Vifa TC9FD18-08 best bang for the buck

I was contemplating a thread called "Family Feud" :)

The TC9/TG9/10F are all under the same mother company right?

I think they where when they first came out, but it has been years since ScanSpeak was extracted from Tymphany.

This is interesting though:
During spring 2009, Scan-Speak launch the Discovery line. This line is inspired by VIFA products, yet updated and modified to be a bit different and ready for another decade on the market. This line launches Scan-Speak into a lower-cost range, compared to the previous ranges of Classic, Revelator and Illuminator, which broadens the market potential and customer basis.
That would answer the question about the origin of the 10F. Looks like the split was at that same time-frame in 2009.
History of Scan-Speak

The 10BGS link shown above might even be it's closest relative
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The 10BGS definitely looks like a ferrite motor 10F ancestor. The problem with having a nice driver like the 10F is that I keep looking for a box worthy enough to put it in. I am thinking maybe something like a wooden Hypercube FAST is the way to go. Pair it with a good 8in high quality woofer in a sealed cabinet on the bottom. Or maybe something along the lines of a compact 2-way monitor.
Understand you thoughts/feelings giving it a worthy enough enclosure, i know of one worthy enough enclosure but it's placed in Netherland and a pair 10F is not quite enough :). That said a wooden Hypercube FAST system sounds worthy, if you have a modern styled home the IKEA bowl could be tried out.
ScanSpeak 10F had bean discussed in this thread and good data for the driver posted by xrk971 here and by wesayso here

Did find a few more interesting links these drivers.

Both 10F/8424G00 and 10F/4424G00 are here go to index at top of thread to see more driver models too and the measurement conditions plus gear used, :) use of translation could be needed ??-????????.

10F/4424G00 measured and at index top of thread see more driver models too and the measurement conditions plus gear used
10F/8414G10 is here. No doubt, superb driver.
What are you waiting for Ricky, you got him across the street :)

Thanks 10F/8414G10 data a nice driver too it has lower extension that 10F/8424G00 if needed, here another link for 8414 5F8422T01-10F8414G10.

You right i live same country as ScanSpeak :) but waiting for B80 to arrive xrk971 and then after round 2 subjective comparison thread think will pick either 10F/8424G00 or B80 for a FAST system build.
That little one looks very nice, but you need a see-through plexiglass cabinet :(

Ah yes, see through cabinets, the holy grail of 22 year old industrial design students the world over. :rolleyes:;) It's a very bad idea acoustically, at least in any sort of cabinet that needs stuffing/damping. For front horns and OB though, clear acrylic or polycarbonate are the cat's whiskers.
Has anyone tried to cut out the dome on the TC9FD18-08?
I ask because I had someone over to listen to my arrays. He works in an Audiophile shop and though he was impressed with what he heard, he was convinced the top end would be better without the domes.

Compared to the 10F the top end of the TC9 is lacking, not in SPL but in break up. At least according to the waterfall plots.

Lots of TC9 owners here, anyone that experimented with this? I know 5th-Element cut the dome out of the TG9... I'll look for that again.