Mellow Monster

The one and only
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901Fixer said:
I wonder if the 8" has the ability to produce the HF without tweeter help.

Here is a curve taken from 1M on a large flat open baffle.



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panomaniac said:
Ouch! Put an inductor on that thing, Nelson. :p

Well, it's the listening that counts, I think- tough to tell from a graph. Anyway hearing response is far from linear anyway, and the picture gets worse with age.

Human hearing thresholds

I did try both a Zobel and BSC filter with my AN10s and didn't notice much difference (I had it set up with switches so I could do some AB tests more easily.) Perhaps I wasn't listening to the right kind of music to show up the differences.

VictoriaGuy said:

Can you suggest some other compact horn designs I should be looking at for larger drivers like the 8"+ AudioNirvana speakers?

Do a search for Thomas Petzwinkler's SPQR model 3 for 8" and EZ10 scoop bin for 10"......... I recommend reading the associated threads also.

Don't recall if there were any documented builds, so usual disclaimers apply.

Scottmoose and 901 fixer,you are right and it is an old project gnawing at me,why build a horn,the (Mello Monster)when it will stop at 40 hertz when you can use a sub.The Dyna -A-25 can out perform this for all the effort of sawing all the pieces for a horn.A freind on the internet was interested in the fact that I could find the plans,then I joined up here at Yahoo to help him out.I made a pair of WoodStyle 802 mini monitor cabs with a Scanspeak variovent and the Fostex FE207E's and they kick ***!I'm not a rocket scieincetist,but I use my ears,not graphs for evaluations.I was honored that Nelson Pass who knows the answers,I don't,was on this site...Woodstyle went out of biz..agreat site..Mark
mello monsters

Mark Korda said:
Scottmoose and 901 fixer,you are right and it is an old project gnawing at me,why build a horn,the (Mello Monster)when it will stop at 40 hertz when you can use a sub.The Dyna -A-25 can out perform this for all the effort of sawing all the pieces for a horn.A freind on the internet was interested in the fact that I could find the plans,then I joined up here at Yahoo to help him out.I made a pair of WoodStyle 802 mini monitor cabs with a Scanspeak variovent and the Fostex FE207E's and they kick ***!I'm not a rocket scieincetist,but I use my ears,not graphs for evaluations.I was honored that Nelson Pass who knows the answers,I don't,was on this site...Woodstyle went out of biz..agreat site..Mark

Hi Mark

AS it's been, oh 25 years or so since I built many of those big ole horns, I'd agree with most of the sentiment here re: other and better designs. At the time, everyone I knew who heard them wanted a set, since they were so cheap then (3/4" oak ,plywood... ~$10 / sheet :bigeyes: :xeye:

Speakers have evolved a bit since the early 60's. I built my first pair when I was 17, had no money, a cheap EICO 12 watt hand me down... to take to college. One things for sure... they are big.
I used succesiively, cheapo Jensen 8" ers initially, EV SP 8B's, then JBL LE8T's over the years, based on budget, etc. None of the speakers cost more than $100 or so each, and they were really efficient with as little as 10 watts.

I ended up burning the cabinets in 1982 or so a fter moving on to Infinity RS II's... they were just too big to haul around anymore (But great for fraternity parties in their day) ;) :D :drink: :drink:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

John L.
Who was talking about subs? Or A25s? Or anything of the kind, for that matter? I don't remember mentioning them. I even designed a couple of horns myself, once upon a time.

Mellow Monster, if you're interested, is arguably an inferior adaptation of one of Olson's excellent Studio Horns of ~a decade earlier, and the Seas Exotic or FE207E won't be too thrilled at being dropped into it, neither having been designed for such a load. Still, I defer to your ears Mark.
Scottmoose,I appoligise for getting off the topic,I had a little too much of the (bubbly)and was audio venting.Auplater,thanks so much for the scans of the Mellow Monster,they were much more clearer and so informative to a freind that was looking also,he sent me a great letter of thanks,as I do to you,and Scottmoose guys rule..I feel like I'm getting a free education from all your help......before I crash,Phil Collins broadway Tarzan,is the best music I have ever heard...check it out.....Mark K
Joined 2001
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Gee Dave... new software for an old thread??

Sometimes drawing is theraputic... and i've wanted to draw this one out since i 1st saw it. Sketchup visulalization came from CAD drawing.

Freddi, do you have additional info on the "XL Mellow Monster"? Not quite enuff there to draw without some guesswork.

Any number of 8s could be fitted, which ones work is another matter.

hey Dave - here's what I had in my email box from 2007 - can you make out enough to do a drawing?

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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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