Who has the dirtiest office or lab?

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and another...


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Joined 2001
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ashok said:
In the last picture were those Wharfedale ( Dovedale) 12 inch drivers ? If so were you the guy who bought the two drivers that were sold on Ebay a while ago ?

Sharp eye ther Ashok... they indeed are. I'm the guy who sold them. They are on the packing bench (made from the carcasses of 6 Dynaco A25s) next in the queue to get packed up to head to California. Behind it are some 1st gen B139s part of a package headed to Toronto.


I think we have a winner....

No use anybody else sending photos.

Congrats! Planet 10

Future contestants should note that when Planet 10 shows a picture of his floor, there is, in fact, no floor to see. Another tip would be the use of the cascade effect... all items that still happen to be on a shelf have the appearance of cascading down to the next shelf.

Joined 2004
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Hi Dave,
Oh man. I felt guilty about my mess. I may post some more pics, but you have a concentrated disaster zone! I did have a shop that looked close to that once, but not for long. You can tell this just gets more interesting as time goes on.

You do have some interesting stuff in there. And some just needs parting out. ;)

Poobah, are you crying uncle? :D

... oh, the humanity...

Planet_10 assumes a SOUND lead...:king:

You have volume, mass, diversity, things of some value stacked in precarious angles or not stacked at all,

I assume you use your inductance bridge to span areas of floor space so you can climb around without risking your footing on level ground.

You are missing rotting plates of food and piles of cigarette butts though... and despite the sheer enornormity of it all, you do have some semblance of organization.

Still, quite awesome...

If someone has gear stored in their bathroom, or bathtub... that would be right up there.

Anybody have a refridgerater or oven filled with cr4p?

I'll post in a few days... I will clearly be just an "also ran".
Joined 2001
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chipco3434 said:
Future contestants should note that when Planet 10 shows a picture of his floor, there is, in fact, no floor to see. Another tip would be the use of the cascade effect... all items that still happen to be on a shelf have the appearance of cascading down to the next shelf.

It was an opportune time to take pics... the floor is revealed fairly regularily, and probably will again before xmas...my place is quite dynamic with stuff moving in & out all the time...

Joined 2001
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poobah said:
I assume you use your inductance bridge to span areas of floor space so you can climb around without risking your footing on level ground.

Bridge gets used for measuring OPTs primarily

You are missing rotting plates of food and piles of cigarette butts though... and despite the sheer enornormity of it all, you do have some semblance of organization.

I rarely bring food downstairs... and no tobacco gets smoked at all.

Anybody have a refridgerater or oven filled with cr4p?

How about a deepfreeze full of turntables?

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