Foam Core Board Speaker Enclosures?

Add me to the list. One question though. I've gone through the whole thread and I'm still not sure about the width of the dividers for the TC9 version. Is it 3.5"?

I can see this getting interesting as, besides the Vifas, I also have undeployed EL70, CHR-70 gen 3, W4-1337SD, and W4-1320.

The 1320 are the ferrite version so I'm guessing we wil definitely be in plywood facing for those.

XRK971 and Cal: Thanks for the encouragement.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Add me to the list. One question though. I've gone through the whole thread and I'm still not sure about the width of the dividers for the TC9 version. Is it 3.5"?

I can see this getting interesting as, besides the Vifas, I also have undeployed EL70, CHR-70 gen 3, W4-1337SD, and W4-1320.

The 1320 are the ferrite version so I'm guessing we wil definitely be in plywood facing for those.

XRK971 and Cal: Thanks for the encouragement.

For the Vifa's I am using a shrunken down plan to 20 x 20 inches x 2.375 in deep. If you have MA CHR70's that is what I would do. The Tang Band W4 1337sd's would be my next choice as they are very 'tweeter like' and that is exactly what you want. Something with lots of mid and high end zing as the horn really pumps out the bass. Good luck and nice to know you are working on it.
tang band thirteen twenty

Used apparently with great success in TABAQ. This project , by the way, could be a family thing if you are currentliy speaking to your wife . My lady is a craft person with extensive experience with glue guns . She's also a wiz at other 4 handed games! I approached her with the project and she is quite interested.The immediate problem is Foamboard...I have the vifa drivers..
Founder of XSA-Labs
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Sandy- any art supply house will have the board, as well as reprographics houses and maybe even Walgreens . The stuff from the dollar store is really inexpensive. I did get one sheet 24x36 of 'good' foam core for the exposed bits.

Yes, it is even available in my local pharmacies (cvs and walgreens) as well as the local supermarket. The Dollar Store is best deal though.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Used apparently with great success in TABAQ. This project , by the way, could be a family thing if you are currentliy speaking to your wife . My lady is a craft person with extensive experience with glue guns . She's also a wiz at other 4 handed games! I approached her with the project and she is quite interested.The immediate problem is Foamboard...I have the vifa drivers..

Glad your wife likes it. If she is handy with hot melt, she can definitely help with what I will post next: all hot melt Cornucopya - no waiting for white glue to dry. Afterall, we have more speakers to build, who has time to wait for glue to dry?

I knew this project has high WAF, but never expected them to actually help!
Mine will be out of commission for the next little while. I have Watco stain, grill cloth, binding posts etc. to deal with so I hope someone comes up with a new listening experience while mine are down.

I have a question for you guys. I am think of using and Oak trim on the front, similar to a picture frame. Should I use the same trim on the rear or could I get away with using a gold coloured metal trim. Should the front and back be the same or...?