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and we must accept your opinion that the deleted post were "absolutely innocent" even though you seem to be unable to determine this, or I would assume that you wouldn't do it.

Well, know what? You don't have to accept anything. You are the absolute judges of what's good/bad/offensive/jabs/etc... As much as you have the right to (subjectively) decide about, I have the right to say that a number of your moderators (not all of them!) are biased ******** that do nothing but to protect their own interests. And I don't have to prove a damn thing, it's my subjective opinion, based on listening tests.

From other posts above (thanks Jacco for digging the examples), I understand that a n00b imbecil can anytime point his dirty finger towards a legend of analog design without being reprimated, while your expectation is to respond with humour and understanding. Otherwise, if you tell that guy who exactly he is, you get bin time. That's a very consistent moderation policy, that you applied to GK, Edmond, PMA, Upupa. Good luck with that and with what will this forum will be, pretty soon.
I agree with syn, there is a problem with consistency among the mods, and it is having widespread impacts.

One example that drives me crazy is tubelab in the Tubes forum. Because tubelab is such a generous contributor, who of course I and everybody thinks highly of, the mods are apparently looking the other way and letting threads about his designs, which of course have commercial PCB sales associated with them, continue on in the Tubes forum and not move to a commercial forum. Over time, I have noticed a decrease in quality in the Tube forum because threads about tubelab products drown out threads about novel ideas. This surely highlights a lack of consistency, since look how many commercial contributors moved or were moved into their associated forums.

One other example is MJL. He clearly gets away with murder, but the mods that deal with whatever forums he's in don't seem to care.
here, if you have the stomach, in what kind of mud was Scott Wurcer dragged in by a fresh member (and likely a sock puppet), insulting his competences and knowledge. I know Scott couldn't care less about as well, and he's also unlikely to complain, but what would other members think about this forum when reading such crap?

My skin is very thick, this stuff does not bother me at all. In fact I never thought about complaining. I am well versed in spirit science and numerology and can hold my own.

On the subject of invite only forums, they seem to limit diversity to a fatal degree. OTOH the recent hostilities and bin times are disturbing. This forum has survived times in the past where threads went on ignoring each other even at the extremes of subjective/objective.
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When I look at the first pages of this thread, now many moons ago, I still see the same complaints and the same accusations. Some people are happy here, others think this is the worst place on earth. (Although some are still here, complaining how bad this forum is)
Still, we're alive and kicking.
Nothing is perfect, some threads are in the wrong place, some people keep complaining, some left, others joined. Come back in five years and you'll still read the same… :)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I have the right to say that a number of your moderators (not all of them!) are biased ******** that do nothing but to protect their own interests. And I don't have to prove a damn thing, it's my subjective opinion, based on listening tests.

Interests? What interests? Ah! Now I get it, we gonna get the DIYA T-shirt for free. Nobody is better than nobody per se in an open society. Whoever posts in a certain thread environment that is out of his mentality, choses to do so in the first place. If he can handle it without feeling insulted and start to swear at people is all well. Members have eyes and brains and see who holds water or who is just having fun, or who is contributing.
The only thing we expect is civility. We do not enforce ''status'' reverence or ideas here. Members GAIN that reverence in the eyes of other members with time, by showing what they are made of, not by pre determined elite standards.
I am well versed in spirit science and numerology and can hold my own.

Cool! So when can we expect a new AD op-amp based on these principles? :D

On the subject of invite only forums, they seem to limit diversity to a fatal degree.

Got an example of this? Here is one that seems pretty entertaining (which is where I got the idea).
Tony (leadbelly), what the heck is going on here? I have always had the utmost respect for you and your opinion. This last post (967) crosses the line. You know very well the two mods you know personally are fair and reasonable persons. You should also know that we are involved in the decision making. Why on earth would you make such an ignorant statement, not to mention a downright cutting post about Salas' abilities?

Sitting here on this forum and complaining about the treatment and apparent bias is way under you my friend. I am very saddened by this. I believe you owe Salas an apology and then some.

As far as favouritism, you are merely speculating and for the life of me I cannot understand this from a character such as yourself. If you have concerns, you know how to report a post.

The others I don't comment on as some of them just seem to like whining when we don't cater to their specifics. A lot of it I see as conjecture and baseless subjectivity. I have neither the time nor the desire to justify it with a response.


Joined 2008
Yeah, well, some people's consistent effort in making others look stupider than they are borders on pathological. It usually shows no more than myopic knowledge of themselves in conjunction with little self control. Sometimes I get the impression that some of us think of others as inanimate objects that can be used for fire logs. In the same time these "brave" "geniuses" would never ever have the balls to treat somebody this way in real life.

How about this, all of you who complain about biased moderation? Be a model to others by not giving work to moderators. Be tolerant and patient with those that don't have the technical knowledge that you think you do. If you want to discuss only with those who you think are smart enough, there's always email and private messages. Sit down and reassess your own smarts for a second. It's a fact that there are lots of people smarter than you, and some of them read what you write. Just because someone is ignorant of some obscure fact that you stumbled upon in a $37 book doesn't mean anything more than that. You were yourself ignorant of that fact before you read that book.

It really should not be that difficult to behave like a decent human being. Unless you prefer to come across as a decent engineer but a great jerk.
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Is that the moderating team's official position? That there is no issue with consistency on moderation regarding civility, that it works very well or perfectly?

We try our best, it is a vast content here. We volunteer time, and we are just a handful. But we stick to equality and civility each time we discuss some issue. For that I am sure, because that is my experience with the team.
Oh c'mon stop badgering him Tony. Your questions are out of line. Take a humble pill and come back. Of course nothing's perfect here. Why the heck do you think acting like this is going to help? Doesn't make you look better my friend.

OK Cal, fair enough. It's not all ego talking though, I wouldn't have lasted this long if it was. Salas really did pique my curiosity about mod's marching orders, but if you consider that off limits, I understand why you wouldn't want to state that in front of the inmates.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Curiosity is good, and you must think out loud IMHO. I don't take that personally. Who makes the cake gotta break some eggs. And we will make mistakes by definition. Its not about orders. Forget some rank. Its about discussing issues equally and trying to be fair and consistent. A single person can't be consistent to himself many times in life. More difficult for a whole team of volunteers. But we stick to some pillars. And those are just the basic forum rules.
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