Using the new 2012 Shigaclone to create a killer high end transport

As shipping started, I will try to add here information about our boards, soldering, mounting and testing.

Please do not expect from me to be very responsive. Beside my daily job, I need to prepare kit´s for shipping, mounting and also delivering.

What you don´t know is that we are already on the third version board. First and second have been test boards.
During the initial tests we have performed many major modifications and obvious we had to redesign entire board.


Tibi, does this mean we will all be getting the latest version of the boards?
This is a transport from a cheap boombox player. No matter what you do to it and how many fancy caps you put on it, it will still be a transport from a cheap boombox player.

This is a classic example of the kind of mass hysteria that grips audiofools so often.

An (audio)fool and his money are easily parted.
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This is a transport from a cheap boombox player. No matter what you do to it and how many fancy caps you put on it, it will still be a transport from a cheap boombox player.

This is a classic example of the kind of mass hysteria that grips audiofools so often.

An (audio)fool and his money are easily parted.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, which remains an opinion.
G'day Skip

The way I see it, someone starts a bandwagon rolling, you get 600 odd pages of chat and then everyone believes it must be true.


Just because someone says it's so don't make it so. Ever heard of the emperor's new clothes?
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Hi Gopher
Basicly you are right with your request about data.
On the other hand, you have not fully understand the shiga clone.
I still advice you to read the tread, at least the first 300 pages.
The shiga means what will you do, how far will you go.
Its diy, and you can do what you want, what you like.
Spend time and money as much as you like to get a result what YOU
So you can see the many differents.
Hi all
I have see that many people have read this thread, and I hope too the
link to diysmps.
I have not the knowlegde to diitermine the quality of a smps.
I still believe in a good powersupply. for audio/shiga clone.
I still think to know that a smps is not easy for diy.
But... is there anyone who can give a good advise?
G'day Skip

The way I see it, someone starts a bandwagon rolling, you get 600 odd pages of chat and then everyone believes it must be true.


Just because someone says it's so don't make it so. Ever heard of the emperor's new clothes?

Everyone who has built one has been blown away by the results, compared to many so-called "high end" players. Nobody is asking anybody else to believe it, and at such a low price it's easy for many to try out at any rate, if you can still get the complete mech.

Some measurements here at any rate: shigaraki

There are others out there, but why don't you do your own research instead of lazily dishing out snide comments here...

I no longer have one as I get equally good agreeable results from my Mac mini into an asyncronous DAC. But for those that still like to spin CDs, this project is extremely hard to beat.

And really, so what if the transport is cheap?! Does it work well and do what it is supposed to? Yes! Is it bit perfect? Yes (I tested it). Subjectively - the final test - does it 'sound' good? It sounds fantastic!

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My advice - don't use an SMPSU if you want a high-end transport.

What makes a major difference between transports is the coupling to the mains supply and any noise injected thereby. An SMPSU imposes an RF noise source between the player and the mains - once generated this RF noise is tough to filter out because its sourced from a high voltage (a 360V amplitude squarewave) at high impedance (via stray capacitance).
Hi Abraxalito
I think that I understand your explanation.
I agree with you that nois is unwanted.
But... A few months ago I read the review of the linn cd12,
and was surprised to read that the power supply is a smps.
The review is on
It can be possible that I take the wrong conclusion.
And believe me, this here is only for clarity.
So, I (we) can take the right decision to make a choice witch
power supply to use.
Do you understand me?

The only measurement I saw in your link was an oscilloscope trace showing a severely rolled off SPDIF output. No mention of the characteristic impedance of the digital interconnect and plugs used to make the measurement, or if it was just a direct tap off the SPDIF output socket with an oscilloscope probe (which has the incorrect 50 Ohm characteristic impedance by the way). Hmmmm....not very scientific.

As for the transport being bit-perfect....would you mind telling me what the alternative is for a CD transport mechanism? Bit-imperfect? It wouldn't be much of a transport then, would it?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure bit-perfect refers to the manner in which digital audio data is processed in computers and has nothing to do with CD transport mechanisms.
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With sufficient Filtering, Isolation and Noise Decoupling a switching power supply can be made to work.

It can, but I reckon the lower effort solution is to design it to be low noise from the outset. Perhaps Linn took this route with the supply in the CD12. A resonant or quasi-resonant topology might well have low enough noise. Or a normal topology but optimized for low noise, rather than for efficiency. Which means the switching edges have their slew rates reduced, generating more heat in the switching elements but less RFI. Jiim Willians of Linear Technology wrote a great paper on designing low noise switching supplies.
On a slightly different topic, Mounting the Shiga.

All of the Shiga conversions I've seen use solid mounting for the transport. Is this because it is simply easy to do, or has anyone made a direct comparison to the original isolation mounts?

I'm considering this configuration, with the power supply to the left of the transport (as viewed from the front looking at the LCD). I plan on placing a mild steel shield between the power supply and transport.

Using segmented standoffs would also allow me the option of placing a mu-metal shield above the control board to shield it from the transport.


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I doubt anyone is gong to shell out for the special test CDs which would be necessary to make an objective evaluation, so any evaluation will be subjective.

Does anyone have these CDs?

A test CD I have made few years ago is available via torrent
Forum Audiofil Test CD (download torrent) - TPB
The archive contain disk image, but I can provide wav files as well.



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