worked at the local hi-end shop, created his own version that uses a massive toroid and telecomm relays. I bought one from him and it's still in my setup to this day.


Although Corey didn't mention the AL-1 (which was our deal when he asked me about doing a DIY article based on it for Stereophile), I always enjoyed seeing others build their own.

I'm sorry. I didn't know "ICK!" was considered constructive criticism.

You're not on the Team.

Actually, since line amplification was an already long-solved issue 20 years ago, I don't see the problem in analyzing designs from then; your acknowledgement of the influence of fads and fashions in the "design" (as opposed to the engineering) is useful.
Joined 2007
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ie: paid way too much for relays for no reason other than they were the most expensive ones in the catalogue, and therefore "the best".

My buddy also helped the tech with some minor repairs at the hi-end shop. The story behind the relays is that he noticed they were used in some Mark Levinson product. He said if they work for ML then it was good enough for him. At that young tender age, I just shrugged my shoulders and called it good.

Now I think I know better.:D
But how do they sound when applied to your wires?

why wonderful and luxurious of course ;) I feel sexier too with the Anchovetta MkII's in the system, it takes a good 300hrs for the deep musty stench to fully permeate the environment. my guests, who do not always share the same affinity for expensive niche audio gear, or rotten fish; rarely agree.
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