Chip Amp Photo Gallery

This is getting a bit childish. Comments, critiques and suggestions are of course welcomed on this and all threads on this forum. However the members should keep in mind the difference between a "Gallery" and a "Blog" in this situation. The developers of this site have supplied several very useful tools by way of PMs and email for members to communicate with posters. There are dedicated threads for every DIY topic imaginable and those threads have both pictures and text conversations of every description.

It has always been my contention that forum members will follow the "spirit of the intent" of a segment of this forum if that INTENT is clearly stated. The phrase "Photo Gallery" could not be more clear. Andrew, myself and others are not attempting to limit any valid comments and discussions, but more correctly hoping to avoid dilution and confusion and hope the ADULT members here will do their best try do their posting in the appropriate place.

And yes, posting pictures does indeed invite criticism. Most often that is "Constructive Criticism" that proves to be a valuable learning tool and in some cases has saved a builder's life by avoiding electrocution.
2way active project

I thought that I would just prove that I did in fact build stuff and not just forum-surf..

Here are a few pics of my current project. A 4 channel amplifier with DSP crossover for a set of two way speakers that I have also built. The chip-amp boards are from Rod Elliot (P19):
Single Chip 50W Stereo Amplifier



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